It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

posting in a ralph thread

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I wish they’d consider scrapping covenant abilities. Or, they could make them pure aesthetic stuff. (Like rank 4 essences) People should play where they want and it shouldn’t matter in non-rp content imo.


Please make covenant abilities a talent row.


Sorry I like rpg elements in my mmorpg

Another Ralph thread about covenants. Just update your own other threads, unless it’s because each time you’re proven wrong that you try to start fresh? Or is it just trolling :man_shrugging: Who knows.


Yeah like making covenant choice based of what you like about the covenants lore or visual appearance.

Role Playing Game.


God how young are you cuz you clearly have no idea how deep rpgs are supposed to be, WoW is casual baby tier rpg elements compared to actual rpgs

Starting to wonder if it’s an elaborate troll

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You’ve never been locked in to said choice, however - that being the problem. Yeah, it’s a neat story choice, but I don’t think it should come at the inevitable expense of gameplay.

I’ve got the achievement of being present when the dark portal was open so that should give you an idea of how old I am.

It’s an MMORPG

It’s not an RPG

They need to live symbolically with each other

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The other theory would be that he’s a Blizzard employee in disguise trying to convince us that the way they want to do covenants is good. But my tinfoil hat isn’t ready for this.


You arent locked in the class you play when it gets nerfed either : )

But all that time grinding and gearing is “wasted” in the eyes of some.

Nobody has an issue with such system, you arent LOCKED into playing one class forever, you can always change ;^)

Sorry I don’t understand a word of what the OP is talking about


People don’t really play poorly performing specs

Hence why most mages are fire, most hunters are BM, subs rogues barely exist in pve and I remember rerolling from a shadow priest at the start of the xpac because they could barely handle world trash until they buffed them

Marks is one of my favourite specs of all time and I’ve abandoned it this xpac because it plays like junk and the damage is poor

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My problem is I like mog but if everyone has it it’s less appealing so w/e.

Ftfy 10char

Do you think I am a meta slave?

The funny thing is they are gonna give us atleast one free transfer for covenants, and we don’t know yet how we will be able to change after that but we will be able to. Which means that this “hard choice” is already not that much hard choice.

It’s just inconvenient for the basis that it is more meaningful and fun for some people to not be able to min/max it. Which is mostly an illogical approach, a spiteful approach. There’s nothing wrong with min/maxing, people have the right to have fun their way.

It is also the only expansion since TBC that people are thinking of doing multiple characters of the same class because of how broken some of those abilities look like now.

cries in Resto