Preach A Conversation w/ Ion... Additional Thoughts

A major difference is also the fact that azerite is RNG, you gotta hope you get lucky and get 3x trait so people who coudnt were left behind, covenants on the other hand are a choice, no rng involved so by design they are gonna excel in some areas, be weaker in others but in a sense be more balanced because no rng is involved. (Because apparently Blizzards includes rarity when balancing power, aka how they let gushing wounds be OP af simply because it was rare pre vendor)

In addition Azerite once again similar to covenants excel in one area more than the other, yes I would love to stack 3x shadow word pain traits but that is rly weak single target wise, if it was good single target wise it would be utterly broken aoe wise.

Essences assisting with some classes and opened up more ways to play with, like blood of the enemy being rly useful for burst moments, again their goal is to have different things for different PLAYSTYLES, not different SITUATIONS, for example their goal is if someone is into huge bursting moments of course they are gonna choose blood of the enemy, and these people would excel at fights that require bursting down adds etc but will not excel in sustain dps.

Again if you sim everything by 5min patchwreck of course 1 thing will excel, the whole point is that some excel in different playstyles.

Corruption goal was clear imo, they knew people would just stack 9x same corruption if a vendor was a thing, they wanted people to try out different builds based on what they get, of course that lead to the obvious RNG problem where someone gets 9x gushing wounds and the other person gets 3x void ritual, 3x avoidant and 3x masterful rank 1.

So their plan on making people try different things failed because of how unbalanced rng is, and again covenants are not RNG, you are gonna

Will balance problems be a thing? certainly, but I ll always support more rpg elements than less choices, and with covenants being locked

And if that happens it is unintended and they will attempt to fix it.

Which of course is gonna cause many ragequit threads from meta slaves when their meta covenant gets nerfed, no worries made a thread in preparation for when that happens