It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

Please, you started off honest by acknowledging this. Let’s not go backwards. This demonstrates that independent decisions can be made.

Except the orcs are not demon hunters, yet retained their fel tainted skin. :thinking:

See! You’re hedging. You know there is an avenue here but you’re intentionally avoiding it to suit your point of view. Instead of shaping your point of view to suit what you know.

And yet they were okay with a redeemed Nathrezim. :man_shrugging:
Honestly the Alliance could use some internal strife when it comes to the Warcraft story. It has been almost all Horde and that is getting a little old.


I literally already explained this. I will not do so again.

Orcs are not Man’ari Eredar.

One exception! One! And it was his own damn son. Velen would no doubt step in to ensure his son didn’t get absolutely murdered because… it’s his son. That’s a special privilege that any Man’ari that ISNT Velen’s son (every other one of them) isn’t going to have.


REDEEMED!! If he was a normal Nathreziem, he’d be slaughtered.

Also Nathreziem are NOT Man’ari Eredar.

And spoiler, he’s not on their side, as the Shadowlands has already shown us.

A Man’ari Eredar who was ‘redeemed’ in the same way Lothraxion was would be… spoiler warning…

A Lightforged Draenei!

Look, I get it… I really do.

A bunch of you do not care at all about the lore and would rather have every race/class option open, and every single character customization that an NPC has be available to you, immersion and storytelling be damned.

If that’s all you want, then there are plenty of other MMOs out there that allow you to have that experience. Go play one of those. I recommend Guild Wars 2. Fantastic story, all races available to all classes, and most if not all of the NPC options are available to players.

Stop trying to ruin the experience for those of us who actually do care about immersion, storytelling and the lore. Thanks.

Stop trying to ruin mine as well. Thanks

Blizzard gave us some cool Man’ari tidbits and some of us want it expanded.


Okay, and as I said right at the start I am perfectly fine with that. Give the Draenei the Demon Hunter class and you can have your demonic skins easily enough.

It fits within the confines of existing lore, as Demon Hunters do take on demonic traits thanks to their consumption of demon flesh and blood, they don’t have to worry about being accepted by their race as Demon Hunters are exiles already and they don’t have to be be worried about Lightforged Draenei attempting to execute them because Demon Hunters were welcomed into the Alliance by King Anduin himself and Illidan and his Demon Hunters earned some good will thanks to their efforts on Argus (although killing Xera was a bit of a setback in that regard).

And on top of that, you’d even be able to use the Man’ari Eredar wings to glide with.

There’s your way to get what you want, without shattering the lore into tiny pieces.

yes i want a red draenai warlock GIVE ME IT

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your point is mute seeing how they gave us belf stuff and now that cows and draeani
can b rouges so nah i want what i want and that is more class/ race combos .

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Nothing they’ve given us already, or will give us in the future is breaking with established lore.

As much as I may not like it, the Grimtotem Tauren exist and some of them do work within the Horde after what Magatha did to Cairne, so Tauren Rogues are a possibility, and we already have Draenei Assassins in the lore so…

I want my personal way with Nuuri being reintroduced and is getting Man’ari. Sorry not sorry that I don’t agree with your implementation and restriction.

Legion gave us stepping stones and I wanna see more Man’ari goodness.

then red draeani shouldn’t be a problem for u buddy

Well then I hope you enjoy starving on the ashes of broken dreams, because Blizzard ain’t going to give you Man’ari skins outside of that option. It conflicts far too much with existing lore.

You may as well ask for Sargeras to appear as a raid boss in a pink onsie. It’s about as likely as getting Man’ari skins for Draenei.

They are not a problem if the Draenei are given access to the Demon Hunter class and those options are granted to them as Demon Hunter customization options.

That’s the only way it works within the confines of the existing lore.

Any other way conflicts and would not work at all, and unlike some of the people on this forum, Blizzard still cares about the lore and immersion of their game.

It’s not that serious lmao calm down there debbydowner.

Imagine getting this feisty over some pixels.

They could add them, they could not. Going to request it either way because it costs me nothing to make the request. You getting bent outta shape tho is pretty worth it at this point cause hot damn you spicy over some red skintones!


If a NPC has it, then it is something that can happen. It is not in spite of immersion and storytelling, it is being consistent with it.

You’re going to talk to me about experiencing a game? You’ve been playing since around 2013 but you’ve barely done the most basic of gameplay, let alone dungeons and raids. If you want to RP with your friends, that’s fine. RP with your friends. You can even set rules on what races and classes they can be if you want. But if you’re not participating in the wider game, why do you think you should have any say about it? It should be me telling you to play another game since you’re not actually playing this one. :roll_eyes:


It honestly annoys the hell out of me.

Because it shows people have no grasp on the lore, and they’d rather rip the story to pieces so they can get what they want, because screw everyone else right? As long as they get what they want.

And it especially annoys me when it comes from people on a roleplaying server, who are roleplayers who should know how important lore, story and immersion are.

It’s the same as the idiots asking for Forsaken Paladins, Draenei Warlocks, Night Elf Warlocks, Goblin Druids etc.

No ability to grasp why those specific races don’t have that class option.

Hey, genius, just so you know. This is my forum character. Specifically created to post on this forum, with the setting enabled so you only see this character’s achievements, and yeah, this character hasn’t done much. Because they’re not my main.

Now, since you’ve devolved this into armory bashing, which shows you have absolutely nothing left in the tank to debate with, I think we’re done here. Goodbye.

Fitting name by the way, suits you, shame I can’t repeat it because it’s technically an insult.

Feel free to stay annoyed cause I ain’t gonna stop with my support on it. Not when they introduced the neutral Man’ari in Legion cause he is probably the most interestin’ NPC they’ve added in a long time for Eredar lore.

This person so saucy over pixels on an ever evolving game.

Oh lordy please don’t come to Tanaris, my Eredar rump is out here runnin’ a cartel. Ya head might explode.


If you understood the meaning of the word draenei, you’d understand that it’s impossible for them to have red skin. They’d no longer be draenei. They’d be the demons that hunt them relentlessly through the cosmos.

Depends. If they rejoin their kin on Azeroth, then they are essentially exiling themselves from the Legion/Argus :thinking:

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They’re still Man’ari. Once you go red, you never go back.