It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

I could live with that.

The idea of what immersion means seems to vary from person to person.

Maybe, but shattering other people’s immersion just because you want to play mary sue dress-up seems rather lousy to me.

Lol, well, I’m sorry that that is your opinion. :man_shrugging:

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Thank you Zandalari Paladin.


It makes no sense currently.

Also they’re canonically demons now, they arent demon tainted, they are all the way with demon souls.

Why can dreadlords stay loyal to their own plans, but Eradar lose their ability to act independently of the Legion?

Because the Dreadlords were never loyal to the Burning Legion in the first place.

Let’s just hit that nail on the head. The Dreadlords infiltrated the Burning Legion while being loyal to their master, Sire Denathrius. They co-opted the plans of other legion leaders (such as Kil’jaeden’s plan to create the Lich King) in order to further the goals of their master, who in turn was working with the Jailer.

The Man’ari Eredar have always been loyal to the Burning Legion with few exceptions. Those exceptions are:

Illidari Lord Balthas, who works for Illidan.
Val’zuum, who is presumed to be independent, and can be found in Dalaran.

That’s it.

Every other Man’ari Eredar is loyal to the Burning Legion or an arm of the Burning Legion, such as the Shadow Council.

Forsaken breaking free from Arthas, stunning. Brave.
Orcs slaying the demon enslaving them, stunning. Brave.
Man’ari breaking free from their conscription from Sargeras, bad writing!
Man’ari not getting any depth and they are all loyal to Sargeras, stunning. Brave.


What is “The Burning Legion”? The army of Sargeras. What does Sargeras want to do? Stop worlds from falling to Void. Who is our enemy? Also the Void.

It isn’t impossible to “get there”. I mean, if Manari and Fel Orcs were already in the game as playable races, then we wouldn’t be having a thread about it because they’re already be in the game. The whole point of something like this is justifying why or how it could make sense. And it certainly makes a heck of a lot more sense and would require less new lore than nonsense like Void Elves. Lol.


Until Shadowlands, every Nathrezim was loyal to the burning legion, except Lothraxion. Why can a similar change not be made with Eradar? Particularly since the faction which they represent has LOST and its leaders are dead or imprisoned?

You’ve shown right here that their loyalty is not based on their demonic corruption. This spoils every argument against them abandoning the legion, the fel corruption fading, and restarting their society exactly like the orcs did.


What about draenei with bread skin?

Tfw there’s like 10 Void Elves, but getting 10 Man’ari to abandon the Legion is bad :frowning:


I thought the legion is gone since we beat their leader?

Surely they can leave?

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It could be side quest to get it as a appearance unlocked like they did for the nelf

And now you’re showing a lack of understanding about the lore.

Sargeras absolutely is opposed to the void, as is the Burning Legion. Great right? Well no, not great, because Sargeras doesn’t want to go into the void realm and slaughter the Void Lords, he wants to wipe out the entire universe and purge it of all life so the Void Lords can’t use it to empower themselves.

Which is why they purged thousands of worlds of all life. The Man’ari Eredar are 100% on board with this plan and you’re thinking “Yeah, they’ll make great allies. Why not?”

One or two individuals does not a popular cause make.

If you have tens of thousands of CEOs being scummy, and two that are being decent, you can’t reasonably make an argument that CEOs are decent and we should respect them etc etc.

We can acknowledge the two, but that’s it.

The same is true with the Eredar. We can acknowledge the two, but the rest of them are Legion loyal and have shown absolutely no intention of switching sides. Also as for Illidan, Illidan more or less stated when he took over the Black Temple that all the Demons and Fel Orcs need to serve him or die. If you’re smart, you choose to serve rather than get murdered and get sent back to Antorus to be tortured.

If the only thing holding them back are their intentions, then the only thing holding them back is Blizzard who actually makes those decisions since the Eradar are not real people.

This is exactly my point and you’ve helped me make it: This is a development decision, not a lore restriction.

If you want to retain enemy Manari… Good! So do I! But obviously a faction of them could split off without damage to any lore. Heck, part of their reason could be as revenge against their manipulation by the Nathrezim. That is pretty in character. :wink:


It’s a lore restriction. Right now, that’s what it is.

Blizzard can change it, just like they can change literally any lore. But they would have to justify it within the boundaries of the lore first. Either by creating new lore, or retconning old lore.

There is a reason why Draenei and Night Elves have not had Warlocks as a class option, why Lightforged Draenei can’t be shamans, why Forsaken and Void Elves can’t be Paladins, why Gnomes and Goblins can’t be Druids etc.

Because the lore for those races restricts those class options for that race.

Can Blizzard change them? Yes (and by all that is holy I hope they don’t), but until they do, that’s the roadblock.

We’ve already shown it is within the current boundaries. :wink:

The same reason night elves could not be mages for a long time. Actually orcs should also not have warlocks for the exact same reason. :man_shrugging:

No you haven’t.

What you’ve shown are fantasies that conflict with every bit of lore that is in the game already. The only way those skin options could be a thing, is if Draenei got access to Demon Hunters, and that’s literally the only way it could be justified.

Because the Draenei as a race HATE the Man’ari Eredar. They will NEVER accept them into their ranks. Period. They have been chased across the galaxy, had their homes destroyed, their families, friends and comrades either slain, tortured or turned traitor and became Man’ari Eredar themselves. All because of their demonic kin.

In what world do you think that the Draenei are going to be like: "Oh hey, yeah, by all means be welcome among us. Let’s hug it out! ??? It wouldn’t happen. If any Man’ari tried, unless it was Velen’s son, chances are the Draenei present would just straight up murder them, in the same way the Alliance murdered the Forsaken ambassadors when they approached Stormwind to see if their race could join the Alliance (which is what happened before they joined the Horde).

Oh and if the regular Draenei don’t murder them outright? The Lightforged Draenei absolutely will. They take the intolerance of the Draenei and ramp it up by 1000%. You’re never going to have Man’ari Eredar in the Alliance as long as the Lightforged Draenei are a part of the Alliance.