It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

That’s fine. Darkfallen are darkfallen, so you don’t get to change your name when choosing the new options. You’re still a Night/Blood/Void Elf. Same with the HE options for Blood/Void elves. They’re obviously running around as HEs but gotta sport the name tag for gameplay reasons. Also with Trolls, ya get to be every troll tribe but ya labeled a Darkspear when it’s clear your Troll is a Farraki. It’s nbd

Plus since the Draenei won, we should retake our OG name anyways. No longer exiles if we won the war.


um no they are also allowed to b shadow priests and warlocks aswell your info on lore is skewed buddy.

I know what Man’ari Eredar can be.

But Man’ari Eredar are not Draenei. Draenei do not tolerate demons in their society. They have zero tolerance for them, and the Lightforged Draenei ratchet that intolerance up by 1000% easily.

Which is why Draenei will never have the warlock class available to them.

They could get away with getting Demon Hunters, as Demon Hunters are exiles already, so lore wise it wouldn’t conflict with what Draenei society would tolerate, and it would give them a lore reason to have Man’ari customizations because Demon Hunters often look demonic due to the demon flesh and blood that they are forced to consume to maintain their powers.

If you don’t like being called out on playing the game, try not starting that fight in the first place, genius. Or I guess hide behind an alt. By the way I can still see your mounts, and they tell a similar story.

When someone says something like this:

the first thing I do is check their armory to see if they actually play this game, or just dabble. Because like you, it is usually the latter. I’ve actually been surprised a few times, but very few, and that doesn’t surprise me.

This is you. You literally resorted to telling people to play another game because your opinion was faltering under the weight of your own facts. TBH I wouldn’t be against limiting the skin to non paladins/priests/druids/ect (should they add them), and it should of course have a questline similar to the recent elf skin addition, but the complete lack is a limitation that is obsolete with the death of the Legion.

Weird how this is every sad sacks go-to. Forgetting that this isn’t a single player game and you have 0 right to dictate how people want to play and how they want it expanded.

If your enjoyment of a game is ruined because you saw a gnome paladin who has nothing to do with you for 5 mins in dalaran then you have bigger issues my guy.

I recommend actual single player games if you want an immersive experience, not a stagnant 18 year old MMO.:wave:

Its so beyond time to expand this game to the fullest and WoW boomers like you need to stand aside.


yea no we will surley be getting dhs , priests and warlocks .

Just because "YOU " claim they wont doesnt mean they will listen to you and you only .

you have a weird fascination with them only being dhs when ive seen the npcs and that surely is not the case .

"The Eredar are a race of supremely talented magic wielders who arose on the planet Argus countless millennia ago. Exceptionally skilled in magic, their mastery of the arcane arts were renowned throughout the scattered worlds. The man’ari eredar now act as some of the most powerful weapons in the Burning Legion’s arsenal. Skilled sorcerers in both fel and shadow magics. "


" An order of eredar mages called the Wakeners under the leadership of Thal’kiel first delved into the Void and summoned demons."

hmm mages even

" The man’ari eredar now act as some of the most powerful weapons in the Burning Legion’s arsenal. Skilled sorcerers in both fel and shadow void magics, they are often found in command of contingents of demon forces. The indigenous races of many worlds were oftentimes mutated by the Eredar’s malevolent warlock powers and turned into demons, marking such twisted demonic beings as man’ari themselves."

Eredar were supreme sorcerers at the dawn of the universe. Some believe that they devoured their own world by using radical warlock magics. They consumed all life around them and set out to find more places of mystical power.”

o would you look at that warlocks !


while we are at it blizz, lets get a paint station for the mechagnomes as well so I can be a red or lime green mechagnome



Draenei already have priests, and there’s no lore that conflicts with them being Shadow Priests. Lightforged Draenei don’t have Shadow Priests, but regular Draenei? There’s no lore opposing that.

And no, as long as Draenei hate demons (which will never change) you won’t get the warlock class. Demon Hunters are a maybe, because for the reasons I mentioned above, it doesn’t actually clash with the Draenei racial lore.

You really need to understand your lore better. Here, I’ll give you a lesson.

The Eredar, the species to which the Draenei and Man’ari belong, are as the lore states a race of extremely powerful arcane users, able to master all the forms of magic. When the Eredar were on Argus they outlawed the summoning of demons and the use of fel magic after Thal’kiel attempted to summon an army of demons which he was planning to use to overthrow Velen and Kil’jaeden, who were the leaders of the Eredar. Archimonde, who was Thal’kiel’s apprentice, rose to prominence because he aided Velen and Kil’jaeden in defeating his master.

Later when Sargeras was searching for powerful arcane wielders and tacticians to lead his newly formed Burning Legion, he found the Eredar and posed as a divine being, promising power to the leaders of the Eredar. Archimonde and Kil’jaeden were both eager to accept this power but Velen was not. He turned to the Naaru instead and when he learned the truth he fled Argus (the homeworld of the Eredar) with a not to insignificant number of others. Those that remained were either killed or willingly chose to accept Sargeras’s gift and become demons.

The ones who left called themselves Draenei, meaning ‘Exiled Ones’, the ones who transformed they called Man’ari, meaning ‘Unnatural Beings’. A select number of the Draenei would form a military force to hold the Burning Legion at bay for as long as they could. The Naaru would imbue them with power and they would become the Lightforged Draenei.

The Draenei attempted to resettle on multiple different worlds as they travelled through the great dark within the Genedar. Every time they attempted to settle they were discovered by Kil’jaeden’s forces and attacked, forced to flee to safety. This pattern of fleeing, attempting to set down roots only to be attacked by demons and be forced to flee continued for thousands of years, until the Genedar crash landed on a planet they’d call Draenor, which means ‘Exile’s Refuge’.

Kil’jaeden eventually found them again, but this time they could not flee. Rather than send demons after them directly though, Kil’jaeden instead used Gul’dan and Mannoroth to corrupt the Orcs, who at that time were at peace with the Draenei and some clans were actively trading with them. The resulting massacre paved the way for the First War to begin on Azeroth, and also literally paved a road called the ‘Path of Glory’ in Hellfire Penninsula. The road is literally made from the bones of slain Draenei.

When you pick the Eredar race in WoW, you are playing as a Draenei, not as an Man’ari Eredar. So, think hard for a moment about your experience as a Draenei. Demons have chased you from your homeworld, possibly slaughtering your kin who remained there, or maybe they turned into demons themselves. Then they chased you for thousands of years across the galaxy. They corrupt a race that is peaceful to yours and cause a massacre that results in the bones of your dead being used to make a road, then even after you escape Draenor, they still manage to follow you along with their Blood Elf servants to Azeroth and attempt to wipe you out there as well…

I shouldn’t have to spell this out, but for what I feel should be very obvious reasons, the Draenei HATE demons. They have no tolerance for them. And I honestly can’t blame them, because if I was a Draenei, hounded for thousands of years, learning that my kin had either been tortured, killed or converted into demons, I would not have any tolerance for demons either.

It’s that history that means Draenei will NEVER get warlocks as a class option. Man’ari Eredar can be warlocks, but Man’ari Eredar are not a playable race.

im not interested in your “lesson” , you cherry picked bits and pieces . If you read what i quoted it supports that they would be given locks, priests and mages not just demon hunters . Its literally where you copy and cherry picked from lol . :joy:

but ill requote it for u so u can read it

**The man’ari eredar now act as some of the most powerful weapons in the Burning Legion’s arsenal. Skilled sorcerers in both fel and shadow void magics, they are often found in command of contingents of demon forces. The indigenous races of many worlds were oftentimes mutated by the Eredar’s malevolent warlock powers and turned into demons, marking such twisted demonic beings as man’ari themselves. Eredar were supreme sorcerers at the dawn of the universe. Some believe that they devoured their own world by using radical warlock magics. They consumed all life around them and set out to find more places of mystical power . **

Actually you cherry picked by only looking at the portions of the lore from Argus, before the Ereder even split into Draenei and Man’ari. You’re using pre-demonic corruption lore to justify why the Draenei should have access to warlocks.

Again, if you had bothered to read, you’d know that Draenei are not Man’ari Eredar, so what the Man’ari Eredar can do is absolutely irrelevant.

Draenei are NOT Man’ari Eredar.
Draenei cannot stand Demons.

Therefor no Draenei (and again in case you’re a bit slow, Draenei are the playable race, not Man’ari) will be a warlock. They will not tolerate demon summoning within their own ranks.

If you do not understand the lore, ask someone who does. Don’t come in swinging with absolutely stupid takes like “Man’ari Eredar can be warlocks, so Draenei should be able to as well.”

Actually i didn’t i used references from current and pre but i wouldnt expect you to know that

That is badass and i want that on the horde side as a gift from velen knowing his people wouldnt accept them immediately

Just a heads up they are opening all classes to all races slowly to be able to make up lore and models needed for the new stuff so theres your space goat warlock and demon hunters right there

Yeah I saw that and I personally hate the idea.

I’m all for expansion where it makes sense within the boundaries of the lore. I’m even okay with them creating a bit of new lore to connect a race and class combo together if it needs a bit of a push (Goblin Shamans are a classic example there).

But I am not at all interested in this all races, all classes garbage. Especially since some of the race/class combinations go directly against the established lore for those races. IE, Draenei and Night Elf Warlocks.


Me neither a lot of stuff wont make lore sense in the way we know it now

It’s not hard to make it fit in the lore. Mardum was the prison Sargaras used to keep the demons before the legion. The idea that there is another demon prison where Eredar that didn’t fall in line and were captured and imprisoned existing is not out of the relm of possibility.

Give the Illidari some lore/love and have them find and free them while they are out in the cosmos fighting left over demon lords. Heck, throw the light forged in too and you have a fairly decent quest line that expands the cosmos without losing the grounding in Azeroth. Then you get new demon hunters and warlocks.


Honestly here’s where I see races/classes expanding.

I’ve included the ones we know we’re getting in 10.0 as combinations that are available (even though they’re not just yet) and there’s quite a few options for class/race expansion, but some lines cannot be crossed without shredding the lore, which I don’t think Blizzard should do at all.

You know, I could get behind this. I could pretend it’s a sith.

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Red skin Draenei after we get Blood Gnomes…

I’m pretty sure a red skin toon would offend some protected group.