It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

I confess I’m not the BIGGEST fan of man’ari as playable (I’m still convinced people just wanna play a tiefling or a “sexy succubus” in WoW) but I’m not so against it as to spite people’s hopes and dreams . . . I just want a proper explanation and not just “oh hey we’re a group of man’ari who were forced to become man’ari, you never saw us before but we’re here now so yea”.

I don’t want them to have been forced. I want them to have been evil but to join forces with us against a common enemy. That’s always a fun trope. Sargeras’s special forces unit realizing the only way to prevent the birth of a Void Titan is to join forces with the mortal races and stop the Void invading Azeroth. Or at the very least, obeying Sargeras’s final directive in their own, working alongside the mortals to reach their goal or eliminating those who betrayed their master (the Nathrezim).

Death Knights and Warlocks are good guys now, and the Forsaken outstayed their welcome as the resident bad guy rave and have to be good now. Having an evol rave again could be fun.

That is what you want, and I’m sure others want something similar, but still there’s plenty of reasons other people may want them and that’s kind of what concerns me when some of those reasons are “just because they look cool” or something.

They do look cool though. What’s wrong with that? Doesn’t invalidate wanting them.

I mean as the only reason it’s a problem. Just because it looks cool doesn’t mean it makes sense, I mean it might look cool if Tauren suddenly had dragon wings and clawed fingers doesn’t exactly make sense from the story perspective, especially if it just shows up one day

You can easily justify the lore and people want them. Seems like a proper move to me. Makes more sense than Orc Priest lol.

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Sure… I don’t think I’ll use the option but sure add it for everyone else.

I would like this, they look cool.

I mean, even orc priests could be explained as an evolution of shamanism (it’d make MORE sense if these different priest faiths had more spells flavored to em such as Elune or An’she but hey class skins could fix that right up). All I ask is a build up, not just in one patch or “suddenly we’re here”, that’s how the alliance got three of its five allied races and folk are still bitter about it. Maybe introduce them over the course of an expansion or a few patches where they start off in a minor background role but come to the forefront as time goes on, make them feel like they belong there and have something beyond “rule of cool”, that’s all I ask.

Red Skin Orc and Draenei.

Especially Draenei, I’m sure they’re tired of being called Space Smurfs. hehe space smurfs.


Surprised we never got red orcs since TBC showed us that they’re not all fel crazed beings.


Sure. A bit of world-building about Sargeras’s secret army, maybe an encounter during a quest where a Manari and a pair Fel Orcs help us takedown a Dreadlords only to retreat without fighting us, etc.

Establish these characters as existing, then pull back the curtain later and justify why they could become our allies.

The very idea of this makes me violently uncomfortable :flushed:


How about Draenei with feet?

I would totally roleplay one as a rogue and really sink into that backstory. Gimme.

I absolutely agree that we need the Man’ari. But as an allied race, not simply as a customization. There’s a lot of potential in that. Like the Broken, I hope so.

How few care for fel orcs :pleading_face:, who will hopefully also be an allied race. If Mag’har and Lightforged Draenei can be an allied race, why not the others?

Let’s pray that Blizzard will exalt us :pray:

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Eredar I would play

Nah, its time for the Broken to become an allied race

Demon Hunters are NOT demons.

They sit on the border between mortal and demon. Some, a limited few, are on the razor edge of that line. These are the ones like Illidan and the player character, who have immortal demon souls while most Demon Hunters do not. It is incredibly easy for a Demon Hunter to become a full demon, but when this happens they are not considered to be allies or friendly. They are treated as the enemy, another creature to cut down. Because in all the cases where this has happened, when a Demon Hunter has gone full demon, they’ve lost control or willingly become agents of the Burning Legion. At which point they are a threat to Azeroth and it is the duty of the Illidari to eliminate them.

Sargeras was never a ‘pawn of Zovaal’. Every major decision he made was done because he wanted it to be done. Every plan devised was his. His successes, his failures, all tied to him, not to Zovaal.

The Dreadlords may have kicked the pebble that started the avalanche, but it was the inaction of those outside of Zovaal’s influence that caused everything to unfold as it did. Zovaal had no more say in that than we have say in how the weather unfolds each day.

You people will just never be satisfied until you shatter every remaining shred of immersion huh?