It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

The horde can’t handle the waggle.

They don’t need special allied race treatment. They can be a skin/eye option just like the darkfallen. A questline to take a portal to argus to save the remaining man’ari that wish to be redeemed to azeroth before the world is completely lost.
And yes, add demon hunter and warlock locked to this skin tone.

As I said, I’m all for Man’ari skin tones, but give Draenei the Demon Hunter class and make them available as customizations that way. Given that Demon Hunters can be made to look like they’re part demon, it fits aesthetically and doesn’t completely fracture the lore for the Draenei by having Eredar just running around doing whatever they want. Blizzard did say they wanted to expand the number of races that the Demon Hunter class had access to and Draenei and Orcs make the next logical step, given that they both have a deep seated hatred for demons and the Burning Legion and would be willing to adopt a ‘whatever it takes’ methodology to ensure they were wiped out.

Green orcs are not demons. Manari are literal demons.
Demon hunters are also not demons. Manari are literal demons.


Maybe as another allied race, but do Alliance players really want to waste an allied race slot on that? Especially when you only get an allied race every 2-3 expansions?

Green Orcs are green because they’ve been corrupted by Fel. So, you’re not technically wrong, but, again, you’re not technically right either.

I also disagree here, and this is a greater example of the fel corruption causing demonic changes. They literally have a demon form that they willingly turn into.

Being corrupted by fel does not make one a demon. When an orc dies. It dies. When a demon dies (manari included), it is reborn in the Twisted Nether.

They are possessed by demons but not demons themselves. Bcause of this they are perpetually on the verge of becoming true demons, but the demon hunter training is all about fighting/resisting this. When they die, they die and are not reborn in the twisting nether as a demon is.

If a Manari lady is a demon, does that make them a Succubus? badum tsk

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Let’s get some red skinned potatoes in here too while we are at it

We see three different powerful Demon Hunters travel to the Twisting Nether upon their death. Loramus and Illidan both went to the Twisting Nether rather than the Shadowlands upon death. Lastly, YOU. As part of the intro scenario you can choose to die and and Illidan tells you straight up you have a demon soul and will not go to the Shadowlands upon death. You are now a demon.

Sevis Brightflame says: Your sacrifice will NOT be in vain!
Sevis kills you with a [Chaos Strike] and your soul is sent to a graveyard. On the way back to your corpse, Illidan will speak to you.
Illidan Stormrage says: Interesting. Like me, you have an immortal demon soul.
Illidan Stormrage says: You cannot truly die. Instead, your soul will make its way to the Twisting Nether. There, you will wait until you can find a suitable body to inhabit.
Illidan Stormrage says: Now get back into your corpse while there is still time and bring me the keystone!

TL;DR: Demon Hunters are demons.


It’s not the norm. It’s exactly why Illidan is surprised by it. Not all demon hunters do this otherwise Illidan wouldn’t find it interesting.

Edit: It’s also why multiple demon hunters die and are canon dead. They aren’t coming back.

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We play as a Demon when we play as a Demon Hunter.

Therefore, the argument “You cannot play as a Demon because Demons are bad guys” is bunk.

Now that Death Knights are full-blown good guys after the events of Shadowlands, I personally think it would be fun to bring back the idea of characters who loyalty/motivations are questionable. Back in the day, we never knew if the Death Knight was going to do something evil or not, and even during Legion got up to all sorts of shenanigans. I think it would be a lot of fun to be able to play as a character who may only be working alongside the mortal races as there is a shared/common enemy.

It isn’t impossible to believe that Sargeras learned that the Dreadlords were traitors after “interrogating” Varimathras during the events of Antorus, sending us (the Fel Orc or Eredar Demon Hunter) out on a secret mission to hunt down the Dreadlords, and during the process of the intro experience us joining forces with the mortal races of Azeroth after learning on the Legion’s downfall while secretly obeying our final directive to hunt down the “True Lord of the Nathrezim” (AKA Sire Denatharius). I think that would be a fun way to steal some agency back for Sargeras rather than treating him just as a pawn of Zovaal.

I would love it if they utilized Nuuri in some way too introduce them.

Calm your space goat self lmao

waggle intensifies


. . . meh, I’d personally prefer broken draenei over the man’ari, they have potential and already exist as a larger, non-hostile entity that doesn’t need any explaining.

personally i think ally should get broken dreanei and if red ereder were ever playable the horde would probably be the better option

Por que no los dos?

I want Manari and Korkruun. Fel Orcs and also Moknathal.

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Come at this from another angle: There were 2 lieutenant races within Burning legion demons, Eradar and Nathrezim. Now the Nathrezim have been revealed to have never been loyal to the burning legion, in spite of their demonhood. Why is only their allegiance optional? Why can they bust out and now support the Jailer but Eradar are stuck being only loyal to Sargeras?

it was time at the end of Legion when, y’know, allied races were introduced, and that one red-skinned chad was chillin’ in Dalaran. The Alliance really needed that edge. But now we are floundering horde lopsided, and the time to appropriately introduce that race is long past. Blizzard ego.

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I’m glad someone else was thinking this.

I would honestly love to hear the story of a Man’ari after Velen left and what went down. Would be a really interesting story scenario to play through imo. Val’zuun could be that Man’ari :eyes: