It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

I feel the opposite. Lore, for me, is what makes the races and customizations important and unique.

Without that, to me, then there’s no reason to even have races and cultures and history in this game.

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Recheck your lore. Orcs were undergoing the process of becoming demons when they invaded Azeroth. They willingly joined the legion back then. They just came to their senses before it was too late to halt the process.

And Demon Hunters are in fact Demons. This fact is stated multiple times on their lore, starting scenario, and throughout Legion. They are constantly at risk of succumbing to their demonic influences and while the legion existed, many felt and resisted a draw to serve it constantly… player character Demon Hunters in particular completed the process of becoming demons, this is made very clear when you are told that you have “an immortal demon soul”. Key word there…


That might have been true at one point, but then Blizzard just went ahead and allowed most races to be most classes anyway.

It doesn’t seem that hard to write up some Lore as to why Eredar might have returned to the fold after the defeat of Sargeras. It’s certainly more plausible than Night Elves being Dark Rangers.

Nothing I said was incorrect. They weren’t demons and they stopped their own bloodlust.

They are not demons. They ingested a demon heart and are infused with Fel, but they are not full fledged demons.

And they are not part of the Burning Legion.

Ingesting a demon heart to become half demon isn’t a full fledged demon nor were they ever part of the Burning Legion.

I’m not sure why people keep trying to use demon hunters as an excuse, when they specifically exist to wipe out the Legion.

Nope… some just gain Fel green cracks… others look like undead… and a few just turn into 800ft tall giants… even more unusual are certain magical constructs turned legion demon became fleshy.

Just look at Archimonde… he’s still as blue as he was before he turned demon, but 100x bigger…

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Yeah the effects fel has on races is a bit weird. Some Draenei became Wrathguards and the purple Eredar twin kept her purple eyes while the others are fel green.

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Ain’t that the truth… and a certain bit of lore from WC3 actually suggests that Fel Humans would be completely indistinguishable from undead… since the Plague was originally stated to be “a Fel gift” from Mal’ganis.

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Not all, no. We only have six examples of playable races that have physically changed as a result of extreme exposure to fel energy. The Eredar, Orcs, Blood Elves, Nightborne, Night Elves and Highmountain Tauren.

The Eredar have many different variations. Red skin is one, but they can have purple skin, ashen grey skin etc. Some have wings, others have visible fel scars on their horns and around their hooves. It varies considerably.

The Orcs have their skin turn green simply from exposure to fel energy. Even if they don’t consume it or dabble with the magic, this change will happen as long as they’re around it. Hence why Draka, Durotan and Orgrim Doomhammer (from the main universe, not WoD Draenor) had green skin, none of them actually drank the Blood of Mannoroth. Consuming enough fel will transform an Orc and their skin will turn from green to red, and consuming even more fel after that will cause spikes to erupt from their shoulders, arms and back.

The Blood Elves transform into Felblood Elves after they’ve been exposed to too much fel energy. Like with Eredar their appearances vary. Some have red skin, others have pale grey, purple or blue skin.

The Nightborne turn into Felborne when they’ve been given enough fel energy. Their skin turns from purple to a pale grey and their hands and feet glow with fel energies.

The Night Elves will transform into Satyrs if they willingly use fel energy. Satyr appearances vary between having red, purple and green skin, hooves, horns and claws while being covered in shaggy fur.

The Highmountain Tauren turn into the Feltotem Tauren and their antlers, hands and hooves glow with fel energy. Feltotem hands become more akin to claws rather than the hands of normal tauren.


Thanks for all the information gals, appreciate it.

I predict red skin will be a draenei option in the future without heavy grinding restrictions for an allied race. Because it’s just pixels.

I don’t see it happening.

For it to happen Blizzard would have to toss out pretty much all the lore they’ve created for the Draenei. Because with the lore for the race as it currently stands, there’s no way red skinned Draenei would ever be accepted by their kin. Period.

All the lore got tossed out the window when they implemented Lightforged Draenei death knights.

Lore follows gameplay decisions. You should know that by now.

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Not at all.

There’s no lore that conflicts with Lightforged Draenei Death Knights.

A Lightforged Draenei, once dead, can be reanimated with death magic and turned into a Death Knight. No lore says they can’t be.

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There are actually two (technically three) lore conflicts with it. First off the lore for them actually says they can’t be raised as undead (the same lore exists for Worgen even)… but beyond that is the fact that specific lore was added to explain them as Death Knights because of that immunity… the process that turns them into Death Knights actually undoes the Lightforging process, which actually means that “Lightforged Draenei Death Knights” are actually just normal Draenei Death Knights. By lore, Lightforged Draenei Death Knights do not exist.

For the technical third lore conflict… Lightforged Draenei explode on death… according to the lore, they do NOT leave a corpse…

No, they have no reason or way to join us. They are stuck on Argus which we have no accesss to.

No, there’s not.

There’s no lore that says that a Lightforged Draenei cannot be raised into undeath. As for Worgen, that lore specifically states that they cannot be raised by the Valkyr’s magic. Worgen Death Knights are not raised by Valkyr, but rather they’re raised by straight old fashioned necromantic rituals.

It’s really no different than the Nerubians. When the Lich King first started spreading his plague of undeath, he realized that the Nerubians were immune to it. While any other species would die and then immediately reanimate as an undead servant, the Nerubians would not. So the Lich King started the War of the Spider, where he learned that while the Nerubians were immune to the plague, they were not immune to necromantic rituals after they were killed.

But back to the Lightforged.

While you’re right that when a Lightforged Draenei dies and is reanimated as a Death Knight the ‘Lightforged’ process is undone, the tattoos, metal plates, hoof plates etc that identify them as Lightforged remain. So they’re still a ‘Lightforged Death Knight’ even if the Light no longer imbues them with power like it did when they were alive.

This is literally false. Blademaster Telaamon, one of the Lightforged Champions, died during BFA and his body was later found by Alliance Scouts.

Not to mention in the Alternate Draenor there are the Lightbound, which are their version of the Lightforged, and you can find plenty of their corpses during the Mag’har recruitment scenario after they were cut down by the Mag’har.

For the record, Blizzard butchered their own lore several times during Legion and BFA… multiple times they wrote new bits of lore that contradicted old lore or that was immediately contradicted by the next bit of content.

As for the body found in BFA. Many players called Blizzard out on that. The only clarification we ever got was “unusual circumstances”. That incident is also the reason it I listed it as only a “technical” lore conflict… because technically the lore does say they don’t leave corpses, but unusual circumstances do exist that may cause them to.

Again, there’s no lore that states these things.

No lore that says a Lightforged Draenei can’t be raised into undeath.
No lore that says they explode on death and don’t leave a body.

I understand where you might get the idea that they ‘explode on death’ because their racial ability does just that, sends out an explosion of light when you die causing AoE damage, but that’s just a racial ability, it doesn’t actually exist in lore otherwise Blademaster Telaamon would have taken out the three trolls that killed him, which were Rokhan, Jo’chunga and Kejabu and his body would not have been found later.

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This. Pretty Please. I’d main my Man’ari warlock in a heartbeat.

The main reason wasn’t just he thought Velen betrayed him, was he took the deal because he thought no one could stop the Legion at all. During his death scene he says that to Velen as the Fel energies over took him. Both of them finally understood each other in that single moment on each other’s perception of the day the race split into the 2 different sides. Velen now understoon why Kil’jaeden and Arcimonde took the deal, Kil’jaeden now understood why Velen left to save their people to fight the Legion.

I would still prefer the Man’ari skin tones as a customization then a playable race. Look I get people want them as a race on it’s own but let’s face the facts here. The Draenei lack customizations in some areas and this would allow them to pick up a few, even give them a chance to get their own race armor quest lines that involves the Man’ari in some way.