It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

For the rank and file demons, like infernals and fel hunters? Yeah. But manari are different, they are sentient. The biggest difference between a demon hunter and a sentient demon is their choice, particularly those with an “immortal demon soul.” Now without Sargeras or any of his lieutenants around, who is keeping those manari in line? Are they all so far gone none look at defeat and decide they chose poorly but want to stick with the choice anyway?

The example of what happened with the orcs is a dead on example of how to bring manari back from demonhood. It is literally the exact same thing from fel orcs back to regular orcs after they lost the demon influence.


Doesn’t matter, Members of the Alliance and Horde have shown zero issue to fight alongside Demons, so there would be zero issue with Red Draenei.


You’ll get nothing but support from me on this topic.

Unleash the customization!


The time was in BC when the blue ones came along. At least BfA, after the Legion was defeated.

Long over due.

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Red skinned and Lock Draeneis, yes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I would 100% play Lord Jaraxxus.

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Necromancy is, as Sindane states, the reanimation of something that is dead.

When you bring a being back from death and give it new life, that is ‘reanimating something that is dead’. What magic you used to do it is ultimately irrelevant in the eyes of the the Necrolords.

Except those demons were dominated/controlled by Warlocks. The last time a warlock tried to dominate/control an Eredar we got the Fizzlebang Incident, and that didn’t work out so well for Fizzlebang.

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But we got introduced to one of the most memorable Eradar of all time.

To RP as an eradar lord would be incredible. Imagine one of the racials would be to summon an Infernal or Shivarra to help fight for 30 seconds on a long cooldown.

NPCs would be instantly distrustful of you… you’d be an outcast.

… which makes eradar/manari perfect for the Horde.


You’re right, to RP as an Eredar would be cool, which is why I totally support that customization options but for Demon Hunters only.

Because let’s be perfectly clear about the Eredar for a moment.

With one or two exceptions here and there, the surviving Eredar are still loyal to the Burning Legion. Many of the Eredar leaders that we thought we killed are still alive (including Archimonde and Kil’jaeden thanks to the demon respawn macguffin that was Antorus). They’re not going to be jumping for joy to join either the Alliance or the Horde. Instead they will either be scheming to take control of the Burning Legion, or they’ll be scheming to find a way to free Sargeras from his prison.

And as I already stated in previous replies, the Draenei will not tolerate Eredar among their ranks. Period. After 10,000+ years of being chased, tortured and murdered by their demonic kin, there’s no tolerance or love to be found between the Draenei and the Man’ari. Velen was the one exception, because he was forced to confront his son, and his paternal instincts kicked in and he wanted to save his life (spoiler, just like with many of the other Eredar, he’s also not dead).

So the only way it would be possible for Eredar to be playable without throwing out every bit of racial lore for the Draenei (and many of the other races, all of whom hate demons), would be for them to be playable as the Demon Hunter class. Demon Hunters are exiles already, and a Draenei that consumes fel to live (as Demon Hunters are required to do) would absolutely transform into either a red skinned Eredar, or one of the dusk grey/green ones.

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A demon bound and chained by spells, not let to roam, is much different than a Burning Legion member walking into your house.

It’s like saying that the trained Husky on a leash is the same as a wolf pack that surrounded you.

I think these two were killed in the Ether, unfortunately.

…well, Kil’jaeden was for sure, but Archimonde was killed there on mythic-mode only. So we’ll see.

I think this is what makes them perfect for the Horde especially when their story sounds so similar to what the orcs experienced.

Man’ari will be coming down from their demon-charged high and looking for a new life as a normie, like the orcs.

Love this idea, however.

You could be playing as a sleeper agent ready to commandeer the Burning Legion in whatever underhanded way you can. Or spring the boss, himself.

Such a cool angle.

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Normally you’d be right. But Antorus flipped the script on demon deaths until we shut it down. What Antorus did while it was active was create a process where if a demon was slain its soul was snatched up and brought into Antorus where the demon would be rapidly reconstituted and then thrown back out onto the battlefield, but not before being punished for its failure.

It didn’t matter where the demon died, because as we saw, Varimathras had his soul snatched even after he was killed on Azeroth, and it also overrode any normal demon permadeath mechanics. We know this because on Argus there is a world quest where we kill a named Eredar and Turalyon states quite clearly that she would simply be reborn thanks to Antorus.

Now the rules surrounding demon permadeath were, prior to the reveal of Antorus, pretty simple. A demon would only die permanently if it died in the Twisting Nether, or on a planet saturated/corrupted by the energies of the Twisting Nether (which we know of as fel).

Argus is a fel corrupted planet, so any demon that dies on that planet should die permanently, and yet, thanks to that statement from Turalyon, we know that Antorus preserves the souls of demons that die on Argus. If it can snatch up souls of demons that should be dead for good, and range is not an issue, then any demon that died in the Twisting Nether prior to us shutting down Antorus is still very much alive and reconstituting inside the Twisting Nether somewhere.

Now we don’t know how long it will take for those demons to return now that Antorus is shut down, but we know they eventually will. That means Archimonde will return eventually, as will Kil’jaeden, Supreme Lord Kazzak etc.

I have killed Archimonde so many times, in HFC, in Argus. in the druid class hall quests. They need to not bring him back for us to kill him again. Also, I don’t ever want to save Thrall again.

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Oh, this is so cool. Thanks for the lesson!

I’m hoping Blizzard remembers that they wrote this down because it’s cool and gives me hope that we may encounter my favorite demons such as Mannoroth and Jaraxxus.

Archimonde will return at some point, of that I have no doubt. Kil’jaeden though is going to be the interesting one, because his feud with Velen was resolved before he ‘died’ (but not really) on his ship. The one thing that drove Kil’jaeden to destroy the Draenei was the feeling that Velen betrayed him, and that the Light was weak. But Kil’jaeden saw, in that cinematic at the end, that he was wrong.

So maybe if we ever have an expansion where we go into the Twisting Nether, similar to how we went into the Shadowlands, we’ll find Kil’jaeden and he may even be an ally. That could also be, potentially, a way for Eredar to be playable, if he has his own faction that now opposes the Legion. But that’s just theorycrafting at the moment, nothing more.

we don’t want you floozies over here.

Technically speaking… the horde already has burning legion demons in their ranks… they just didn’t commit 100% to the transformation process, gave up half way and killed their demon overlord masters…

Green Orcs aside… both Horde and Alliance already accepted demons into their ranks during Legion… and they came from your race initially. Demon Hunters… they became demons to better hunt demons.


They were never turned into demons and stopped their own bloodlust.

Demon Hunters aren’t demons and they never once worked for the Burning Legion.

When it comes to character customisations I’m not sure lore is really that critical, so I’d love to see Eredar as a customization option for Draenei, and I’m hoping the recent Dark Ranger options are paving the way for such an eventuality.

So if any race starts following the legion do they turn red like orcs and draenei did?

Could we have red humans and red tauren too for example if they got corrupted?