It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

i play lots of races and classes. And whats wrong with Vulpera? the fact that you point out what i play tells me everything about you. 10k posts too my god. hidden profile too so you think lololol.

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Yes. As long as it’s not the gd elves getting more.

just because wow lore still matters to you after shadowlands doesn’t mean it does to alot. the eredar should of been brought in long ago and left some of the other stuff they brought to game gone. eredar would definitely be popular. the lore just goes whatever way blizz sees fit so why not. imagine if we was getting eredar instead of drac’thyr trash.

Give us a paler red colour and mint green eyes as a barber shop option and called it purified eredar or whatever the demonic draenei are called (it’s been a while).

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Silver Fox Man’ari anyone? :wink:


honestly i would have rather had eredar in game than those awful zika elves.

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The inevitable sequel to the Legion expansion needs to give us all of the Fel Orc varieties as well as the Eredar varieties.

Also Orc and Draenei Demon Hunters.


those would probably just be skin colorations instead of their own subrace.

Like I said, you are welcome to have your own idea of how you’d like them added and I will have mine. Thanks.

Based on the treatment of the Darkfallen, probably.

I definitely think Fel Orcs and Eredar are deserving of their own Allied Race unlock, unique racials, and heritage armor, but then again, Demon Hunters have their own unique customizations and the new Allied Race DKs have a different starting experience from the old ones, so Orc/Draenei DHs could have their own starting experience that taps into that fantasy of being a Fel Orc or Eredar, and for the rest they could just LARP as having their own unique backstory, I dunno.


We’re overdue for this option!

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problem is then they have to give the other races a third option for fairness and that also takes time and resources away from developing other art assets and stuff for dragonflight which would then push it back even further. its not like you can just throw this stuff together in a 3d model and call it a day.


Not sure what you’re talking about.

Well this stuff presumably wouldn’t be for DF. It would be for some other point in time when it was appropriate to the lore. Like the return of Sargeras in Illidan’s body or whatever.

draenei already have lightforged and orcs already have mag’har.

Since when does wow lore have to make sense anymore anyway?

“necromancy comes from the light…”



Also, red skin night elf. I like those emerald nightmare night elves


Red Draenei should go to the horde! Not the alliance. Then the alliance would have three Draenei, that’s a monopoly on the /waggle.


I’m fine with w/e as long as they happen :slight_smile:

Plus getting my favorite race on both factions? Oh no how awful…please don’t wait…


They need demon voices too.

And all the colors. Not just red. I want eredar twins.

Just abandon all current and future development on every other race and make these a priority.

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Well that is the other color they use in Legion. The purple and Red…plus some yellowish bronze looking skintone.