It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

There’s zero valid reasons as to why Red Skin Draenei can’t be made playable.


Its sensible lorewise too. A Man’ari Eridar that defected during Legion is not a forgone conclusion, anyone can flip to another side or have a crisis of conscience, or just knew the Legion was gonna lose and picked the winning side. Just make the skin red, maybe some runes and scars, (All races should have scar options, come on.) and give a green eye color, there ya go. Easy


Actually, they aren’t. They wield the power of the demon heart they ingested and they are infused with Fel, but they aren’t demons. They’re half and half.


Draenei warlocks.

Eredar skin options.

My new main.

My lock already has the green fire, just give me the rest of the package deal!

blizz plz


Warlocks summon Demons to Fight for the Alliance and Horde.

There’s zero issues with Demons being playable.


Bound to them, they didn’t willingly join the Horde and Alliance. And also lore states that they aren’t even allowed within city walls, Warlocks are forbidden from summoning them there.

Burning Legion demons aren’t our friends. I mean, can that change? I guess. Though it would be bad writing, imo. They can do whatever they want, but I personally dislike the idea based off current lore. I understand that can change. I know people will come up with their own takes on it, but this just happens to be my view. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Well I want this:

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Like Velen was ready to put everything at risk to save his son, and he was very unhappy with what we had to do

I can 100% see him giving them a chance now that the legion is falling apart


Personally feel like it would complete my rogue if givin’ the option.

Dude, he turned on the literal Savior of Azeroth to save his son. Like that is absolutely wild to me.

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I want a demonic Eredar allied race.

Adding red skin to draenai will make this less likely.


Okay, but can you see the problem there?

It was Velen’s son. There’s a paternal instinct there, and that instinct isn’t going to be shared by anyone other than Velen. Additionally the neutral Eredar does exist, but he’s not among the Draenei. He’s neutral, and living in a sewer, so it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t wander Dalaran much as a free individual.

Except it wasn’t, because you can literally go to Azuremyst Isle, to the town in the zone, Azure Watch, and you’ll find a Draenei Artificer right next to Tuluun, the Broken Shaman trainer, who will accuse him of ‘spreading heresy’. Here’s the exact quote:

Turning to face Tuluun, the Draenei Artificer sneers contemptuously.

Draenei Artificer says: How can I be expected to get any work done with that thing spreading its heresy?

The Draenei Artificer sighs disgustedly as he turns back to his work.

Broken are not respected by the Draenei, not at all. They are often rejected by Draenei society because of their deformities and their inability to call upon the Light (no Broken has a connection with the Light due to the changes the fel wrought upon their bodies). This is also detailed in the short story Unbroken, featuring Farseer Nobundo, who is shunned by his people and even has items that were part of his identity as a Vindicator, such as his Hammer of the Naaru, taken from him as he is considered ‘unworthy’ to hold such relics.

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seeing how void elves can be whatever they want to be then yes for red skin


This doesn’t even work as a comparative argument, because High Elves have been welcome among the Alliance since long before the Void Elves even existed. There’s no lore clash there. With Draenei there’s a massive lore clash.

It’s fairly clear when it comes to the Draenei, they are not a race that welcomes anyone touched by the fel, or who willingly chose the fel. They barely tolerate the Broken, but it is common place for the Draenei to see them as deformed heretics. They would never, ever, accept a red-skinned Man’ari into their ranks due to the atrocities that the Man’ari have inflicted on them for thousands of years.

There is an opportunity for players to get access to those customizations, but it would have to be as a Demon Hunter only. Draenei Warlocks will never be a thing unless Blizzard throws out all the racial lore that makes the Draenei who they are. As Demon Hunters, they can easily get access to not only the red skin customizations but also the ashen grey/green skin options as well. They could also actually be given wings as a permanent customization option that function as the Demon Hunter’s glide ability, since we’ve got multiple examples of Eredar with wings.

Orcs are also in the exact same boat with the red skin and they could go a step further and have the demonic spikes as well. But again, only as a Demon Hunter. Red skin is only obtained by Orcs by ingesting fel blood, and the Orcs do not tolerate that. They barely tolerate Orc warlocks as it is, with Thrall ruling they can stay in the Horde only because they’re fellow Orcs. An Orc ingesting Demon Blood to get red skin and also spikes? Nah…

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i read nothing you said at all notice on response time

its all an excuse i will assume for “void” elves

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Well maybe read first, then respond. It’s not hard.

yep i was right

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Vulpera player? Check.

Troll like response? Check.

Alright, well, time to go back to intelligent conversation. Welcome to blockville, population you!

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Perfect way to introduce Draenei Warlocks.



draenei lock now blizz.

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only thing draenei deserve is to be pushed into a mud puddle.