It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

Lore was thrown out the window with Void Elves, give us Red Skinned playable Eredar!


Give me red, or give me death

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can we trade void elves for red bois


Well said about the Orcs thank you

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Bro I’ve been saying this forever! For people who say “tHeY’RE DemONs”. I give you demons hunters who literally turn into demons, soooo who cares.
BuT wHaT ABouT DrAeNEi? It wouldn’t affect them because the obvious choice would
be for these baddies to go Horde! Overcoming fel addiction and all. I’d imagine that the orc and blood elves would be able Sympathize with them. While current Draenei Would probably kill them on sight.


I wouldn’t be against it tbh, more customization options are a good thing. Question is:

Are they added options for current Draenei.

Do they go Horde as an Allied race.

Do they do a Blood Elf/Void Elf thing, add them for Horde then eventually give them to everyone.

None of the above and Blizz does something really stupid with them and completely waste their potential.

This is for $5000, and you have no lifelines left lol.

If I was in control of Blizzard a few years ago, they would have been introduced in place of lightforged draeni. I think they would have been far more popular, both as an option as a playable race and a lore device. Not to mention, you wouldn’t have to look carefully at a draeni to know which race you were looking at. That ship sailed though.

If Alliance had gotten HM tauren and the other reskinned races were used like void elves, to give the opposite faction some of the popular racial looks, I might have found horde to be an acceptable alternative. That ship sailed too.

At this point, I’d rather something similar to what they have done with the dark ranger skin for regular draeni. Maybe LF draeni too. Anyone who has a problem with that is back to the green orc argument and I think people got bored of that a couple weeks ago. :slight_smile:

I think they should go horde for a lore perspective. I can’t see the regular or lightforged ever working with them. Orcs, blood elves, and nightborne all have overcame addiction issues and have had significant run ins with the Burning legion. Making them the go to faction for sympathy. And finally. The biggest reason of all. Legion gave the alliance lightforged and in doing so left a huge hole in the lore that needs correcting. The alliance now command a spaceship, from a story perspective BFA was a joke because the alliance could have nuked them down in seconds. They never used their greatest weapon. Allowing the Ereadar to go horde could give the horde a spaceship. Thus making the horde a superpower and negating the alliance spaceship.

Thats already in the game. Thats a lightforged draenai with heritage armor and the shiny golden floating crown helmet (forgot the name) and the lightforged greatsword you get from the Commander of Argus achievement.

Even the golden horn decorations on the tip of the horns is one of the available horn customizations for lightforged draenai already in the game.

That skin color is NOT in the game. Which is what we’re talking about.


Red Draenei horde warlock… please blizzard…

It’s all I’ve ever wanted.


thought that was just the lighting tbh. thats the heritage armor and its way darker than what the heritage armor is.

Please look at the head and neck. That’s not armor. That’s a very dark brown skin tone that people have been asking for.

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And the Frost Dwarves from Wrath

logic follows that if the armor is way darker than it actually is then the skin is too…

Maybe stop trying to be so inanely pedantic about it and comprehend that people are asking for darker skin tones for them.

It’s art, not in game. Geebus.

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thats not what pedantic means.

Kind of ironic that i need to point that out, which IS being pedantic. Lol.

I was saying that it might just be the lighting causing the skin to look that dark and it might actually just be a normal skin tone we already have, SINCE the armor is ALSO way darker than what the heritage armor is - hence lighting. Theres nothing pedantic about that.

Straight from the Cambridge dictionary:

caring too much about unimportant rules or details and not enough about understanding or appreciating a subject

Which is exactly what you’re doing. You’re nitpicking a piece of ARTWORK and the coloration of an ARTISTIC RENDITION, instead of focusing on the freaking topic.

Literally no one cares. The entire point is that the ARTWORK shows a darker skin tone, which is what the conversation was about and you keep trying to fight about nonsensical details just to try to save face for not even comprehending the topic to begin with.

Just stop.


Period. End of story.

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Which is exactly what you’re doing. You’re nitpicking a piece of ARTWORK and the coloration of an ARTISTIC RENDITION, instead of focusing on the freaking topic.

Lol no. Im telling you that i thought it was just the lighting that made her skin look that dark and that it might be a skin color we already have. On no planet does that constitute being pedantic.

Learn what words mean please.

and no, OP is not asking for darker skin tones, hes asking for red skin tones.

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Nope. You’re done. You’re basically trolling for reactions at this point with this inane fighting. If you can’t comprehend the subject and just say, “loh I misunderstood” and move on with your life, then feel free to fight with the void, because I’m not indulging your nonsense any longer.