It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

If you’re going to post a link, try reading it first.

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I wish, If I tried drawing him, he’d be a stick figure :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The Wiki does not support this. Here you are saying that green orcs are the result of being fel orcs. It’s the opposite way around. Grom and crew were green orcs BEFORE being fel orcs. Thrall and player orcs are green orcs without ever being fel orcs.

Being a green orc is a step along the process of becoming a fel orc. Green orcs are not fel orcs.

Even here it says they purged the fel corruption, returning to their normal, green, selves.

It’s been time for this since their initial release

all i see is a hussy with feet.

i thought orcs skin turned green from excessive exposure to fel magic, regardless if they ever imbibed fel? similar to a high elf getting green eyes from prolonged exposure to fel magic and the sunwell gone

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Okay they only became fel orcs from demon blood the second time. Go with that. :clown_face:

You love them little wigglies.

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i’d like way more customizations in this vein added

red orcs, forest trolls, leper gnomes, gilblin, red draenei, lightforged undead


you goats are nothing more than a bunch of degenerate barnyard hay chewing grass munching can eating hussy floozie harlot animals!

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Exactly this.

Orcs skin tone changes from brown to green simply by being exposed to fel. Drinking demon blood speeds up the process considerably, but as long as you as an Orc, are around that type of energy, you’ll change. This is why Draka, Durotan and Orgrim from the main universe have green skin. None of them drank the blood of mannoroth prior to the First War. Durotan forbade his entire clan from drinking and Orgrim claimed he wasn’t worthy enough to drink from the same source of power as the other Chieftains.

Red skin occurs if you already have green skin and then drink from demon blood again, which we saw in Warcraft 3 when Grom Hellscream and the Orcs drank from the Blood of Mannoroth to defeat Cenarius. Red skin with spikes occurs with continued drinking after already having skin turned to red.

It is possible to revert from red skin back to green with magical rituals to purge the demonic influence, but it is not possible to go from green to brown skin, or to remove the spikes if they’ve grown thanks to repeat consumption of demonic blood.

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they can make it work

after everything they’ve done to the lore so far if they bring up “lore issues” then they are so obviously so full of soup

So the solution in your eyes is not to keep what does work and maintain it, but instead smash it with a hammer because screw it.

That’s like destroying an entire car because the brakes are faulty.

well if i see some beat-up old hooptie with trashbags duct-taped over the broken windows barreling down a hill on 3 donut wheels into a tree i’m not going to be too concerned with the wellbeing of the car

That’s not a good representation of the lore in this game though.

This lore is like a modular car. Everything is in working order, but occasionally the owner swaps out a part and replaces it with something that just doesn’t quite work properly, or they add something new which doesn’t quite fit the rest of the car. Like someone who puts a bright pink spoiler on a black car.

It can be fixed easily enough, wouldn’t even take much effort to fix it. Smashing the entire car because it’s got a pink spoiler or needs new brakepads isn’t the right way to go about things.

(and if I’m being honest, most of what they’ve ‘done’ isn’t even that bad once you get full context and stop reading internet memes about it).

and if i’m being honest it’s a little bizarre to act like the sky is falling if they add more character customization options

Again I’m all for more class/race combos, provided they don’t shatter the existing lore.

Red skinned/demonic looking Draenei customization options are great, and we should have them, as customization options for the Demon Hunter class, which Draenei should also get access to.

There’s a clear option there that gives the red-skinned Draenei fans what they want, they just don’t want to take it in favour of ‘screw the lore, give me what I want now’.

well based on previous additions they’ve done in sl i don’t think the lore is what they’re most concerned with

off the top of my head i can think of a few things like

sandfury trolls - they added a skin for this which is pretty neat despite the fact that almost all sandfury troll npcs are perma hostile (and the only one who isn’t gives you a quest and backstabs you later) but who knew there were actually some living amongst the others in the echo isles!

night trolls - the dark purpleish skin they added is very neat and i like it but as recently in bfa they have a sole night troll in the area designated for “fallen tribes”. she describes herself as being the sole surviving night troll. but again who knew there were actually some living amongst the other trolls on the echo isles!

void elves - after people whined they gave them human skin tones + natural hair colors so i can only assume they turn blue when their racial kicks in. can also be undead dark rangers because ???

lightforged draenei - not necessarily an issue with them per se but despite so being infused with the light they are able to be risen again into death knights and still retain their ability to commune with the light because ???

human - they added more real-world diversity options to humans which is nice but (i’m not sure if they haven’t or not) they have made the odd decision to not depict any vrykul as poc or asiactic despite being the progenitors of humankind

so that said these previous additions are things that i think don’t gel with the lore and if blizzard doesn’t care or doesn’t want to put forth the effort to explain then why should i bother with it. the customizations i’ve listed are all ones i enjoy seeing if i don’t use them personally, or ones that i like using myself

Yes, that’s exactly exactly what the wiki says.

"Upon their second consumption of Mannoroth’s blood, the orcs were transformed into fel orcs, turning red skinned and larger. "

Even if you look at the wiki page for a list of known fel orcs, every single one has red or dark gray skin. The game is exceptionally clear on this.