It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

They don’t “blend” their soul with a demon. They bind the demons soul to themselves.

Also no, the player character is immortal. That’s why Illidan is surprised, because it’s not normal. Many demon hunters have died, with extremely rare exception none of them are ever reborn. They are all treated as permanently dead.

The whole identity of the demon hunter is built on them having an internal struggle with the demon bound to them. Fighting to use it’s power without falling into total corruption and becoming a fully fledged demon.

I’m not making any judgement about whether or not demons are inherently evil. I’m simply saying Orcs are not demons and manari are.

Fel corruption does not necessarily make one a demon. Fel corruption is a sliding scale with being a demon at the extreme far end. Orcs are somewhere in the gray zone while Manari are fully corrupted/converted.

Hello, one red skintone pls


This is a vestige of the original WCIII lore, where eradar were inherently demons, like imps and fel hunters, while the orcs were only corrupted by demon blood. (And draeni were a totally separate native race of Draenor.) Now however, the manari are corrupted eradar/draeni just like orcs were corrupted and empowered demonically. There is plenty of unresolved retconning here to validate red skinned draeni defecting from the Legion.

not really since in SL malganis is there and the naz ppl are back sooo

yea i figured seeing how i lit took from the wiki and didnt cherry pick the warlock part . They were indeeed warlocks but hes forever hard stuck on them only being dhs . Im
convinced hes a troll or a narcist since he cant ever be wrong .

or more like you dont like that you are proven wrong .

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Blizzard, I will pay cash money to be able to change this warlock into a draenei warlock with red skin.


This right here is the big reason they should make minor tweaks/edits/additions to the lore. Blizzard makes money, and players are more happy with their character. The only people who are mad should already be mad about half of the characters out there already.

Many demonic races were once mortal. That’s a normal part of Lore now. That being the reason things are the way they are doesn’t change the fact that they’re demons while orcs are not.

Like fel orcs. :thinking:

It completely changes things because they are not the same as regular demons anymore. A few aren’t even classified as demons at all. The door was opened by the draeni retcon.

It doesn’t. Red draenei were demons in War3. They’re demons now. That hasn’t been changed.

Orcs were not demons in War3. They are not demons now. That hasn’t changed either.

I would actually as well.

Finally have another interesting Alliance race with a cool class, slowly getting rid of all my human toons. :pray:

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There was no such thing as “red draeni” in War3. The fact you make this mistake shows the unresolved retcons are more than big enough to drive a red draeni sized truck through.

Except this guy I guess… and a bunch of others like him.

They were sure bluring that line by the end of WoD. They are labeled humanoid, but then so is our friend above. They were more demonic in form than a lot of the eradar. Under current lore there is no significant difference between fel orcs and eradar.

In game unit type isn’t canon. All Forsaken are listed as humanoid rather than Undead for example.

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Although I meant red draenei to refer to eredar allied with the burning legion in general.

Are you talking about the heavily corrupted fel orcs in Hellfire Citadel? This discussion is about the playable green skin orcs. So fel orcs or other further corrupted forms are largely irrelevant to the discussion.

I’m glad you’re all caught up.

Except green orcs are the result of being fel orcs. As demonstrated when Grom and others drank Mannoroth’s blood the second time.

Fel Orcs are a specific kind of orc that are more corrupted than regular green orcs. They are the red/gray skinned orcs with spiny growths. Green orcs are not Fel Orcs.

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Did you Draw that its a awesome pic i want something like that!

Also Tauren Rogue the Door is open now Let it go let lore come this opens story building and expands the world stop lore blocking stuff and let the world grow What if someone had change of heart and Draenei but became a eredar but wanted to turn back like dark rangers and death knights and ect i can list so many. Frankly this just like tell me no one human is over wieght in stormwind and and same for kul’ tiras there no skinny people or for that matter anyone inbetween Our world isnt just black and white there other colors and shades of gray all over it Let go and see what it can become.