It Time for Red Skin Draenei ? Yes?

Fel corrupted drenei who became demons. They look amazing but they’re supposed to be gone by now since legion is defeated

The simple truth is this guy is limited to 0th level logic.

“It is the way it is, and therefore it must be the way it is” is literally all he can hold in his mind. As soon as Blizzard changes the lore, he will suddenly be completely okay with it. The truth is that for whatever odd reason, some people come into these forum threads and are completely unable to understand what a suggestion is. Blizzard can do no wrong, and suggesting they do something is blasphemy, until Blizzard does it, in which Blizzard always meant to do to it. It’s just wackadoodle nonsense.

In a franchise where Draenei were so heavily retconned in BC, this idea that lore is immutable is just the absolute dumbest double-digit IQ take.


The Legion isn’t actually defeated, not by a long shot.

Most of the Legion’s leaders are still alive.
The Legion still controls hundreds, if not thousands of worlds, including Argus, since the Army of the Light abandoned their campaign on the planet after Antorus was shut down.

The only thing we really did was remove Sargeras from the chess board, but he’s not dead, so it’s entirely possible that he can break free of his prison (he’s killed his titan brethren before and Illidan isn’t exactly on the same level as a titan). If that happens the Legion will come roaring right back at us, only with a slower respawn time and permanent death if they actually die in the Twisting Nether or in a region saturated by fel energy.

Awfully rude to talk about someone as if they’re not present in the conversation.

For the record if Blizzard actually does change the lore, I actually will be okay with it. I may think it’s stupid, but I’ll be the first to say “Well, it’s the new lore, so, I’ll learn to live with it.”

Right NOW it breaks the lore though. And as long as that remains the case, I’ll remain opposed to red skinned Draenei being a thing outside of potential Demon Hunter customizations if the Draenei ever get that class option.

I think they should, because it makes logical sense for them to get that option. But I’m not holding my breath over it either.

Couldn’t the same be said for the Horde when Sylvanas attacked Teldrassil?

Surely they can write some splinter faction like they did with the horde and saurfang.

Then the horde can get red Draenei.


Pandaren can and always have been able to be shamans.

Zandalari trolls can not currently be warlocks.

Mag’har orcs unable to be paladins, but it is fine for regular orcs tells me you don’t know the origin of paladins. (Hint: Priests, plate, and an affinity for melee weapons.)

There are already HM tauren warlocks in the game, and they are not unique to a singular NPC, not that that idea holds water anyway. On that same idea HM tauren demon hunters too. Both are on the exact same level with nightborne for these classes, for the exact same reasons.

Worgen paladins and shamans are far more appropriate to the current lore than orc demon hunters. Worgen shamans are on exactly the same level as night elf paladins. (What happened to 1 NPC doesn’t support that race being that class?)

I could criticize some other "possible combo"s but I’m the progressive when it comes to this issue. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know it’s so silly to think that a population of worgen living amongst the alliance would ever find themselves listening to dwarves and becoming shamans.

Or the night elves feeling their faith in Elune falter to the point where they look to the Light.

I mean… that could happen. Let’s not kid ourselves. Th entire race isn’t a monolith.

Is a brick wall present in a conversation? Lol.

You don’t get to be mad you’re ignored when your point of view is “I ignore everything unless Blizzard says so”.

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Not really.

Okay, so when the Horde attacked Teldrassil, there were some members of the Horde who were 100% okay with the war. Then there were those who were opposed to it. They had the freedom to think those things, and eventually they did act on them.

But when it came to the Burning Legion that same freedom wasn’t really there. While Antorus was active any demon that died was sent there (even those that would have normally been killed permanently) to be tortured. So if you were opposed to Sargeras and the Legion as a Demon, the risk of you getting killed and sent to Antorus for torture or outright destruction was quite high.

Were there demons that changed paymasters (either permanently or temporarily)? Yes, quite a few demons chose to serve Illidan after he took over the Black Temple from Magtheridon. But they didn’t do so willingly, they did so because Illidan gave them an ultimatum. Serve him or die. Faced with the choice between serving Illidan (even if only for a short while) or dying and then being tortured, it’s not surprising that some demons might take that option.

Now you could argue that because Antorus is now deactivated, and presumably can’t be reactivated (at least not without a suitable source of power which was Argus the Unmaker, highly unlikely they have another titan soul lying around) the Eredar have that freedom, but no, they really don’t, because their demonic brethren, the ones they betrayed, would be able to find these traitor demons and torture/destroy them for said betrayal.

The risk for them is frankly too high, even if they did want to consider betraying the Legion.

No, if anything right now the Eredar are likely fighting to try to fill the vacuum left by Sargeras’s imprisonment along with other holes in the power structure. Which will no doubt keep the Legion busy for a few years as they devolve into infighting.

I never ‘ignored’ points being made. I rejected them because they’re stupid. There’s a difference there.

And you wonder why you are ignored (hint: you aren’t half as clever as you pretend you are).


No, there is already a worgen shaman NPC in the game. 2 actually, they are siblings, but the sister is the powerful one. You know that fire elemental in Ashenvale who never shuts up? Go check who it is on the Alliance side that empowers you with earth wind and water to fight him. :wink:

Actually I’m 100% down with priests of Elune becoming paladins of Elune. If paladins are empowered priests, what exactly are night warriors if not night elf paladins anyway?

I already wrote it for them in other posts like this: Keep in mind we killed Velen’s son BEFORE we destroyed the machine to resurrect demons. Our friend has already stated

so it actually COULD BE and SHOULD BE Velen’s son to lead this band of Legion deserters.

I have no time for BS.

If you want to act like a fool, then I’ll treat you like a fool.

Hint: I ignore fools. They’re not worth my time, and now? Neither are you. Bye.

Stop trying to reason with this guy. He literally doesn’t understand the concept of adding to the fiction until it happens. It’s 0th level logic. “Things can’t happen, until they happen.” You can’t reason with someone who legitimately thinks like that.

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this post was all about red draenei yes it’s time to bring them idc about worgens,elves or anything else this post was about eredar it’s a simple yes or no answer if you want.

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Thank you for the corrections. I felt I was missing one or two things. I overlooked those.

No, it’s because I understand the lore that I wrote it that way.

The regular Orcs do not have a hatred for the Light or Paladins. To them it’s just another force that could potentially be tapped into. The Mag’har on the other hand, well they had their entire race genocided by the Lightbound, so the Light and the Mag’har are not on good terms. Hence why all their priests, lore wise, are Shadow Priests.

And they were wiped out, something about being completely evil and trying to kill the rest of the Highmountain Tauren… We literally wipe out most of their settlements and camps during the events of Legion and kill their Chieftain and his only son.

Except no, because the Nightborne actually do embrace the fel, they can be warlocks, so it could be argued that they could learn from their Blood Elven kin to become Demon Hunters (especially since Lor’themar and Thalyssra are an item now, ties between the two races are quite strong).

And you’ll note that I said that Worgen Paladins could be a thing, although Worgen do not have ties to the elements. So that would require new lore to be written. Orc Demon Hunters by the way absolutely do have a place, and they make a lot of sense when you think about it. Much like the Night Elves and the Blood Elves, the Orcs hate the Burning Legion with a passion. Also, since they’re technically part of the Illidari, well they make even more sense than Draenei Demon Hunters, because Illidan actually employed Fel Orcs in his forces. Wouldn’t take much for a Fel Orc Blademaster to learn how to become a Demon Hunter.

No they’re not, because there’s actually no lore supporting Worgen Shamans, however there is lore supporting Night Elf Paladins. Not only during Legion, but previously too, the Sisterhood of Elune are, when you think about it carefully, one of the first ‘Paladin’ orders. After all, what is a Paladin? A faithful individual who goes into the thick of combat wearing armor while wielding their faith as a weapon. Which is exactly what the Sisterhood of Elune has done since the War of the Ancients over 10,000 years ago.

I think he/she/it/xir already put me on ignore like they just bragged about doing to you. When it comes to a debate the audience is your target anyway. The most convincing way to construct your counter argument is to take points made by your most fervent opponent and show how your idea fits neatly within the paradigms they defined. :slight_smile:

I was responding to Lunni anyway, so she can take some of these points and use them for herself later. Most people don’t realize there is a worgen shaman at the end of one of the major Ashenvale quest lines until it is pointed out.

Yeah, I’ll have to go check that out. I’ve never done most of the newer alliance quest lines there.

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Fairly sure the NPC he’s referring to is actually a Druid. Sabina Pilgrim is her name. She’s working with the elements that are in upheaval in the region, but she’s not a member of the Earthen Ring and the actual quests that you get from the region that give you elemental power don’t come from her, but instead from the various named elementals that are located in the same area.

But hey, if Blizzard actually wants to create some lore to support Worgen Shaman I’m all for it. They can have wolf shaped elemental totems. Could be interesting to see.

So after fleeing from the light totalitarians and their Naaru overlords, they are perfectly okay with other orcs becoming paladins around them. Again. It still just isn’t for them. Okie dokie. :slight_smile:

Like the nightborne?

Honestly I thought you were getting nightborn demon hunters from the fel infused dual blade using NPCs in Sarumar. :man_shrugging:

My point was a comparative one. When it comes to current established lore the validity of classes is worgen shaman = NE paladin > worgen paladin > orc demon hunter. Because there is a worgen shaman NPC in the game, just like there is a NE one. There are no cannon worgen paladins, but Gil’neas was part of the second war, and it would be somewhat absurd for them to shun the idea of paladins. (This is straight up ignoring hearthstone.) There are no canonical orc demon hunters at all, and none that were canonically trained. That is not me saying I’m against any of these, it was a critique of how you ranked the validity of the classes.

This literally sounds like something I would write to validate the class. People like yourself usually insist on it is THE LIGHT on the cosmology chart which is different from where Elune sits, so these can’t be paladins. I don’t disagree with you here, but consider that you have strayed into my territory when it comes to class validation with the night elves, but you’ve fiercely avoided it with other races. :thinking:

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Yes they are, they blend their soul with that of a demon and become one. They’re even immortal outside of the Twisting Nether, as shown and explained by Illidan himself during intro questline.

So? Demons =/= evil race. We have Lightforged demons helping us in the Argus campaign.

Edit: hold on a sec, Manari Eredar and green orcs are EXACTLY the same thing - a mortal race transformed or affected by Fel.

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