It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I don’t PvP so I’m not in a position to address the first point, but for the second? Details is a tool. If you hand a screwdriver to the new guy and he uses it to hammer in a nail, that’s not the screwdriver’s fault. I use details to guage where my damage ia coming from, see breakdowns of spells and compare that to others to try to figure out how I can improve.

If you’re boring, just say so.

But yes, please, let’s nuke a multi-billion dollar game franchise to protect your ego.


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What about pvp? Or did you mean that by ‘everyone’ else

If add-ons get banned. Okay, fine, but a few good ones should be directly input into the game

OP has a post copy paste and necrod their own thread from a year ago with an alt and gave himself more likes with alts.

Nothing but “I demand everyone to play my way!” mentality.


Cool story bro.

Being a player that takes occasional pokes at Blizz and the Devs for the direction wow is headed and for the many programing glitches, I understand your frustration.

However, don’t you think 1,000,000 top problems that keep add-ons out of the top list is a bit over stated? I mean, if there really were that many problems the game wouldn’t be online because you (and everyone else) wouldn’t be playing.

Btw: I just recently became a user and fan of addons to pickup some useful tools to smooth out the game UI and Map system. But the number of problems they solve totals about 8-10, nowhere near the 1,000,000 perceived problems.

They’re all QoL addons. There is literally absolutely nothing in this game that can’t be done without addons.


Almost impossible to do high keys with no add ons. Don’t see the problem of having the add ons.

“Ban all add ons I dont like. But keep these ones I personally use”


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Wow i can’t beleave how many are complaining about addons…you guys do that every time to wow you complain about something and when blizzard actually listens then you get mad. So when blizzard actually listens and removes addons then your gonna…complain that they removed it. If you dont like addons… THEN DONT USE THEM!! LOL duh

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I would not play wow without addons same way I would not play Counter-strike without Buy scripts.

Thanks, but no, my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, and the font used in WoW can be difficult to read (even with glasses/contacts), Blizz offers no option to increase or change the font in game so the only way to do that is with an addon. I also like to know how much gold I have on my char without opening my bags, and to know how much I have on all my alts without having to log into each one. The default UI even with the edit mode is still outdated, being able to use UI’s like ElvUI and GW2UI among others allows much more customization and a cleaner more modern look (those stupid gryphons have been around since launch and need to go). Being able to open your bags in one frame is also handy, some of those addons allow you to search your bank bags as well. I also like to auto sell junk and do repairs so I spend a tad less downtime doing mundane things. There are addons to help you keep track of what you’ve collected which is a great help to transmog collectors, and collectors in general. Removing these addons from the game and having Blizz do it is just asking for trouble; they don’t exactly have the best track record in recent years with their games and I would be extremely hesitant to trust them to roll out their own versions of popular addons.

I wouldn’t say addons impact the game in any negative way. If anything they enhance it and make it much more enjoyable to those who play the game. Don’t forget there are those who play WoW who have a disability and addon’s add much more functionality and accessibility features to the game than what Blizzard has implemented. If you don’t like addons then don’t play with them, let others play the game the way they like.

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I think this is exactly the point the opposition is making. The game is designed around needing these addons. Rather than being able to play the game efficiently without addons, they are basically a requirement. Without addons, the game would have to change.


The base game regularly changed to implement the addons, so with addons, the game still changes. But addons can cater to every players needs and it doesn’t cost a dime for blizzard.

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Ban addons seriously??? Addons have been since the down of World of Warcraft.
many of the user interface quality of life that we get today came from addons.

God, this thread is still going?

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Wait, I am not the one saying addons are bad. I use addons when playing, they are essential.

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You are absolutely right here. That is the vicious cycle.

We need to address your points.

1- spot on, no disputes

2- I’ll say it, Raiding is not hard. This is the easiest raid content we have seen since Naxx in Wrath.

If you are having trouble with certain bosses, try downloading some addons that give you a heads up on what the boss is going to do in 30,10, and 5 seconds instead of posting on the forums the game is too hard for you.

Did you know there is a guild made up of all deaf people, I’m guessing they use addons, and they are a Cutting Edge guild. Stop discriminating.

The problem with raiding is people, not the game. Go into any LFR and just watch how players fail mechanic after mechanic, making that experience not fun for everyone. I was in a Panera restaraunt watching this dude on his laptop in a LFR(i watched him queue in) literally just standing in the pile of people just eating his soup with zero F’s given to the rest of that team

3- Agree and disagree. Discord is the best voice coms that i know of to date, If I were blizz its not worth the money and resources to make anything sub par to it.
DBM is very important, again go into any LFR and watch people eat soup.

4- chores are chores, if you wanna be on a raid team, its a committment to 9-29 other people that you will have all your stuff in order and ready to go at raid time. Things including, having all addons up to date, gear, enchants, consumables, walking your dog and picking up its poop, being on time, reading upcoming boss strats.

5- Are you trying to make some people unemployed, what is wrong with you?

Did you know many of the in game features started out as addons?
If raiding is really too hard, there’s tons of other content to do in game, pet battles, leveling toons, making gold, farming transmog gear, doing achievements, exploring the world. Just remember to have fun, this is still a game


I agree with you. But a main reason why raiding is declining is that it is not worthy or efficient for a lot of players.

  • Raids have lockout, M+ is farmable
  • Contents rewarding the same ilevel gear: raid difficulty > M+ difficulty
  • Catalyst creation. Tier set was one of the biggest reason for raiding. not anymore, tons of pve gear can be converted into tier set
  • Organization difficulty. It is always more difficulty to organize a 20 or 10 group for raid than have 5 people for M+, regardless content difficulty.

That being said, raid is still worthy for people who wants challenge in mythic raiding, or targeting specific weapons or trinkets.

It is a vicious cylce: Raiding not worthy > less people want to do it > harder to organize > even less worthy to do them

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