It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

This is absolutely the most important thing.

Not bothered by addons, but I wish they would ALLOW mods to make characters and gear look much nicer, give us high heels and really allow a lot of character customization.
The gear in the game leaves a lot to be desired so altering gear to look very nice would be a huge ++ for the game as well.

That is for sure. I agree with that.

Who cares what they do? If they want to turn something into a ridiculous contest, that’s their problem.

Regular players
You don’t need addons to raid or succeed. All bosses are scripted. Memorize what will happen when, and you don’t need an addon. Bosses don’t randomly do things in no order. There are tells like the boss yells something or does some animation before most mechanics. Addons only free up brain space for players so we can focus on execution instead of memorization.

I never thought I’d be so happy to see this thread resurface.

Except I’m not blaming addon creators. I’m saying that they help the game. You’re the one saying they harm the game

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The vicious 1 year cycle of you making the same copy/paste thread?


I’m sure banning my addon that automatically summons a battle pet if I dont have one summoned will drastically improve WoW :roll_eyes:

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I’m going to try to be polite about this but it probably won’t read that way just because of the nature of your assertion and the type of critique required for rebuttal.

  1. Ret is one of the few specs in the game that is not harshly punished for failing to track specific buffs or debuffs. Your abilities have little to no synergy, you are only required to slam abilities in priority as they come off of a cooldown. Playing Ret is much easier than playing most specs in this game. It is designed to be a beginner’s spec, much like Guardian Druid.

  2. You are grossly overstating your performance. Logs show you have no kills at all recorded as DPS, as a healer you have few kills in Normal difficulty with a median average of 66% and a single 20th percentile parse on Heroic. In other words, you are a bit above average for people who are halfway through normal difficulty months into the season.

The probability that you wouldn’t see a significant DPS or healing improvement from properly configured weak auras is very low considering how much room you currently have to improve.

“If youre not the one in accident you shouldn’t care if drinking while driving is legal or not it doesn’t affect you” see how dumb that sounds?

If you don’t like add-ons in the game then don’t use them. They aren’t required if you feel they are then that’s just a skill issue from you


This is a catch-up mechanic.

So yea - raiding is still the best source of tier sets if you are doing actually progression

At least ban Weakauras. How Weakauras is “legal” but bots aren’t blows my mind.

Tell that to a mythic raider, or a gladiator.

Addons like Weakauras, DBM, TSM should definitely be banned.

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Probably because WeakAuras doesnt automate anything.

And bots do.

But this all requires a very basic fundamental understanding of the issue. Combined with being honest.

The OP has shown overwhelming evidence as not being honest. And stating that WeakAuras is on par with botting, is either not being honest…or having no clue what is going on.


I see em’ trollin. They hatin’.

In all seriousness - if it’s not automation it’s well within the rules and regulations.


WeakAuras helps players manage their rotations better with larger, easier to see displays. It has other uses too, but that is the main thing players tend to use it for. There’s definitely no harm in WeakAuras.


Oh I agree. 99% of my Weak Aura usage is for better UI positioning.


I love how OP just continues to ignore being called out for copying and pasting the EXACT SAME THREAD that they posted from over a year ago. And refuses to acknowledge that we have already hashed out every single point that they have made before.

This is nothing more than attention seeking, trolling, BS thread … Again.


I find it a little hard to believe that they are trolling this many days into a thread. Most trolls would have up and left by now to troll about other things. On one hand, their determination is nothing short of admirable, but at the same time it’s kinda sad to watch someone be so confident and wrong at the same time.

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