It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Recently a free company (guild) tryed to use them, Naoki Yoshida did learn about that they give them all a suspension of the game and revoke the first world clear title they wanted to make a example to not take the devs for a fool

If you use them you know the consequences if you get discovered

Edit : here is stance against ACT parsers

But ask yourself, is that really better? Banning mods in FFXIV hasn’t stopped their proliferation, and because they are against the ToS to begin with, there’s really nothing stopping folks from making mods like the Moon PoV, something that would be very quickly banned/broken by Blizzard if it were occurring.

When people want to use something, banning them won’t stop them.

Yeah I agree but they put they own account in danger nothing stop them to use ACT but if the devs begin to take a closer look on you and if they discover it it’s all on you

Myself I use it in FF 14 but I not scream them in the roof I know the consequences if I get caught but the only thing to know if I use a third party is to look in my computer who they will never do it

The FC who used it was streaming for a clear sure they did know afterwards

No let’s not . They are optional.


That there summed up what i wanted to say. The raid,io thing. Yeah thats the reason why i gave up during SL keys. I dont care if i have a score of 200. If i know how to do the mechanics of any dungeon. I dont need a fing addon to tell me or others that i shouldnt be invited to a group based off a score.

Your m+ score is on your WoW armory and 3rd party websites like WoW Progress and raider i.o (website not add on).

I would ban TSM. That’s basically botting the AH.


Maybe that’s because you ARE trolling since you made this EXACT SAME POST a year ago. And you also refuse to answer the question as to why your version of fun should be more important than everyone elses.

Again, for probably the 1000th time this thread, if you don’t like the add ons don’t use them. Simple solution to YOUR problem.

Play the game however you like; the rest of ys will play it like how we like to play as long as Blizzard allows it.



June 2022.

Copy and paste.

How do I know that you know how to do the mechanics of the dungeon?


There are a lot of bad things that have gone on that need to be stopped, your argument makes no sense. These mechanics and addons are killing this game. The servers are ghost towns.


All well said and fully agreed that getting rid of addons would open the floodgates to newer design and players coming back not having to set up 5 diffetent addon overlays.

Another point, it would shake up the pvp ladder so the top tiers arnt just good at looking at overlays, they would have to use in game tools like everyone and keep track like everyone else, putting most everyone on equal footing. Imagine the shakeup in the ladders. Imagine ppl playing pvp again.


All addons do is pull and parse information already available to the player. What we use them for is to organize that for processing.

Addons and scripts have been limited more and more over time to prevent too much autopiloting from things like WeakAuras and ERT/MRT.


That information should be for everyone or no one and it should come baked into the game. I shouldnt have some addon that doesnt even look to be part of the game popping up or talking like a robot.

I see a brighter future beyond all these systems.


Unless you’re Mythic raiding I wouldn’t even say you need addons, as it’s extremely rare that any mechanics go to a level of complexity that they could be pseudo-required.

Currently, I’m progressing on Mythic Echo of Neltharion and it’s a fight you need those modern addons. However, the mechanics are so dumbed down on Heroic that they are wholly unnecessary.

Can’t you all still replying just let it die already? It’s beyond time. Let it go.


Vault and Aberrus are the easiest raids this game has seen in years. Vault even has fewer bosses than the average raid. I personally hate the direction this expansion is trending with respect to raids. They should get harder and harder every expansion, and that’s because players who enjoy being challenged typically improve over time.

The problem isn’t the difficulty; the problem is the inflated in-game economy and the declining player population.

It’s outrageously expensive to raid not only in terms of repair costs but also in terms of consumables and gear. It doesn’t help that some of the best raiding gear actually comes from Mythic+ and that means having to equip yet another set of expensive gear to complete that content. Either that or pay for runs, and the problem has only compounded itself over time. Those who can do the runs, afford the gear to do so and afford to level their crafting professions have been massively advantaged for years and years by the crazy fountains of gold that the Garrisons used to be before they were nerfed. Those who missed out are being punished disproportionately by the gold sinks designed by the developers to fix the inflation, and they are constantly stuck paying for crafts and runs because they don’t have the investment capital needed to get ahead. It’s getting worse over time.

The other problem is that there aren’t enough players anymore to make raiding go as quickly as it once did. Guilds are collapsing and PUGs take even longer than usual to fill. Paid carries have done nothing to help this situation. Players who don’t want to pay for a carry and instead do the raid like a normal person have to wait a good while before a viable group that doesn’t fall apart mid-raid forms. Players who pay for carries have little reason to PUG or participate in guilds.

In sum, it’s not that the content is too hard. It’s that Blizzard wrecks the economy at every turn, and it’s having a negative impact on the social fabric of the community.

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Design boss fights to be used without addons fine.

Even ban addons outside of like bags* in combat inside CURRENT CONTENT raids and mythic dungeons (notice the current content part, yeah, let me use my silly addons for 2 expac old stuff) that’s fine too. As long as stuff is clearly telegraphed and mechanic visuals are standardized like in FFXIV.

*I have to have my bag addons Blizz, I need to be able to see what’s in the bags of my 35 other alts without painstakingly logging into each and every one and if I can’t I’ll just leave you, you created the mess of being an altoholic in the first place, you gave us heirlooms, you locked it to one class per character, you locked us to 2 professions per character, you put in all kinds of things for decades to give advantages to those who rolled and leveled multiple toons so don’t say it was a player choice.

But do not, under any circumstances even think of touching the addons I need for quality of life. Do not touch my bag addons, I cannot manage all the alts you encouraged, nay demanded someone who has played as long as I have to have. Do not touch my fishing addons for recording my fish caught so I can figure out what I get in what areas and amounts and other fishing fun. Do not remove my totalrp3 roleplay enhancement addon. I cannot RP without it, you will KILL RP servers if addons are removed entirely or badly handicapped.

Do not remove my WIM chat addon which again I need for RP, it keeps history of chats and RPs for me, it makes chatting nice and manageable. Do not kill addons for professions. Do not kill my AllTheThings.

Do not kill my map addon, my waypoint addon (TomTom is better than Blizz waypoints). Do not kill my candy buckets addons for navigating around to Hallow’s End Candy buckets and Lunar New Year elders and so on.

And do not kill my addons for opening and sending my mail, recording my auction results (what sold at what price, how many failures, etc).

Do not kill addons used for non-cutting edge content. I should be able to help myself a little with the Darkmoon Faire games with addons if I so wish. I’m old. I don’t have the time to invest days trying to “git gud” at random mini-games and secrets.

Please, by all means, deal with the situation with current raiding and addon dependency but leave ALL the other harmless fun things alone.

Also, for once, don’t jump the shark and kill raid addons without first testing on live and getting feedback before forcing all of LFR into such a situation because if it doesn’t work, if it’s broken it will be a disaster for casuals trying to get basic gear.

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Doubt they can ban just a type of addons. It’s likely to be all or nothing. They will never ban addons. It’s free devs for them and banning them will drive off players like crazy. The cons are massively overwhelming what little pros there can be.

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It’s time for threads like this to stop.

I use Total Roleplay 3. Your suggestion would prevent that. So. No.


I don’t play a lot of other games but luckily call of duty had the least amount of burn in on ratings tests. I gotta stay vigilant and keep earth tones or transparencies haha