It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Addons have been a big part of WoW since the beginning. But it is time for us to look into its negative impacts.

  1. For hardcores

The recent WF races are no longer just a competition of game skills, but also a competition of which guild can write best codes and addons. RWF is in game and irl gold sink. It is working a full time job instead of a playing a game.

It is not surprising at all that more and more hardcore raiding guilds stopped or disbanded. And this trend will continue.

  1. For casuals

I have to agree some streamers have said already: raiding is too hard. It is already hard to find people, form a group and organize a raid for casuals. Then the raids are significantly harder and harder over the years. It is just not fun for casual raiding.

One of the big reason is the addon. Ion said in recently interview, Blizzard has to make the encounters harder and harder, because combat addons are more and more intelligent. This is just a vicious circle.

  1. For Blizzard

Players shall not be dependant on third party addons to play a game. Basic addons like UI customization, damage meter, coord, should be integrated in the game itself.

Blizzard’s decision to add voice chat, UI, mouse over, M+ rating, item level, etc. is a good direction. But it is not enough. We need more basic functions included in default settings.

And the removal of combat addons like DBM will certainly make encounter design more creative.

  1. For everyone

Nobody loves to download, upgrade, set their addons all the time on every computer he plays WoW. It is just a hassel and it shold not be necessary.

The recent Overwolf and WoWup issue shows again how messy third parties are, from curse to twitch to wowup to overwolf to whatever in the future. Players don’t deserve this.

  1. For addon developers

It is great that you make a career and money from making useful addons. But for the greater good of the game and players, this has to stop.

In sum, Blizzard, it is time to improve wow default settings and ban ALL addons.


As if we needed another forum thread about this.



It’s time to ban OP for making another thread about this


This ship sailed 17 years ago. Addons, love them or hate them, are here to stay.


All I have to say about this is that I don’t think they are allowed in pvp tournaments. :man_shrugging:


Stop spamming the forums with this bs.



They are. Well at least for now with people playing from home.

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Go play FF14 if you don’t want addons. Leave this game alone.


HooYah? I didn’t know it changed.

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Focus on the topic, not the people.



10 Night Elf Warrior

I’m sorry but you haven’t actually played the game outside of new player island. I don’t think you have enough experience in various areas of the game to decide that no one, not even people with disabilities who are only able to play because of addons that make the game accessible, should be allowed to use addons.

This thread is another example why the minimum posting level should be 9 levels below level cap or level cap. To cut down on spammy troll threads.


You are welcome to make the suggestion on “support” forum.


Please explain in detail how my use of Altoholic harms your game play. While you’re at it, explain how my sister’s battle pet add-on (I forget what it’s called) that shows her the breeds of her pets is ruining WoW.


I never say they are ruinning Wow. Their functions shall be integrated into default WoW settings.

Leaving 3rd party addons removes Blizzard’s motivation to improve default UI and functions.


By whom shall they be integrated? Not by Blizzard, I can guarantee that. They don’t want to spend the resources. Heck, Blizz still hasn’t fixed the guild permissions that they screwed up four years ago - which Ion admitted was an unintended glitch that they were “working on.”


You can’t be serious, level ten warrior. There’s no way anyone who actually plays the game would think blizzard could ever make a good UI. They can’t even offer font larger than 18 point.


I actually agree with this part, particularly for damage meters.

Because damage meters have to work by manually parsing your combat log, they’re both CPU and memory intensive, not to mention can have holes in data since a single player’s combat log doesn’t tell the whole story. If Blizzard added a built-in damage meter, third party damage meter addons could instead pull data from the built-in meters and skip the parsing step entirely, saving a ton of CPU cycles and RAM. Third party damage meter addons could then serve mainly as highly customizable presentation of data instead of as a data source and would be MUCH easier to develop and maintain.

And then of course, anybody who’s fine with the built-in meter can trim an addon from their update list, which is always nice.


You are the topic, being level 10 with 6 posts and all

Add-ons don’t really effect your game at all