It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Lol my guy, the only addon I use is dps meters and yet I still am top in most meters AND I know mechanics because they’re very easy to notice, and often times can do so drunk. Low key kind of an insult to everyone’s intelligence if you think that the game can’t be played optimally without addons, or that mechanics are impossible without addons.

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I mean, if blizzard could put together a fully customizable UI and boss timers that are obvious I wouldn’t really need to use addons.

Visually this game is a disaster


Nah hes currently on doing a complete rest of the game cause theres too many buttons and spells effects tht do the same thing

Unironically wanting to go back to classic level of simplicity

Yes for a few reasons. I cant even do 10+ keys because i dont have addons. I gave up back in SL because every group said you needed addons.

I’ll take things that never happened for 500, Alex

Most of the people who advocate for the total banning of addons barely play the game.


“If it weren’t for the addons, elitists, item level, no-lifers, Aug Evokers, Fire Mages, Shadow Priests, Holy Pallys, Bear Druids, world first raiders, esport players, bad players in my group, healers doing dps, or the tanks doing too much healing I would 100% be 3k IO”

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If you need addons to play wow, you need to find a new game to play. But some are fun and helpfull to beginners. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

I don’t need addons but the addons I use make the game much more enjoyable.
I’ve been playing Wow off & on since 2008 so I’m not a beginner.
Why should someone give up addons or stop playing this game because you think they should?
Please don’t take this personal. Several have expressed the same opinion, your just was the one I quoted.

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you are fully capable of refusing to use any addons while you play

Ok, so you dont want addons to be band, you just want ppl board and crippled in boss fights.

Cuz I dont know a single person who hates setting up their UI when we got Edit More now and continues to update every other patch or so.

My TRP3 dosnt hurt anyone, my Listener dosnt hurt anyone, my HandyNote dosnt. None of my nom raid add-ons hurt anyone and more dose my raiding ones.

You know how damn boring this game would be if they didn’t change up fights and, OMG, make things like mythic HARDER?? LFR is hard for some if ppl didn’t know the fight (as some of us like to go in blind and learn quickly) or just mindlessly play it without TRYING to do some things.

3 types of people in this thread:

-Those who don’t play at a high enough level to matter and think this means banning stuff like the character stats addon.
-Those who do play at a high level and don’t want things to change.
-Those who play at a high level and realize how stupid it is for the first 30 minutes (and usually several pulls) of a new mythic boss is getting everyone’s weakauras set up correctly.

this troll thread still going? :popcorn: :upside_down_face:


I fall in the last two. but recognizing the problem in the third doesn’t mean I want addons gone.

I just want people to be less inept at setting them up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If blizz monopolized and sold addons this will definitely incentivize sometning. And that would be a ton of people straight up quitting the game. It might not improve player retention or enjoyment, but it might reduce toxicity by culling a good half of the playerbase lol.

Edit: wait a sec you actually finished the math too lol.

Guess which step coats money??? You got it, it’s adding in-game functions that players have built for FREE already. There’s no universe where blizz is incentivized to ban addons. It’s how they get half of their code in this game to work, by getting unpaid gamers to fix problems for them.

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When people ask to remove addons, it’s because they don’t want to use them, and naively think they will somehow rise to the top because they’ve been too lazy to set them up in the first place.

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Ask a mod to check for same person mass flagging in your appeal, they won’t check unless you ask.

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But FF 14 work really fine without add-on I will agree to remove them will help the game

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I appreciate the idea. I’m not gonna worry about it.

90% of the time these forums simply do not make sense.

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Except for the fact that a significant portion of their playerbase are using mods despite it being against the ToS.