It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

There isn’t a single addon out there that is doing anything akin to cheating.

Damage meters allow you to judge the performance of yourself and your group mates on the fly; however they also provide information like “damage taken” or detailed death log info.

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Or they could remove the need to use addons by not making the game so overly complex that parts of the game is unplayable without them


This thread reminds me of this thread!

Something to do because this species is too self-absorbed to meaningfully advance itself.

…ffs, they still haven’t even gotten their Space Program of the ground (pun intended); metaphorically speaking.

…each guild has access to the same addons. There are no addons that make your character move, or etc.

Discussion doesn’t need to be had though. They are there. More people want than dont. Pretty much end of discussion there.

It is playable without them, just again harder. Addons make things easier, which is the point of them.

Sorry Jared, but I disagree on the harder part. Playing without addons doesn’t make the game harder, it just makes it less convenient.

That is at least debatable. Having notifications an ability is incoming to react does make it easier, especially since blizz tends to suck at anything for the players notification wise.

How very abilist of you OP, there are people who play this game and use addons to overcome their physical or visual disabilities, there are people who have sensory issues and use addons to remove sounds or visual effects so that they can enjoy the game.

There are addons that have no actual impact on the game and just make thingsl look prettier, there are addons that make playing on a steam deck for example or using a controller much better.

Its against tos to sell addons, what people pay for is the information in a guide or some kind of patreon.

Also what gives you personally the right to say how others play when they have literally been using addons since day one. Even if other people use them to learn rotations or make fights easier, it has nothing to do with you, if you don’t want to play with addons then don’t nobody is forcing you, if you can’t find a raid team or whatever that will take you because you don’t use addons then you have the ability to form your own.

Stop being a snowflake and grow up, griefing other people because they don’t play the way you do is pathetic.


Handicapped people don’t matter for those that want to be tryhards sadly.

They’ve become too mandatory and the game designers too over reliant on the expectation that people will use them and so designing the game around them. They offer too much information readily to players that have them than those without and have become mandatory.

No, it’s not.

But thanks for your opinion.

That sounds like a development philosophy issue not a banning addons issue to me, tell blizzard to stop developing around addon use. If you want to solve the problem go to the problem, it’s like cutting out your lungs because you have bronchitis.

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You sum up very well what I want to express.

The thread is trolled so hard and getting so now long now, so nobody actually reads anything in it.

Some keep trolling (even flag and report) the post simply because of the title and keep asking the same questions that has been answered many times already. :joy:

You wouldn’t believe how many times I receive “System post hidden by community flags” then “System flagged post restored by staff” everyday, just because of this one thread. :joy:

Not to the insane degree they are now. Granted Blizzard should adopt some of them and just add them to the game.

If Blizzard banned addons they would just become something people used under the table. So we’d just see lots of people getting banned.

What I will agree to is that the game improves whenever addons are not needed. When boss abilities are visual and don’t just kill you out of the blue with no warning (what, you didn’t hover your mouse over to read each buff/debuff on the boss?)

But addons also solve this issue as it is currently. For example, there is a mage addon that gives you visual feedback as you build Sun King’s Blessing. This is something that is IMO missing from the game itself, we should see our mage build that buff up! It would be cool-looking most likely, too.

Removing addons removes our ability as players to compensate where these design considerations have been lost. And this is no blame on Blizzard, actually – the game is hugely complex and nobody can do this perfectly. But the open-source nature of addons allows us as a community to essentially help develop the game.

And that also allows Blizzard to incorporate some of these features. A lot of features made it into the game from Elvui recently, for example.

Aside from that, addons can’t play the game for you. Addon help people optimize but it’s not going to turn an unskilled player into a skilled one.

I was watching a streamer a year ago and someone in her chat dared her to turn off her interface for a raid fight. So she obliges and presses ALT-Z, continues to chat during the fight, and after the fight turns her UI back on and she’s top dps

Addons help a good player, they don’t make a good player


Something else to be noted is that addons have inspired a ton of features that have been added in the game, there’s alot of ideas that come from addons.

Like I said though if you don’t want blizzard to design encounters around addon use you need to tell them as such not just outright ban the use of addons, it’s a development philosophy issue.

Banning the use of addons because blizzard designs encounters around them is basically going after a mouse with a bazooka, an overreaction that causes way more callatrral damage than needed.

Tell them to design encounters as if there are no addons.

They could do that and also ban WA too.

So you pretty much admit that addons give you a big advantage in crafting over others who don’t use addons.

If others want to compete with you equally, they also have to use this addon.

When everyone feels the need to use an addon to play, there is a problem in the game itself.

Then it is time to improve the game, not to let 3rd parties do the job.

The solution to this problem will always remain telling blizzard to change the way they design things, addons or not, if they don’t change the way they design things nothing will change. So if you want to solve the problem you need to tell blizzard to act like addons don’t exist when they design systems and encounters. Banning addons just harms the players and doesn’t solve the issue.

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