It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

This is very true, and I agree with you.

Because seemingly everyone but the mods around here knows a troll when they see it



That takes the joy out of pvp. Not to mention that theres a score bpard that shows you the classes as you play.

If you don’t like add-ons then don’t use them nobody is forcing you. For example I stop using DBM once I figured out all of the raid mechanics and I have to say I haven’t had DBM on this whole patch that’s how easy the raid is it’s very simple mechanics. I haven’t had this much fun since I was pugging Nighthold in legion. But if the Add-ons and raids are affecting your perception of the game maybe just take a little break moderation is key.


Removing a step takes the fun out of PvP ?

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Whole facts.
I dont even use any pvp addons or pve. But a few select ones for a spice of life, like trp3.
Main point this whole post is about, is a consern for new player getting force to get addons. I was getting yelled at to get some to help with pve stuff.

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That addon is telling you how to play… By telling you what people are in pvp when you can check the score board.

Or is it one that tell you what itemlvl people are which make them an easy target.

All of which can be gained from in game information.

It’s not telling you how to play any more than looking up those things yourself is telling you how to play

99% of the player base wouldn’t touch Mythic even if it was toned down with the expectations of players not having any addons. They’re still hard encounters that requires good communication and sharp decision making.

I’m not. You are.

Proceed to have someone tell me addons are the barrier blocking them from Mythic raiding? :white_check_mark:

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Is this a thing? If so, cite a source

Post the interview

If you spend your life chasing what “should” be, you’ll never be successful. People who frequently use phrases like “what should be” rarely possess the conviction for “doing”, but instead use it as a deflection to redirect blame elsewhere, rather than take personal responsibility for their own self.

WTF folder exists, and it’s easily accessible. How do you think we managed addons before Curseforge?

I’m not sure why this was a bullet point since this is just speculation and opinion.

There, I read your OP. Post sources, and maybe people will take you seriously. Otherwise, you’re nothing more than a petulant child that hasn’t learned that not everyone’s opinion gets a participation trophy.


I agree with that the default UI sucks for healers. and it shall be improved.

I remember Blizzard added “click cast” in Shadowlands, but it is very bad and not near enough. It is like what you said “Ridiculous”.

But since most healers are using healing addons, there is no urge for Blizzard to improve, because 3rd parties do the job for them.

It took them more than 15 years just to improve simple things like action bar and bag UI. Why? because addons are allowed.

I want to refer to this video again:

An interview with DBM author. He says he is basically the sole maintainer of DBM since Lich King.

Do people think a company like Blizzard with thousands of employees can’t even have 1 person to implement similar function? Ofc Blizzard shall not directly implement something like DBM to counter its own fights. But they shall improve its fight design with clearer information: better visual, color, timer, etc. so combat addons are not needed.

People saying devs have no time to do that and shall only focus on content, is just finding excuses for Blizzard.

If Blizzard can make addons and sell them in stores like mounts, pets and transmog, those functions will be in the game next week.

Why don’t they do it? because they can’t sell it for profit and 3rd parties are doing it for them for free.

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Nice. My post got flagged — for the extremely based argument that the community doesn’t like addons. And perhaps never gave them a try.

This thread CANNOT be any more bogus.


Overgeneralization. Most advanced healers I know use better macros, not Healtbot. See the difference in using personal knowledge vs a gross generalization?

Speculation based on nothing but opinion

Yes, as I stated before, addons are like free testing for the devs on certain aspects of UI management. The game is completely playable for most people without addons. If you’re the 1% pushing intense keys or mythic raiding, I can see an argument. Based on things you’ve stated, this isn’t you.

EDIT: Still waiting for you to post actual links on data+ the interviews. You’ve been putting so much time and effort into this thread that you cannot state you “don’t have the time” for it.

I agree with all you said, except

The blame is on Blizzard. The game’s deisgn problem can only be blamed on the game’s designer.

We can’t blame addon creators or players, but only Blizzard.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. There are a plethora of other factors that contribute to the game’s faulty design.

And lo and behold, the playerbase is part of it.

The link for the interview is in my post. :joy: I wonder if you even read a post before your reply.

I do have time. I just don’t have time for people being aggressive for no reasons.

Questioning is being aggressive? Just answer the simple questions.

Where? Or are you referring to the YouTube short of ASMONGOLD with a dev from DBM. Both of which have nothing to do with what I’ve questioned regarding proof of claims in the OP.