It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I agree to an extent. My 2 BIG issues are performance issues with addons because i get mad error codes consistanly being forced to close cause the errors count up 14,000+ times recurring over and over. Im having to stop in raides and /reload or shut down the game to fix it. Have auto updates availabe aswell as check sites for then. No matter how hard you keep them updated. It just sucks.

Secondly. can we please get some mounts converted to dragon riding!?! I really want to go riding on some older mounts like the proto drakes or even regular drakes. Start small. Same 5 mounts with different skins and armor is kinda getting old.

I miss the old days back in vanilla,bc and wrath. Game used to actually be an adventure. Now its just grind and grind the same stuff. What I would do to go back one more day. Dont get me wrong its still good but I feel like the accomplishment aspect is no more. I just dont get the excitement anymore. Thats just me though.

For the! HORDE!

LOL, no. Good luck with that. Blizzards standard UI and their long history of NOT updating the UI with basic functionality that should have been added 15 years ago means Addon’s will be a must for the entirety of the games lifespan.

Just as an example, Healbot as an addon just makes the game and playing a healer so incredibly more enjoyable and BASICALLY FUNCTIONAL it’s ridiculous. That the game hasn’t added the functionality of something like Healbot to improve basic healer functionality over the history of the game…yea it’s criminal.

So no, addon’s are not going anywhere because Blizzard does not improve the UI to make the game function optimally AT ALL and so addons are required to play the game well. The information and gameplay that addon’s bring functionally makes the game work, without them it would be akin to going from using macro’s and an MMO mouse etc. etc. etc. to being a clicker.

No one wants that.

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Sounds fun.

I’d be down for 0 addon servers.

Bring it on

Ok explain more on these two.
Explain how thats not cheating.

They can’t ban addons until they drastically improve the UI. Either that or go back to 3 button specs… Also… they will have to change up how they build raid/dungeon fights.

Which basically means “never” lol.

Backlash to banning and stopping Addons would actually be the death of this game. lol


Basically yup.

Is there any encounter that can’t be done without addons? I don’t think so

You can normally see the comp of the other team? It just skips a step of figuring it out.

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I know people will clutch their pearls, but Blizz should at a minimum take a look at how XIV handles it’s encounters. At the very least to get a real grasp at how to have boss mechanics not either require a degree in astrophysics and artificial intelligence to understand.

It would help, as a minor example, if failing a mechanic didn’t one shot you. At least not right away. The game makes it obvious you failed said mechanic, give you a debuff and made the fight that much harder until you learn how to not get hit with said mechanic.

Just outright killing the raid means the encounter is a wash and has to be restarted, which as we’ve seen, just ended up into using addons to avoid it.


Sent they also considerably easier as it’s the same every time?


This is stupid. Just more of the “I want to make things harder for no reason” crowds BS.

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I read it, but the entire premise of getting rid of addons both are stupid, and makes the game harder for no reason. No lies detected in my statement. Note also, this is like the 1000th or so post about this since WotLK at least.
Not original and not even useful. Nothing stops someone from not using addons if they do not like it, but they have no right to ask it get taken away from others when they are left at a disadvantage in game due to their choice.


I mean, technically yes. But I was more referring to the design philosophy. Their encounters are designed in a way that every mechanic is clearly televised and avoidable, and won’t instant kill you if you fail it, so you’ll organically learn what to do during the encounter.

I play XIV too and well aware of their addon policies and their uses. I also don’t care.

I was just pointing out that Blizzard can learn at the very least from their design philosophy on how they design their encounters in such a way that addons are generally not required for them to even function. For the record im not saying make the encounters 1:1 copies of XIV, that’d be stupid. But at least take heart in the design philisophy on how things are presented to the player, things like that.

What players do after the fact shouldn’t be their concern, in my opinion.

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Well, you are a troll, with this thread being a perfect example of a troll thread!



What are you on about?


Ok then…? You’re not making any sense…

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copies Interface and WTF folder

Banning addons would remove the last vestigial reason for me to log in: Crafting.

I’m not going to waste my time with a Spreadsheet just to see if ‘today’ it’s profitable to craft Item X.

ITT: A bunch of bored forum denizens thrash the ever-loving crud out of a vaguely discolored patch of ground where, long, long ago, legends say that a horse once stood.