It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I think you are being over dramatic.

Yes, UI improvement requires people and time. But it is not something like raid tier that you create and update every patch. A simple UI fix can last for years.

If Blizzard can add quest tracker, item level, etc. I am sure they can easily fix the default bag UI, etc. It doesn’t require a raid design team to fix.

There are so many small things they can improve in default UI.

All of the things you describe in this post are reasons that I like WoW. Why does everything have to be simple and obvious and require zero investment or research? There are plenty of games out there that pander to the lowest common denominator.

Speaking for myself, doing the research on strategies/builds/gearing/etc and spending the time tinkering with addons to customize the UI to my exact liking is half the fun of this game.

They have had 18 years to do so and now they want to get involved ?

They should of been doing changes as far back as TBC if that is the case .

The first thing they should of done is make the ui customizable where players can put stuff where they prefer like Elvui.

2nd: They should of added a coordinates indicator to the screen to help players see if they are going in the proper direction .

There are a lot of other things they should of done but instead they decided to focus on content and let others do things like making addons .

Let Blizz worry about what they do best and create content for us to play and leave the addon makers to make how we interact with said content .


I used to never have addons! Then I saw Storyline, and now i have like
12 addons?
I got the usual handynotes for old expansions, and quest addons, and then theirs DBM and the Damage meter which I only got for Mythic Plus
 But I lost my team, and stopped raiding after Sepulcher’s Last Wing released on LFR

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Nope. My addons are pretty helpful and don’t alter my toon’s performance.


Hate to tell ya but there are a lot of people who dislike addons.

And I do not care, at all, in the slightest

Don’t use em then, don’t impede others


I don’t care either. But I assure you there are more people than just the OP that wants this, a lot more.

I don’t care about them either

They don’t get to force their wants on other people on an optional thing


They are not capable of forcing anything on anyone.


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Without any of the roleplaying addons, it makes it much harder for us roleplayers to actually keep notes and keep our lore straight.


I support this.

I’ve never had an addon, and I get content done just fine(AoTC(some old CE from MoP), 2kio etc.

Addons are a crutch.

I do have mouse over macros made, but that’s it

I’m stealing this.


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I love TRP, but all the PVE and warning addons should go.

“click casting” function is included in the default UI now, not perfect, but not bad.

A step to the good direction

Blizzard should integrate some basic role playing addons in basic settings.


It’s not.

Not until the dungeon and mechanic design people can design things without making terrible colours that clash and make mechanics that are clearly visible.

Otherwise, this game will be completely unplayable by anyone visually impaired. I still get eye pain remembering how bad shrine was. If I didnt have little wigs and weakauras, I wouldn’t have even been able to do that dungeon.

What a stupid rhetoric.

Petition to ban hands: people rely too heavily on their hands to play this game. Instead, everyone should play this game with their noses like me, a true gamer.



You explained perfectly why addons shall be banned.

All those problems you mentioned should be solved by Blizzard. Relying addons to play wow is creating a 2nd problem to solve the 1st problem.

The visibility issue shall be solved by the dungeon design team, not by bypassing it with an addon. Blizzard shall do its job, not a 3rd party.