It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Yea, and maybe pigs will start flying too.

It’s not going to happen. If addons go away, this game will have to lose its visually impaired members.


Couldn’t agree more.

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It is not hopeless though. As I mentioned, we get item level, quest tracker, M+ rating, AH UI, etc. in the game, which were functions only from addons previously.

There are certainly more can be done easily. But the existence of addons greatly reduces the incentives for Blizzard to do so.

And do you think those would have been added if they hadn’t been addons first?

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This is a legit good question. And the answer is Yes and No.

Even before quest helper addon, there were website like thotbot. When there were no gearscore, people inspected armory. If there is no, people will just check the website. So, if there is need, there will always be a way.

If more people talking and complaining about it, Blizzard will notice. If players are content relying on 3rd party addons instead default UI, then Blizzard has no pressure to change anything.

I can’t half see and rely on addons to play.

They LITERALLY allow me to play!


Well, I think your thread - along with every other “get rid of addons” thread - gives you a pretty good indicator that they are. Very few people agree with you.


That’s a given, Otherwise it won’t be a very controversial topic.

And forum is not really a good indicator. Forum requires an active wow sub to post. And forum users are probably more enthusiastic than an average wow player who doesn’t use forum.

So, logically, forum users are players who likes wow, plays wow or at least have hope for wow. Those who really hates wow or lost hope would not even have a sub or care about forum.

Trying to find a player that doesn’t like current wow on this forum, is like asking “whoever is not here, please raise your hand”.

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Naw, just don’t use them.

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Lol, I see you’re new here.


Why lie? advocating to remove addons you dont use, is absolutely you forcing your plastyle on others


A meter comes in very handy in a leveling dungeon, so you can see who’s strong and who you’ll need to work around.

I take it the bald guy is on an addon tangent again.

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the only add ons I use are for Story and Roleplay - and I consider them essential for how much immersion they provide, unless Blizz offers a better version of it I will stick with the add ons

Perhaps. I could argue that a measure of the reverse (though not the exact reverse) is already in effect for players like myself.

However, I am an advocate of integrating several UI mods into the game itself. Anything that determines boss abilities or the gives you a peek in PvP at the opposing team, no. That’s just overkill.

“Lets get rid of tools that make the game more accessible to others because the devs couldn’t be bothered and alienate people with various impairments or disabilities because only the purest of the pure should play this mmo”

There, I summarized the OP


Terrible suggestion.


Don’t forget, people asking for addon bans are usually players who have done next to nothing of note as far as the game goes.

it’s a pretty stupidly selfish request, frankly. The game was built with addons in mind, and we’ve used them for 17 years.


As far as bait goes at least it’s not meant to be Emotionally inflammatory sort of.

But people bite just the same

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But but baddies will use them then get an edge. It plays the game for them!


I died like a muppet week 1 of lfr boss 1 for final lfr. DBM said get behind shield. Look for shield to get behind, I ain’t seeing no shiel…dead.

stuff like this is why I am a lfr hero. not even going to lie. raid ain’t my thing. I like other things. Like…staying behind in ashran, melding/stealthing up to wreck an attempt to kill frag dude.

Its not even the kill that is the fun bit. Its telling the butthat ranting on 2-3 people in base being afk off .

Yeah we are so afk we killed the 2 rogues going for frag dude. Say thank you.