It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Then don’t use addons, problem solved.

/moo :cow:


Hard disagree. Unless the standard UI can provide the following:

-An unlockable and size-scalable way to display buffs
-A way to track cds ( I use the standard UI, and use bars 1-4. It is demented, but that is what my muscle memory decided is normal, so for cd’s keybound in bars 3-4, I use TMW. If there was a standard UI solution, I’d use it)
-Color coding threat on nameplates and more nameplate options

I also use a weakaura for monk stagger. I don’t know what unfair advantage that’s giving me other than not having to squint hard at the upper right hand corner of the screen.


Of course, it is the right logic. But it is not that simple.

e.g. The existence of combat addons like DBM causes Blizzard to make encounters harder and harder. This affects everyone, even if you don’t use DBM.

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Is this a Shock alt making another ban addons thread

That should be integrated in default UI and function, instead of an addon.

Yep. That’s the magic.

For my first guild back in 2005, I was doing random quests in STV when the guild dropped an ad in general chat. On a whim I took up the invite, and that was a great decision. We as a guild would hang out in vent and run around helping each other with profession quests, screw around in dungeons with badly suited group comps (sometimes in a raid, because who cares if it reduces XP, you can’t just leave homies out like that), do silly things like run on foot in single file to the Crossroads to mess with Horde lowbies, etc. Hanging out with those guys was the highlight of my day, and I would daydream in class (high school) about what dungeon we’d explore next.

Some of that fun was the newness of it all, but a lot of it was the super chill attitude of everybody in the guild. Nobody cared about outdoing each other or anything like that, it felt more like a D&D campaign or something. In the time since, the community has had nearly all players like that pushed out and replaced with players that hold a more competitive number-porny approach to the game.

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HOW like, I can’t customize sounds I can’t customize where things are.

Like, I literally have it set up in a special way in order to play.

They would have to massively overhaul the base UI and fix a lot of the stuff and will they? Probably not. I can’t see some boss abilities so I have DBM set up with sounds.

To add: Oh you said should… not would… oops.

Exactly this. Just because you don’t like/want addons doesn’t mean you should ruin them for those that do.


There’s an MMO that already does this, OP. Sounds like FF14 is more to your liking. It’s okay that not all games are created for everyone. People who like addons and customization largely prefer wow; those who prefer to just play the game from the box can play ff14.

iPhone vs Android - one of them are for people who prefer more customization, the other for people who just want a phone that functions without all of that thinking getting in the way.


Ok so what would you like to lose from the game as far as playing wise if they ban addons and do the QoL changes to the UI that addons give?

Raid tier ?
Reduction in dungeons an quests?

HAving addon makers do the addons frees Blizzard up to focus on the imprtant stuff that matters (content) .

So you want Blizz to ban addons take over and make what they give us resulting in a WoD 3.0 expansion (2.0 being SL) ?

The trouble with WoW is the amount of addons are absurd at this point. Blizzard could just implement the QoL ones on their own and suspend or ban players who openly use any kind of recount to bully people or boss mechanic help. We should not need them. Bosses should have tells, we can see their cast bars, we should grow and understand how the fight works over a period of time.


What addons do you really need besides QoL ones?

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This is blizzard we are talking about here. Even their clearly defined ground circles don’t function right. You can be clearly outside of it and be hit, or inside of the wall and not get hit, depending on who coded that encounter.

FF14 mechanic tells are vastly superior to anything blizzard has ever put out. Half of the time you use your feelings and intuition in WoW after a few times getting hit by something since the ground animations are unreliable at best.

God forbid you’re a cow or gnome. Then everything gets weird. Bosses with hitboxes so small or big they pivot around you constantly. Frustrating.

Nah. Definitely Nah. Don’t like addons? Don’t use them. Don’t get into a group because you don’t use them? That is still your choice.

stop using different alts when you get flagged bud thats against ToS.
also no addons are fine you are not

why not prove you are actually good at the game and show youre real character otherwise youre opinion doesnt matter


Then don’t use them .

Stop trying to get Blizz to take away what others like .

You want Blizz to ban and take over what addons give players and what the addons already do .

Have you ever heard of the terms "Be careful what you ask for " and “The Monkey’s paw” ?


What part of no do you not understand…The N or the O


That depends entirely what people enjoy doing. For raiding you need weakauras and boss mods, but if you enjoy achievements or pet collection there’s addons for that as well.

Almost all addons are technically “QoL” but in practice they are more needed in some areas vs others. Addons for competitive play are more needed than those that change the aesthetic or let you track/find achievements easier.

Yes and no.


/10 characters

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