It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

That’s where we disagree. Blizzard creates the API that modders use to feed this information to end-users. I don’t really have a problem with add-ons, but I do hate the idea that Blizzard encourages this cycle with raid related mods.

FFXIV has a huge problem with passive aggressive weirdos who insist it’s their right to waste your time.

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Waste who’s time. We are all in this together.

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I have had black mages explain to me that they are frost mages and that I can’t complain because I don’t pay their sub.

Which made the dungeon take much longer than it needed to. Because they were lazy.

You make this sound as if it’s a problem projected from virtually player in FFXIV.

This isn’t a “huge problem” that FFXIV has, it was just a momentary inconvenience to YOU. If this specific issue has happened a handful of times, I’d be amazed. There’s no way a significant number of black mages play like that. I’m certain you ran into an immigrant to the game.

Let me ask you this, as a person with Cerebral Palsy, I can’t do them normal way of healing…my reaction time is not the best, I can’t use my left hand that well PLUS I can only see out of my right eye. (And even then it’s a struggle) So, I ask you…what would I do IF they did take your recommendations to heart and banned addons (like Healbot) for everyone?


They are literally improving the default ui in df like wym

You will pry my Altaholic and TLDR Missions from my cold, dead hands.

Blizzard breaks addons it feels impacts the game negatively, no matter how beloved or hated said addon may be.

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Yea I do not believe that. That is easily reportable and worthy of a suspension if they did that.

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In 8 years I have seen this less times than I can count on the fingers of one hand.

I have a theory though, what server/data center did you play on.

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Hey, hey, you. Yeah you. OP. Listen: Sunday was yesterday when you wrote this. You’re late!

You can’t report someone for being a bad player. You can kick them from the dungeon though.

Cactuar :rofl:

Hurts my heart, because I had all of my high level toons there, until…HE came.

I completely moved off Aether for like 6 months JUST IN CASE. Lol. I came back recently though.

Don’t you know? People who have issues like ours don’t deserve to be able to play the game we pay for. The people who are too lazy to install an addon are infinitely more important than us.


It’s pretty well known that FFXIV attracts a certain kind of person.

EDIT: Apparently Control + Enter is a shortcut for posting. Woops. The difference is that FFXIV’s terms of service explicitly tell you that you can’t criticize people’s play style. Which encourages people to behave like rules lawyers.

I only need TomTom… Pins don’t work as well.

Having addons that do all the work for you I believe most people(do a poll) will agree is not good for the game.


Having information the game itself provides displayed in a manner that pleases me is not “do all the work”. Anything that does all the work (or any work beyond visual/audio cues) would be a bot and is not even remotely the same thing as an addon.

yeah blizzard making content around THIRD PARTY addons you have to download OUTSIDE of wow is healthy. people like you are why we cannot have nice things.

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You don’t get to define what is third-party. Blizzard does not consider them 3rd party since they provide the API to the addon makers, but go off.

We can’t have nice things because dumbos like you don’t know what they are talking about.