It appears that Wrath is declining due to DF success

Dude. We have tauren and druids, even in classic, get a new argument lol

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I did that while loading into a Heroes of the Storm game.

I thought they discontinued that game due to a lack of players.

Oh hi Mr. Random warrior posting for the 1st time ever. I’m sure this is totally legit and not at all a sockpuppet for a random troll who was recently unbanned. Totally.

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I will belive in the “success” of DF when people dont need to come to the forum of another version of the game to cope.

“I’m having so much fun, I cant wait to post in another game forum about it!”


It’s always fun in the 1st week. If the hype continues into 10.1 I’ll believe it.


it’s amazing how Garmuck has caused ptsd on here. people posts replies like this as gotchas, not sure why? Impress other forum regulars? But in reality, shows they spend too much time here

bravo, great post. Delimiscus used to post good stuff, but now seems to wait until another garmuck alt posts to cry “TROLL!” not sure what he wants to accomplish. he’s just preaching to the choir at this point

Hey look, another doomer post made by a tourist. Maybe if the tourists played Classic Vanilla and Classic TBC they would know that phase 1 is the most boring and content locked phase and that the release of any WoW xpack will temporally reduce the population until a new phase comes out. This cycle is so obvious that I laugh each time I see a doomer post like this.


that and people got tired of waiting on blizzard to do nothing about fresh vanilla and went to turtle wow or everlook

My server always looks packed. Northrend zones people out questing. Lfg has listings, always some raids going on.


You might not understand this given that you are level 10 but raid loggers are called raid loggers because they only log in when its raid day. They don’t tend to sit in Dalaran, they are burnt out on the game and would rather do something else.

As far as Dalaran AFKers go, do you think those people who are AFK don’t play the game? Do they just leave their game on while they play something else? I too AFK in Dalaran quite often and I am pretty sure I play the game.

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I blame lack of RDF and botting.


Still loving Wrath no interest in DF


Really? Gaslighting the classic forums of WOTLK doom, while playing on a server thats booming higher than ever with over 25,000 players?

h ttps://


I’m enjoying DF too. The new talent trees are awesome. I have no interest in the future of classic.

I’m on Windseeker and it’s not even remotely dead.

There will be people devoting time to the first week of a new expansion, and there are people who played Wrath strictly to pass time until DF was released. Even so, Wrath Classic will be fine. Ulduar is releasing soon, and lots of the folks who have Naxx/OS/EoE on farm will be checking out retail until Ulduar drops.

Don’t Chicken Little this kind of thing.

Right? The server is still hopping with lots of people.

The only time it feels “low pop” is the early AM when I log in for dailies. Then it quickly picks up as the morning progresses.


Grobb is dead all hours of the day. isn’t accurate.

Just because it says 25k does not mean 25k people log on daily, there is less than 5 people in Arena LFG at any given hour and more than half the groups are GDKPs followed by the other half being the same guilds from weeks ago recruiting the same open spots because to no one’s surprise people are mass quitting Wrath.

The only time Grobb feels “alive” is when you go to Dala and watch people running around, making circle with their mount out of sheer boredom before they alt-F4 into a better game.

If you want to level an alt you wait until AV weekend because there’s no one doing 70-80 normal dungeons and heroics are only done for dailies or targeting specific pieces people need and even then gold is so cheap due to mass DK botting on Grobb that people just swipe and run GDKPs.

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Are you going to post this tripe in ever thread?