It appears that Wrath is declining due to DF success

It remains to be seen whether DF is good. The initial single player experience from BFA and SL was good then max level sucked.

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classic andys are so dumb.

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Wrath is the ultimate raid logging expansion. There is nothing to do and nothing new is coming for a long time sadly. I also dont see the argent crusade dailys really roping people in.

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you know participation is down bad when wrath players can make statements like this

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That’s how games work are you new?

You can’t say it’s one of the best expansions yet it’s been out for like a week…

Got at least give it 3 to 5 months.


Well yeah. My point isn’t to say that DF is good (we can’t know that yet) but rather we should all be hoping it is good. The objective for taking the MMO genre forward should be the creation of engaging NEW content.

Classic isn’t the future of MMOs or wow.

Huffing that copium real hard.


Not really, I don’t even play retail and haven’t properly played it since Cata. I’m just presenting a fact - classic is old content. The MMO genre and WoW specifically is not well served by having reruns be the flagship product.


Yep. I got some skinning to do in DF to play with crafting, if I care I fix up the pve stats of my hunters armour I think that is 2800 for all upgrades per slot. I tbh am not seeing that happen all slots but who knows.

wrath ain’t buried for me. I see more play this week really as I space out alt number 2 in df.

Wrath jsut time shares with DF for some lol. Its a game not a marriage lol.

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Classic mains get worried when you point out that their dying version of the isn’t all that fun or exciting get very aggressive

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Got ‘em, lol.

Well, looks like you chased the OP away.

they need us casuals you see.

to buy their stuff on the AH. since other try hards don’t need it as much.

but then they fight on features casuals would like. hint…they need the casuals wanting to be in the game to have them there to buy your things.

or we are still here. but for me I jsut don’t care that much to slave wrath gold making to replace my brutal swords from 70. one day team brian will fix this. and I will ahve the 75K honor banked for it.

If I make gold tbh…its in the expac that will lead to an expac I will play. that be retail. that gold adds to over 1 mllion made mostly by hand. each faction did a get a starter token long ago to start off at 220K. I came from eve where I have billions. I hated being broke, I won’t lie.

classic side…call me at classic wod (maybe) and legion for sure when wrath has run its course. so…6 years ish later. if still around.

My guild has been ‘deader than dead’ eversince as well. Cannot find enough ppl online to do guild 5man heroics (pugs do work tho, so there’s that).

Also right on the money for bots. It’s bad when even casuals like myself can see them yet even when reported they are still left to their own devices.

Dunno about bugs tho, maybe I just got lucky and didn’t encounter any.

But yeah didn’t realize just how many retail players my guild had until recently.
Oh well, retail is very quick to wrap up usually. I figure most ppl will be back in a month or so. Un the meantime, so much for guild stuff.

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Idk about that, DF is shaping up to be a really good xpac.

Umm time to make an alt on another server and find an active guild in the meantime then. If it takes more than a month, not sure it’s worthwile to keep waiting in my current guild. We’ll see, with xmas coming, I wont have much time to play soon anyways.

You should honestly just try DF, the dragon flying is super cool and the zones are fun to play in. The fresh xpac experience is a one time thing, and always enjoyable to be a part of.

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Is it? Why? You used to post some well researched interesting stuff on important topics. Now you’re researching who’s a sock puppet. Who cares? But I guess now you’ll be researching me to see if I’m a garmack puppet. I really don’t care about the other people trying to guess who is who’s puppet. But what a waste of time for you who used to have something valuable to add to the discussion.

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Retail WoW just is not the kind of MMO I enjoy anymore.
Never say never, but the last gasp of fun I had was in MoP.


This guy is def. my sockpuppet.

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Then you’ll like DF, the zones remind me a lot of MoP style art and the gameplay is reminding me of it too with all the new talents. Doesn’t hurt to see some gameplay to see if it’s for you or not!