It actually insane how much better Templar is

elite utherr and arthass would be so proud

Again says the man who name is an eternal commercial memeā€¦

i expect a broader range of diverse owns from an elite paladinn of the holyy lightt. or has that well of creativityy been tapped dryy alreadyy?

With an unimaginative name like that, you canā€™t have expectation.

listen, its not too late to change your name and save face. maybe Mograinee? if thats taken, how about Migraine?

Says the unimaginative eternal commercial memeā€¦

Gavinradd? twice the radd, twice the elite!

You just keep proving my point. Please, keep goingā€¦

i proved my point 20 minutes ago. now iā€™m just having fun

That youā€™re an eternal commercial meme? Yeah, we know.

silly elite paladinn, you dont watch tv, remember?

Your meme has been out since tv started. Donā€™t need to look at tv now to see non-originality.

originality. says the elite Turalyon. oh sorry, Turalyonn

As opposed to Staytuned. :rofl:

im surprised an elite paladin like you has time for memes, between being elite and greyparsing

One cannot help but laugh at non-originalityā€¦meme. :rofl:

hey if you wanted to make a body type 2 paladin, you could call it Liadrinn! thats pretty elite

Thatā€™s right, keep proving my point. Go onā€¦ :rofl:

that youā€™re a cringe human male paladin that cant come up with his own rp name? yeah, we know

Says the living commercial memeā€¦ :rofl: