It actually insane how much better Templar is

says the living cringe meme

Like I said, no originality. Priceless. :rofl:

my bad, elite living cringe meme

This is great. It’s like a drunkard saying to others “You shouldn’t drink.” :rofl:

i just want to reach elite status like you. maybe not the cringe part thoughbeit

Heh. I bet you’re the kind of guy who says to women “I want to live in your socks, so I can be with you every step of the way.” :rofl:

damn, 3elite5me

Heh. Like I said, no originality. :rofl:

its turalyon, not turalyonn, in case we haven’t established that yet

Oh man, this $#!+ is hilarious, coming from the living meme who can’t be taken seriously. :rofl:

we mere warriors call em as we see em

Free advice: Next time you poorly attempt to come after someone’s name, make sure yours isn’t worse. Doesn’t help your case.

is the extra n what makes it elite? or is it a spelling mistake? i can forgive the latter

case? its just banter lil bro

Free advice: Next time you poorly attempt to come after someone’s name, make sure yours isn’t worse. Doesn’t help your case.

ok turalyonnn

Free advice: Next time you poorly attempt to come after someone’s name, make sure yours isn’t worse. Doesn’t help your case.

ok turalyonnnn

The living meme. :rofl:

concessionn: acceptedd