It actually insane how much better Templar is

so elite, yet couldn’t come up with an original name
i kneel…

Again, says the guy who sounds like a commercial.

do elite paladins such as yourself even have time to watch television? how would you know what a commercial even is?

Obviously you have the time. Your next commercial name should be like that advertisement—“Dick’s”

i’m just a mere warrior. television is all i have. unlike elite paladins who grey parse (i checked your logs. l.m.a.o)

Keep watching your tv. Maybe the chain store “Dick’s” will let you use their name next.

i had no idea that elitee highh exarchh turalyonn was so obsessed with a certain phallic organ. by the light!

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We paladins call 'em as we see 'em.

i bet you like seeing them :stuck_out_tongue:

Commercial names? Not really…

What is HoL? I see it all the time in here but can’t for the life of me remember an ability that would fit the abbreviation lol

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might need to level your misdirection skill to elite too

Hammer of Light. The new Hero Talent in the Templar tree.

Again, says the living commercial.

Oh duh :roll_eyes: lol I just got it a couple hours ago :joy:

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from a living commercial to the living embodiment of cringe, lightt bee withh youu

Says the unimaginative warrior who’s name is an eternal meme…

2elite4me highlordd

so elite, it needs multiple edits!

Like I said, unimaginative.