It actually insane how much better Templar is

Herald of the sun needs some buff or something, it has to be the biggest gap in hero talent among all classes no?

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The theory is that as we scale (and we will), and our Mastery gets higher and higher, Herald will get better.

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Hopefully because I feel that templar and Herald has the biggest cap in hero talent when compared to all other classes.

Its a shame too, because I like Herald a lot better for ret.

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i cant take a human male paladin that calls himself Turalyonn seriously. i just cant.


I kinda like it myself, The haste it gives making the lower level haste issues feel good.

Not even close. I feel like the biggest gap by FAR is between Herald and Light Smith. They nerfed and GUTTED Light Smith, for Holy, before it even went live.

I think they realized that they were dangerously close to making another Augment spec, and panicked and hit ABORT. So now we are left with just an empty spec where none of the talents have any agency.

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I think its pretty obvious that hero talents were designed with a certain spec in mind. Each spec has a choice between two in theory, but in practice most don’t really have a choice.


This couldnt be more true. Its pretty obvious for a lot of specs amongst classes. One is designed for raiding, the other M+, etc.

Like in PvP, Rets not using Templar are meme-ing. My only other toss up in pvp would be herald vs lightsmith for hpals. Herald has solid heals…lightsmith has better DR.

Why can’t everything be strong? Why does crap have to be nerfed all the time?

I feel like I’m exhausted with this and with games like this EXHAUSTED.

I wish I could sit in the cube farms with the devs and listen to how out of touch they are.

Why can’t all hero lines be strong and fun???

Every single class has this problem. Look at hunter. Dark ranger. Trash. Like almost every class has a hero line that is dumpster

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Says the man who sounds like a commercial.

Heh. You must be new to WoW.

kings honor, friend

was “Arthass” taken?


No. But I assume “But wait there’s more” was taken.

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an elite comeback by an elite human male paladin

NOW you’re getting it.

brb changing my name to Variann

You’re not worthy of that name change.

elite AND an elitist? byy thee lightt!

We paladins by definition ARE elite. A mere warrior wouldn’t understand that.