It’s too late for RDF

That’s the problem I have with your “make it exactly like it was” mentality. You’ll say things like this, as well as this:

Yet you’ll still refuse to entertain the thought of having future expansion QoL features implemented in older expansions. Those excellent dev teams started working on QoL features that end up in expansions due to the current expansion revealing problems they went on to solve or at least lessen the severity of.

The way I would have handled this project is by looking at QoL features from one expansion ahead and then getting player feedback through polls. Guild Banks should have been included in Classic Vanilla, and Dual Spec and RDF should have been included in Classic TBC.

If you’re going to cite quotes from original devs talking about how badly they wanted the feature in the game to justify the need for having it now, then I think you should accept what they’re saying and agree those QoL features should have been included in the Classic versions of the expansions those QoL features were being developed during. I’m only talking about QoL features by the way. Things that were changed because the original developers saw problems that needed to be solved.

ITS COMING. they just announced it

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I dont like this needapawg guy keep an eye on him

What relevant emblems do you think they’ll be able to farm with it? It won’t include the retail features known as H+ and H++ that the “no new changes” crowd begged for.

Are you asking how it worked in Wrath?

First Random Heroic with RDF gave 2 emblems of frost. Each one after that gave 2 emblems of triumph. Then of course the bosses dropped emblems.

Frost was current tier gear. Triumph was previous tier gear.

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The Ulduar ilvl changes didn’t help either. I get what they were trying to do, but having raid teams rolling into the next tier able to faceroll the heroic version is just silly - Blizzard always manages to kill their own content, but doing it to current content is a new record lol


I don’t think that’s a fair assessment. I would have liked to see them try to get through Original, TBC, and Wrath as closely to the original games as possible before tinkering with them. It’s pretty much far too late to give that a shot.

That was the whole point of Classic. The game as it was. ‘Warts and all’. You stray from that and you get some butchered, mutated hybrid that pleases no one. See: Wrath Classic.

Correction…it pleases bots and whales. Apparently that’s all Blizz cares about.


Making LBRS quests ‘raid’ quests and making the gemstones for the Seal of Ascension guaranteed drops would have greatly improved Level 60.


Cata will fail if they decide to go that route. That was when WOW started it’s decline.
There will always be a population on classic and WOTLK. The server I play on in WOLTK is very active and very populated.
Classic brought a lot of private server players to the game.

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I had no idea this was a thing until someone mentioned it for Classic…lol

blizz didnt listen to you lol. trash troll is trash.

Indeed it is too late.
If it was in when WOTLK Classic or even Vanilla Classic was released maybe I wouldn’t feel so dispirited with the state of the game.
I already canceled my subscription for a third time since WOTLK Classic came out and this time I intend to learn from my own Classic experiences and not return.
I wonder if I can get support to delete my account so I can’t be tempted to come back to this train wreck of a game and company.


They’re releasing it exactly when I thought they would when I found out that it’s not going to be on launch. Not exactly too late… ICC patch does bring 3 new dungeons, a new heroic+++ difficulty (Gamma) and likely a new sidereal essence system.

People will still be running dungeons, I know I will be something that couldn’t of been said without LFD.

You’re still subbed? As if you don’t just use the token to play.*ewoze0*_ga*MTQyNDYwMzY1MC4xNjg2OTM2Mzg1*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTY5MzA0MTYzOC4xMy4wLjE2OTMwNDE2MzguNjAuMC4w

There you go, that’s how to delete your account. You, me, and everyone else here knows you aren’t going to do that though. You’re so addicted to the game that you can’t even quit the forum. lol

Tokens are for people that have the cash in game to sub with them.
And as I don’t play retail or play the AH on Classic I don’t have the gold for tokens.

Many thanks.

But I don’t see how attempting to keep up to date with the goings on in game has anything to do with addiction.
Doubly so when the accusation comes from a user too gutless to post on his main toon.

Imagine comparing courage and gutless behavior to a video game forum. Go outside sometime, champ.

Why keep up with updates to a game that you’re pretending to want to delete your account over?

It is when you care so much about how people view you that you have to hide behind an alt just for smack talking on the forums so nobody can tie your behaviour to your main and treat you like the pitiable troll you are.

Before I saw what Blizzard did to Oceanic servers I was fully prepared to believe that there is a chance the state of the game could get better.
But now they are bringing out Hardcore realms but they won’t even do us the decency of allowing us more than 1 PVE realm.

But I have bookmarked the form for account deletion so when my subscription runs out I can finish filling it out.
It would be a waste to have it deleted right now because Blizzard doesn’t reimburse subscriptions that are currently being used.
If I had subbed for more than a month, I could have gotten a refund for the remaining months, but seeing as though MMOs in this day and age are more whimsy plays rather than the old days when community was a deciding factor, I don’t see the point in subscribing for more than a month at a time in order to save money.

This is a video game forum. Like I said, go outside.

That’s a far cry from “I wONdeR iF BliZZArD WIlL DeLEtE My ACCoUNT”