It’s too late for RDF

Maybe you should take your own advice then, cause you certainly need it more than I do.

And that’s referencing the past, not the present.
But this time around is the final straw.
But unless I get my account deleted I know sometime in the future I will think “I wonder if things are better yet”.
Maybe not a week from now, maybe not a month, but maybe a year from now.
So the only way to encourage myself to fully give up on Blizzard, I need my account gone.
That includes all my friends on my account and my old guild on Dath’remar.
It’s hard giving up the past when there are so many reminders of it.

This is literally a cry for help from addiction.

I gave you the link on how to delete your account. You have to take some initiative and do it, Blizzard isn’t going to do it because you’re making these pretend claims on the forum.

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