It’s too late for RDF

Reforging isnt in Classic. Its not even the expansion for it. Try again.

Ans you keep saying yall. Who is yall? Are you suggesting i was against rdf? Cause you would be incorrect.

Quack like a duck and all that.

Why is that clown referencing patch notes from Cata? What does that have to do with Wrath?

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Absolutely nothing. Cata pre-patch is still Cataclysm.

Cause he thought it was a gotcha cause apparently he thought 4.0.1 happened before the Cataclysm prepatch.

Understanding time lines has never been anti-RDFers strong suite.


LOL. Really?

Let me explain it for him.

See that 4 in front of the patch number? That means Cata. 3 means Wrath. 2 means TBC. 1 means Vanilla.

It’s really not that complicated.

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Yah, really. He thought this was a huge gotcha and his quote even includes the phrase “pre-patch for Cataclysm”.

It’s very very stupid.

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He can delete the posts if he wants I won’t gloat or anything. I had to triple-check to see if I made a typo or something he seemed so confident.

Can you elaborate? My position has always been RDF shouldn’t come early because it’s a different system than the other systems that have come early.

Seems like they listened to me exactly actually. Ironically, your conclusion is devoid of logic, instead of being a “logical extent”.

You telling people that the reason why they left it out was because of you, and that we should make friends because RDF isnt coming.

Can you quote where I said this?

Can you quote where I said this?

Spoiler: You can’t because these are things you’ve just made up.

Are you going to pay me to quote it? Sorry that I dont bookmark your nonsense, but you absolutely said it.

No I didn’t. That’s why you can’t quote it. This is a pattern for you: making things up that you can’t prove.

Yes you did. You can cry all you want that you didnt, but you absolutely did.

If I did, you’d be able to prove it. But you can’t because you made yet another thing up.

Oh I can. It was with you, Red and another one of your alts hat claimed you were always right. You remember that thread? I remember it and all 3 of you (your alts) were talking about how its not coming Blizzard said its not coming, we should find friends and even suggested or implied that it was our attitudes as to why we werent getting into dungeons because you could find them in 5 minutes which was going against the way you act constantly that no one would want to deal with.

Yeah, I actually have a memory that works, maybe you should get yours checked out.

Ok, and the quote is where? That’s what we’re waiting on. You don’t have it though because you’ve made this interaction up.

Glad you agree with me.

Just as I thought, no quote. That’s because you’ve made it up. Happy to clear that up for you.