It’s too late for RDF

When you say “Every other feature”, all i need to prove you wrong is find one feature that is a counterexample.

Okay. let’s play.

I’ll select this one.

  • Players can now visit special Reforging NPCs in capital cities located near Enchanting trainers. 40% of any one secondary stat on an item can be allocated to add a new secondary stat to the item. The stat being added cannot already exist on the item. An item cannot have more than one reforged stat at a time, though the Reforging of an item can be undone and changed.


Rdf will help leveling. At endgame, however, I don’t see it having much of an impact. Everyone is still funneled to the Mythic dungeons. Take them out of the equation and you’d actually now have a legitimate Wrath dungeon experience. Great for alts. Great for casuals. An extremely active, fun dungeon scene.


Are you saying that Cataclysm won’t launch with Reforging? lmao.


I am saying that not every other feature that was in Wrath the day before Cataclysm pre-patch was part of the Wrath pre-patch.

Reforging was not in wrath pre-patch.

edit: LMAO

4.01 was the Cataclysm pre-patch. Try arguing in good faith instead of looking for semantic outs.


that’s exactly what you incorrectly stated. You were wrong.

Reforging got launched with the Cataclysm patch.

It’s a Cataclysm feature.

Why would it be in Wrath?

It makes absolutely no sense.


I think heroic++ (what you call mythic) dungeons in wrath killed any incentive to go back to the old raids. Going back to the old raids on alts and even with geared characters for GDKP was a huge activity on private servers, and people saw it as fun. It wasn’t mandatory, it was just something to do. I think heroic++ was a mistake. They’re not that fun anyway.

don’t ask me. that was his argument… I think it’s a bad argument too.

Oh, you’re one of those people who argue that RDF is a Cataclysm feature then.

It’s objectively false and you should feel bad for arguing like it.

You won’t but you should.


so you agree that this sentence is false?

“Every other feature that was in Wrath the day before Cataclysm pre-patch was part of the Wrath pre-patch.”

No, cause reforging wasn’t in the game the day before the Cataclysm pre-patch.


Patch 4.0.1 was the systems patch for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

Colloquially referred to as “the pre-patch”. The patch that introduces Cataclysm systems before access to Cataclysm content is unlocked. Reforging wasn’t in wrath until they launched the Cataclysm systems.

TIL: The ICC raid is a Cata feature too then. The more you know.


So now all the “give us rdf” posters will become “to late blizzard” posters instead?

Too late, and not all.

Oh yes, there’s one thread criticizing their decision to leave it for this late, that must mean all of us go all in on this cause right?

Just the broad generalizations you lot are known for.

Look, this is easy to verify by checking his feats of strength achievements. For example, here is my original character:

Here you can see I got the WoW’s 5th Anniversary achievement on 11/22/2009

Just pointing out the irony in complaining about getting something youve been complaining for. At a time when alot of people said it would prob come, right before icc

It’s amazing how y’all are so predictable lmao.