It’s too late for RDF

Or the numbers have gone down more than they expected and with Brian gone there’s nothing blocking it anymore.


Good lord, yes, I responded to your reply to me, I must be the instigator here.

Why was RDF the odd one out?

OK, lemme try this.

Boys, SIT!

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So where’s your retail toon showing all of your vast Lich King Dungeon and Wintergrasp experience that you talked up so much?

Oh those two will for you, trust me.

When subs go down, Blizz just relies more on micro-transactions. It becomes a strategy of milking the remaining players even more. Hence Tokens being added.

Just look what they’re doing to Retail. They added the Trading Post so that now they can sell that currency on the cash shop.

This company has no shame.

By the way, they want to add the Trading Post to Classic as well. That was in a survey.

My lad, you’re not answering any questions you’re posed right now either, you’re just dodging and going insanely offtopic in your paranoia.

Why was RDF the odd feature out? And if it was for the token as you claimed why was it left out for 9 months?


Was I wrong about those two? They follow you around and grovel at your feet. I’ll leave you alone with your cute little puppies.

We’ve all learned not to do that. Zaalg and I go way back, we just happen to agree on some important things, but unless I’m remembering wrong (absolutely a possibility) we’ve had some harsh disagreements as well. Jeynar is a new face for me in this latest round of idiotic and facetious anti-rdf arguments. Why don’t you think Ziryus is in league with us as well? Is it just that you can’t spell Ziryus?

Not without a link to your $%*ING retail toon profile you filthy liar!

Does this give me power over them even if it is the case?

You’re still being a paranoid offtopic twerp btw.

Why was RDF the odd feature out? And if it was for the token as you claimed why was it left out for 9 months?


I see a lot of familiar faces around here. Ziryus would be another one. We go way back. Used to have heated debates on dual spec in TBC. He wanted it and I was very opposed, since it was never in TBC.

I’m all about authenticity. RDF is a Wrath system and belongs in Wrath. He’s more about…if it’s good for the game, do it. So on this topic our ideologies align.

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To be fair, those of us who respected the actual game expansions have been spat on, chewed up and crapped out for that opinion so these days I’m all for RDF from day 1 with dual specs and broad balance changes.

Only way to make me do MC again that’s for bloody sure.

I’ve said this many times, and I’ll say it again. Some Blizz dev (maybe Ion) gave this advice in reference to Classic…

Imagine it’s very late Vanilla and Blizz adds a new server. That is what we’re playing. Which explains the final patch talents and spells, and all the systems that existed. The only thing gated is content. They release raids and certain dungeons over time. Other than that, you’re playing the final state of the game.

From that perspective, I don’t want to hear ‘but the system wasn’t added until patch x’. Because it doesn’t matter, and it’s never mattered in Classic. They released every system early, save one.


Yes, it actually can be too late to make the game better. New World, Lost Ark, Wildstar, Firefall and so on have all waited to make a good game than doing it from the start even after all the feedback and 2 of those listed are gone.

Dont feed the troll.

it comes out on time, the rest is semantics.

Why is it the only feature that is coming out “on time”?


no idea. i don’t engage in strawmans and whatabouisms.

You will never get an answer. I’ve been asking that question for over a year.

It’s not too late for RDF. If ICC and RDF come out at the same time… people will come.

So try some basic logic. Every other feature that was in Wrath the day before Cataclysm pre-patch was part of the Wrath pre-patch. This is an objective fact that follows well established (if not absolutely perfect) pattern for the entirety of the classic releases. Why is it “on time” for RDF to come out so much later?