It’s too late for RDF

Its never too late, since I was very worried we wouldn’t have RDF for Cataclysm, but now I can rest easy.

It a disappointment that WOTLK was ruined like that, but it is what it is at least I’ll be able to enjoy WOTLK a bit before it ends.

But I am right. My god your got your RDF that you complained about non stop and probably arent even going to use.

RDF DID come out with ICC drop, Same exact patch. patch 3.3. How can you people claim to have played in original Wrath and yet not even know this. You got your RDF that you spent months and months sobbing about and begging to be added for on the forums and you still are not happy. Im actaullty starrting to think that you got banned from ever posting on the EU threads ever again and so that is why you have to come and post over here. Either that or you were forced out by their community. I was right about this all along. I TOLD you that it was going to be coming soon, but just not right when you wanted. I said that. I was RIGHT and you were WRONG. get over it.
You got your RDF, now stop complaining and quit spamming about it. 100% willing to bet you wont use it anyways. You gotta come over here cuz no one likes you over there. I was being nice to you when I said the only reason you came over to these forums if cuz those ones are 100% dead. But to be honest, there was plenty of traffic over there for you to have been posting about this over there. Just leave everyone here alone. You have made the RDF thread back to back and kept having it deleted. I told you that you made no difference to it getting added in. I said Blizzard was going to add it in at a later date.

I told you it was coming out later…in fact, I spammed it on your thread. Your RDF threads kept getting deleted even though you denied it. Some of yours still remain but the fact is, you spammed this for the entire time that Wrath has been going. Nearly 100% of your 3,000 posts on that toon of yours are all about nonstop RDF spam.

You got what you asked for and not because you asked for it. It is because Blizzard decided that they were going to put it in the same exact time that they always planned to put it in. You had nothing to do with this coming to happen, ZERO.

It’s irrelevant as long as every other game feature got added “early” according to your idiotic argument.

Why is RDF the odd one out? Answer that.

And no, I didn’t read the rest of your rant cause you’re not explaining that one question which you have been posed 150 times over the past 2 weeks.

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I already answered you that on your very own thread. You know what my answer is… in fact, you replied to it and we talked about it.

I have 0 threads on these forums so you’re going to have to point me at it.

And if you already answered it, why is it so hard for you to just repeat it?

Why is RDF the odd one out?


This is not a thing. Nobody cares about or even makes this distinction except you. I’m going to ask one last time - why did they release other systems early but not RDF. Why is it required for RDF to be part of a content patch?

Do you know why I don’t believe you?


Okay, that’s done. Now you.

Blizzard didn’t listen to anyone when it comes to rdf. Because they never once asked the players. Not a single time. Zero discussion. Zero feedback. Never a question on a survey about it.

This was just all them. They removed it all on their own. It wasn’t in the game because they couldn’t be bothered to remove a couple dungeons from the list. Or couldn’t figure out how. It’s going in now and you can tell they’re not happy about it. We already knew they hate the playerbase and now there’s even more bitterness and resentment.


Oh don’t worry, I know this.

Cuz no RDF caused people to buy WoW tokens to buy gear from the AH and to buy carries with gold from the WoW token gold sales. It makes money having the game be more difficult. Why else would they add tokens but not RDF when it should have been the other way around. Money first, you and me second. Thats the rule.

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Talk about moving the goalposts.

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So why was RDF not in the game before they decided to add the token?

Your timeline doesn’t make much sense here, but I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt yet again.

From day 1 of WotLK Classic till the 23rd of May, why was there no RDF? From September till May just … no profits, no reason?

Seems really really weird to have absolutely no reason for 9 months.

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That guy is just troll, just so you know.

He’s spent the last few days claiming Wintergrasp was an instanced, cross-realm bg in original Wrath.

He just likes to push buttons and make up nonsense. There’s plenty of that around here, but thought I’d let you know.

Oh, I know, but it’s added value entertainment for now.

I appreciate it.

You and i both talked just like this on multiple RDF threads and you know it. Quit trying to deny it. And everytime someone said something that wasn’t inline exactly with what you wanted them to say about RDF, you threw a fit and raged at them and said they were being anti RDF and were a troll. You really did spam this nonstop more than the rest of us combined. You and you alone did that. You know you did. Quite obviously you are ashamed of it cuz you keep trying to deny it now.

That was the one thing you had going for you on these forums, RDF spam, now that i tis getting added in… kinda as i said it would be… now you are lost because you have nothing to talk about. You lost your purpose for being here. Your entire existence on these forums evolves around RDF and nothing else. Zaalg and Bloodythorns are two of your goons who always follow you around and suck up to you no matter what. Just admit it, you’re lost now that RDF is finally coming in and now you are running out of things to post about.

Those two have been spamming your RDF posts of every RDF thread that you hijacked and always come to your defense 100% of the time. They are on every one of your RDF loving threads following you around and making sure you got your backup.

How on earth would I know this? You said yourself you swap between alts, how can I keep track of this crap?

Your entire rant here doesn’t account for the 9 months missing in your time line.

So again, I ask you, why was RDF the odd one out?

Wait, I have power over Zaalg and Bloodythorns? Mind letting me in on how this works cause I haven’t noticed it yet?

Also, I’m posting exactly the same I always was. Calling out idiotic takes and begging you to answer the questions posed.

So once again.

Why is RDF the odd feature left out?

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I’m going to paraphrase the great Raylan Givens here, “If you meet a jerk first thing in the morning, well you met a jerk. If you keep running into jerks all day long You’re the jerk.”

I don’t defend them, I attack you, the difference isn’t that subtle, even you should be able to recognize it.

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No one ever has an answer for why rdf is the lone exception to how Blizz has designed Classic.

The simplest explanation: laziness and incompetence. They couldn’t or wouldn’t remove the ICC dungeons from the list, so waited until they went into the game.

As to why they said they had no intention of ever including it in Wrath Classic: ego. They made a decision and this is their game. The backlash has been so bad they finally had to reverse course. But you can tell they’re not happy about it. That interview was cringe.

You just wanna suck me into another one of your arguments about RDF and it is going to be 3v1 here the way you want it.

Yea you kinda do. They follow you around like lost puppies yearning for a chance to appease their master. You got them where you want them.