It’s too late for RDF

exactly this.

it was always supposed to come out with ICC.

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If that’s true (it’s not but I’ll humor you) then why didn’t the Dev team state that they were making an exception for RDF - and only RDF - and give the reasons for the delay. Why they felt that this feature was exceptional among all of the other Wrath features that were just dumped in during pre-patch?

You don’t actually think they planned this the whole time do you?

Please tell me you’re not that stupid.


Haven’t seen many of the servers lately have you? Pops thinned, dead, gone away mostly. I call Carole King on this move.

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This has always been a cata waiting room for me, as i prefer than expansion to wotlk greatly. So i dont really care what they do to wrath at this point, i just want it to end.

That said, every person i know who was hyped about wotlk didnt even bother to subscribe when wrath classic launched because of this stupid, shortsighted decision to axe rdf. This is such an egregious case of “too little too late” that its almost comedy at this point. What a joke.


You know the logical extent of this is that they’re now ignoring you.

Threw you away like the toy in Toy Story.


Yep. They were hoping what happened to wrath round 1 would not repeat.

And….it did. Top heavy game where if not raid logged, many do high end alt content,

Then they made it worse. Mythic knockoff.

And a retailer could have told them no rdf and retail heroic is dead in the water. Need to lfg? Okay. Lfm mythic 0.

Need to make the group…may as well make even intro mythic.

Which is what is now seen with alpha beta.

It is true. He played during original Wrath and you didn’t. So he would know and you wouldn’t. RDF came out with ICC drop.

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The nice thing about RDF and Wrath was I could run heroics and get badge gear and slowly start boosting my ilevel enough to attempt to raid. I also did a lot of the rep stuff I think I needed gear from as well and got that to help me out.

Also, the ICC patch is probably going to be HUGE for Wrath Classic.

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I disagree, it’s never too late and just like in the original…it’s the perfect moment to introduce it back. ICC has always been the main event of Wrath.


Oh no, you really are that stupid.


Quit trolling. My god this is why I hate you people this much.

You’re the one thinking RDF didnt come out when ICC did. It did actually. And you want to troll me calling me stupid. You dont even know what you are talking about here. Me saying that you didnt play during original Wrath is further beginning to show as the absolute truth. Then you get angry and have to insult because your fragile feelings got hurt.

RDF was added in patch 3.3.

ICC was added patch 3.3

Thats a fact. Go troll somewhere else just because you cant handle facts.

Me saying RDF came out same patch as ICC drop and actually being right about it…lol and that’s your reaction.

I never said that. You’re the one hallucinating things that never happened. Where did you get the idea that I never played in original Wrath? Pull that one straight out of your backside as well?

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If you believe that the development team planned for RDF to come out with ICC all along and just decided not to assuage the player-base by saying so, that they intentionally kept it a secret until now because … reasons; well, what else can I say?


Because you called me stupid for saying that RDF came out right about the same time as ICC drop. The fact that you dont know that means that you did not play Wrath as you say. Post on your retail toon. Lets see if you ever did play during Wrath. You wont cuz you didnt.

Look at all my posts in the RDF thread… I said EXACTLY that time and time again.

I said multiple times, 30, 40, maybe even closer to 50 times in that thread that RDF came out with ICC drop and I said they were probably going to put it in to go with ICC. I said exactly that.

I believe it so much that I said exactly this about it in another thread…

RDF is part of a content patch, not a system patch. ICC came out along with it, ICC is content, not a system. I am therefore 100% correct in saying that RDF is from a content patch, cuz it is. Blizzard did not make the patch specifically for RDF. They made it for other content and it almost came out in Cata.

And this

This is just the same stupid argument you’ve tried to pull off 100 times already that’s never ever worked on anyone.

Can you just stop already?


Curious to see as to how much the game will grow after it’s implementation. One of my friends jumped ship after the token. Though it did come out in original wrath when Ice Crown came out true, yet with this releasing most folks already raid logging and maxed alt’s will this really increase the numbers in-game itself or will folks do just ICC get what they need to get and wait for Ruby Sanctum.

Right, but you’re an idiot - absolutely none of the development team ever said that, despite how effective it would have been at quieting down the play-base.

That’s not why I called you stupid. I called you and Robo stupid for believing a lie that the dev team isn’t even stating. Even they aren’t saying they planned this all along. Because they didn’t. They intended to never release RDF.

As for this, how come you never answer when I ask why Dual-spec and level 20 riding came out much earlier than the patches they were originally released in?

I dabbled. You shouldn’t talk when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Heck, you shouldn’t talk because you don’t know anything. And to finish you off - where’s your character that played in Wrath? I suppose I can try to dig up Miisa or whatever, but I’d like you to stoop lying and actually back yourself up for once.