Is WoW worth 15$ a month?



This is a joke reply right? You are 3/8 LFR and ur highest key in BFA is a +3. Yet you say I lack the experience to call vanilla a terrible game when you haven’t touched any of BFAs content, dumb bandwagoner.

Entertainment is subjective. If you are having fun then it’s worth it.

No, you did not “pay for content”. There is no place on the order web page to say “what I am paying for”.

You paid to play WoW – whatever is the current game. If you do not enjoy playing the current game – if it is not worth $15 a month TO YOU – then you should not be playing.

There are millions of people who DO play because it IS worth $15/mo TO THEM. But there are many nore millions who do NOT play.

That says nothing about the game or the devs. They can’t please everyone.

Wait…wut? How does BFA relate to calling anything in vanilla anything when you never did anything in vanilla. That’s like me saying Donkey Kong was horrible even though I have zero experience with it.

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No that’s why i unsubbed

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Yes but you are an adult and you can always stop.

The only way these practices will change is when you stop giving them money. They’re making over 50 million dollars a month from World of Warcraft.

Think about that. They can get away with anything.

Simple response is NO! and there is a simple reason , the last 13 years of expansions mean nothing there virtually irrelevant…

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I enjoy the game, so it’s worth it for me. If it’s worth it for other players, they need to decide that for themselves.

Since I can make sub for the month in just a few hours of farming, it’s not about money for me. It’s about fun. Even free, why would we play a game that isn’t fun?

This is why RNG obsession has put a very serious hurt on WoW. Residuum should apply to every slot to smooth out the goofyness with RNG. Because they refuse to do currency, they have to throw more and more gear at us - becuase with less than 1% chance of getting the gear you need, that means we aren’t happy 99% of the time. Bad design.

For me it is. If I play like 5-10 hours per week, then assuming about 4 weeks a month, that’s 20-40 hours per $15.

That’s better than some AAA games I have bought, where I spent $60 and played for a similar amount of time.

Although both are better than seeing a movie at a theater, which is roughly $20 for 2 hours.

well they can either charge you 15.00 per month for there game or change 5.00 and put in micro transactions which would you prefer,i prefer 15.00 a month …thank you and goodnight

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For me it’s worth it. for others who knows, most just stay subscribed so they can troll on forums.

No, WoW isn’t worth it right now, and won’t be until they actually start listening to player feedback. We pay way too much to have zero communication or interaction from the devs on serious concerns.

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Idk if it’s a game or a slot machine. Pull the lever and find out

For the first time in a while, I feel that no. It is not worth it.



No you paid for access not content. If you want to say you paid $55-75 for content for the expansion then you’d have a point.

Eh, I buy gametime with in game gold. I have been doing sofor the four months… It’s fun enough that the byproduct of playing means I get to play more. The moment I feel like I have to “work” to play, I’ll likely stop.

Especially now that I have a new computer than can player more graphically demanding titles. There is, to be honest, a LOT to do in WoW, just a lot of it farming… like any rpg or mmo.

It’s a thin line for me, honestly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but WoW is only barely worth the money for me because I have a guild and friends that play and having that common game among us is what keeps me around. If everyone left I would probably go ahead and find a new game that doesn’t charge me monthly to play and make new friends there…

Sad to say but the quality of BfA doesn’t quite live up to Legion and that is on top of Legion’s flaws like the legendary slot machine and AP grind… (they brought the worst parts of those systems forward and left the good stuff like artifact appearances behind)