Is WoW worth 15$ a month?

I think it’s more about the devs’ target audience. They’ve prioritized raid content and it shows. No other mmo can do raids like WoW can. But it’s safe to say that other mmos have poached more and more non-raider subscribers from WoW.

WoW reminds me of the Chiefs. One of the top offenses in the NFL (analogy would be raid content) but near the bottom in defense (non-raid content). :smiley:

Short Answer: No

Long Answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Well…there used to be 12 million players now theres about 3 million, so 9 million people dont think its worth the $15 for its entertainment value.


I don’t know, but one thing I do know is that games without a subscription fee suck ten times more than those that have one.

Except for Archeage…if you are into sandbox anyway.

I agree with you on all of these issues with the game but the only real answer depends if you have fun playing or not. As we can see from the backlash and all of those players leaving for many the game is not worth it.

some people raid because they enjoy it. i also see people complaining because they out gear the keys that are low enough for them to handle

this is an rpg. without player progression, character progression loses its value. if you don’t care about raiding, mythic plus, or pvp for pure enjoyment, then all the chores are worthless. i can see why players who don’t challenge themselves in endgame content lose interest in the game

consoles are putting out more and more predictable titles these days. they’re enjoyable for hours, days, or maybe a few weeks depending on how often you play and what you want out of them. the same can be said about every other mmorpg as far as i can tell. pay 60 bucks and maybe you enjoy it for a bit, then never touch it again

for 15 bucks a month, and being able to choose if i want to take a week or so off between resubbing, i’d say wow is well worth it. i could pay 4x that and not one other game i can think of would give me this much entertainment or even be playable for 30 days

lol I highly doubt there’s even a million players left in the US.

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If I wanted to pay $15.00 a month to run on a never-ending treadmill for a dried-out carrot, I’d have joined a gym a long time ago.


The cost of WoW isn’t the money. It’s pretty trivial compared to a movie ticket or a couple of Starbucks.

The real cost of WoW is the time spent accomplishing fantasy pixel tasks instead of real world tasks. Sure, WoW can be fun, but look at those /played hours and think what else could have been achieved with that effort.


14+ years of repayable content with friends is worth $15 per month for me, yes. Over the years, I’ve made more and more money in my career through salary increases and bonuses. The cost of living has also increased. And yet, wow is still 15 a month, or cheaper with the other plans.

The only way it’s not worth it for this expansion is if you and/or your friends are not enjoying the newest content (edit: and the new content is all you care about.)

not everything is perfect but I think people need to remember even a weaker game in a very strong series can still be a good game.

Wow is a strong video game series and I think even though some people feel BFA is weaker for wow it is still a good stand alone game.

personally i’m having a lot of fun and am currently subbed on 2 accounts.

Its ok, Blizz love money

For me, it still probably the best entertainment value out there.

Slot machine. And no it isn’t worth it, nor was the expac worth it. And now Blizz

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For me it is. I’m enjoying myself despite the issues I see with the game. It’s cheap and I have a butt tonne of free time.

These days since BFA launched I’ve felt the dust on my pc screen has more worth than wow does. Only reason I still play is that my sub is paid up to September and my guild.

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I think it all depends on what you want or expect to get out of the game. If you’re not happy playing, then no, it isn’t worth it.

Video games are still one of the cheapest hobby. Depending on how many hours you play and have fun it is worth it. Let’s say you play 5hours in the month… it’s 3$/h, not many hobbies are that price… went to the movies cost me 12$ in the afternoon for 1h30 (dragonball movie was awesome).

P.S. prices might be slightly off with the CAN/US exchange rate… but you get the point.

When I am really into wow I play easily 10hours a week… making 40hours a month for 15$ totally worth it.
Now I am waiting for sub to run out so 15 is a lot lol

I don’t do that anymore, I hate myself everytime! Haha

Absolutely not.

Go to ESO or FFXIV. WoW has gone so far downhill and the devs STILL won’t listen (I like quoting the 4K + replies that were ignored from the beta feedback thread :D)

Unfortunately wow is done, go spend money on devs that ACTUALLY listen.