Right now I do not feel like we are getting value for our money. Sadly I don’t think we will until 8.2 and maybe even until the launch of Classic.
Hell, Warfronts might actually get good when we can do them as a guild on heroic with some real risk but they should have launched that way. Might be too little too late to matter.
As far as the World Quests. It was a good system and I really don’t know what they could have done to make it better in BFA. Should have stayed with Legion.
Think overall just a lot of bad choices and calls got made this time around. BfA wasn’t made for gamers. It was made for stock holders to show player engagement and replayability. That kind of blew up in their face but that was the point. As is the point with all the carrots on a stick this time around.
As much as we say we don’t need this or want that it still gets put in. It shows better numbers on their end which obviously didn’t happen as hoped so maybe they will try a different approach going forward.
Honestly with how bad everything is overall I am just surprised they haven’t announced anything for any of their IP’s to get us excited.
15x12 plus 60 every 2 years is 210 a year. For 210 dollars I get 624hrs (3 days, 4hrs a day, 12hrs/wk) of entertainment… yes, most definitely worth the price. Even more so since I pay with gold.
It does bother me that the expansion cost of this subscription based game is that of an actual game. I mean $29.99 would have been more reasonable but Blizzard does it because they can do it.
I do worry that the microtransactions will get worse sooner then later. Thinks like buying character slots or an increase to total characters on your account cap. Believe it or not with how overly alt friendly this game is and with the Allied races it isn’t hard to see 14yr + players having close to 50 characters. I can’t even make another character right now unless I delete one. Thankfully in my case I still have a few low levels that I can.
Lets also not forget how overpriced almost every character service is. Each one is worth maybe 50% of the price. I mean if they were 50% I might even use them more often. As it is I plan two race changes once Kul’Tiran and Zandalari are unlocked and I am not thrilled about the $50.00 price tag but I am sure stock holders and investors are happier then a ________ on ________.
Point is, is that this again is a subscription game and we still get taken advantage of left and right when as already existing customers we should be rewarded.
Yes I would love to move 6 toons to another server… I would like to change many things, but Blizz keeps the price high to call it a service not a microtransaction. They are sliding by on a technicality. I have close to 30 toons (many before being able to respec). I would not mind buying a toon slot for $5.00 The first name change should be free. Server changes from full servers to low pop servers should always be free. I would not mind paying $25.00 a month as long as I never had to buy an Xpan or pay for any server swaps, race swaps, or name changes or any of that mess. It would be included in a premium service fee.
Me as well. I would simply pay $25 a month if there was no other costs. Maybe even every 3 months you get to pick a store mount for free. The current model sucks but your right. They are trying to avoid that microtransaction word.
Little off topic, but I would like the ability to change and customize my mount colors armor even create a profession for it. It gives 0 stats but it is cool to be able to change that look. Also be able to change the color of my own armor much like I can in GW2 or SWTOR.
I’m to the point that the sub fee in this day and age is no longer a “value” as so many have said. So many games are always online etc so it seems with the lack of “engaging” content this expac the sub fee isn’t worth as much as it used to be.
My final answer: NO based on the current state of the game.
I am still having fun with it, so it is well worth $15 a month for me. Honesty, it the sub is a problem you can always just farm a gold and buy tokens off the AH.
Yeah, because Heroic gear never titanforges (quickly hides my “forged” heroic gear) right! Forging can happen equally to every caliber of gear, it’s not just an LFR issue. Now I do agree that forging needs to be redone, it should never surpass the base level of the next tier but seeing every tier can forge that’s not really a huge issue.
Oh wait, I see. This is just another whine post about the state of WoW. Well then let me help you out.
I get more from WoW than I do from Netflix… which is about to cost me $16 / month for my 4-viewer sub. If I was short on cash and had to choose between the two… I’d keep WoW.
$15 a month is less then an hour of work for most people. That’s not much for 30 days of unlimited access to the game. I think it’s a bargain. A few hours of entertainment, going to a movie, costs almost that much for one person. However, as others have said, if you don’t enjoy WOW anymore even $1 a month is too much.
For me it is. When I consider how much entertainment I get out of WoW in a month and the fact that I blow way more than that on stuff that doesn’t last a week let alone a month (drinks, food, movie rentals, etc.) the answer is an obvious “yes”.
Not its not worth a penny I got tricked into getting 6 month deal for the dreadwake mount such a bad mistake stuck with this game till April 19th of this year…
I wont be renewing likely for a few more years or until Return of the lich king expansion 2022-2024.
Point is nothing in game to do until next week a new raid and better dungeons and gear and stuff… But that will loose interest after a few weeks…
My point is this expansion is pretty dry in terms of content its on life support aka Mythic plus and Mythic Raiding.
I don’t think it’s worth $15 a month. But then again, I don’t pay $15 a month. I think it’s worth 120k a month. Until they continue screwing my ability to make gold and I run out.
But I don’t think wow is really worth $420 every 2 years (aka the cost of sub + xpac per xpac cycle if you pay $15 a month). I mean, it’s not THAT good of a game. Especially these days.
The pay to play model is incredibly outdated and mostly works with wow because people are used to playing it. But for new players where the have no emotional/time investment looking at a choice between WoW or any of it’s competition, the competition that isn’t pay to play has a bigger chance of getting new players. Eventually WoW will need to rethink it’s business model to get an influx of new players.
I’d say it’s worth $15 on CERTAIN months, but definitely not all
far far from all
Nowadays its also inadvisable to immediately resub for a new content patch. Instead you must wait to see when the new content is REALLY be released because the patch date means almost nothing.