Is WoW pay2win now?

Look at the titel of the video, look at the reaction thumbnail. Totally begging for views.

K, but he doesn’t regulate these videos, Catdany does, who is only associated with Asmongold.


Pretty sure the guy is just a twitch streamer.


The problem is, yes, it’s utter clickbait. The problem is the people who hang onto anything that falls out of his mouth like gospel because he’s “popular”.

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It wasn’t until corruption came onto the scene.

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Or that he just, god forbid, can make a valid point? I don’t really watch him outside of some highlight videos I see on YouTube, but he does point out some glaring problems and offers some sound solutions to fixing said problems.


Isn’t this only BoE Rings and Legs?

As I stated earlier, I humored the idea and hopped on to check the AH. It’s nowhere near the problem as he is trying to make it out to be.

To say it, yet again, the obsession over corruption needs to stop.

Not to mention I’ve out-dps’ed people with TD/Infinite Stars on my warrior. Why? Because I know what I’m doing.

Buying corruption isn’t going to make you a god of dps.



I find it odd how people demonize people because they convey their opinion on a certain platform. Oh he’s from youtube, only in it for the money, ignore!. He’s from Twitch, subhuman, reported! But here on General Discussion, I listen to all opinions… UNLESS THEY’RE THE WRONG OPINIONS! WRONG!


You browsed the Ah at this point on your server and concluded your argument on that point. Never mind prices might’ve been higher when people were actually pushing content. Never mind that it’s still 1 mill plus gold to buy my bis off hand on my server.


Dude’s been around for a long time, and one of the longest running WoW personality. He certainly knows what he’s talking about.

That being said, I can’t stand to listen to Asmongold for more than a minute before being overcomed by the urge to punch anything resembling a human face.

As long as people are willing to go above and beyond and take the risk every multiplayer game has some P2W mechanic. Since the rated system people have paid for their accounts to be “borrowed” so their ranks can be gained, people pay real life money to be put in a raid team to be carried in mythic raids. Blizzard can only do and find out so much. For those frantic about this because of the corruption system its only one patch, and many problems you guys complain about on the forums will be fixed in shadowlands. On top of that I personally wont take anyones skills / ranks in the terms of pvp achievements seriously at all if that achievement was earned during the duration of 8.3.

While not strictly pay to win it does allow players to throw money at their screen for character progression. Currently there’s a very large market for in game content carries. Even higher end players pay for carries to gear a character up faster.

Also not to mention it feeds the instant gratification casual consumer that wants to buy all the shinny pretty must have pets, mounts, etc from in game vendors and the auction house.

No, because you don’t need absolute BiS to clear content. It’s nice to have, but you can clear content without it. I will never buy anything beyond crafted starting out gear for a 120 character because I will earn my progress.

Not get it spoon fed to me and then when I’m on my own look like a total account buying toolbag not knowing what the hell I’m supposed to be doing.

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how do you win in wow? what do you win? i dont understand what people would pay for bis gear and then still fail to things

Yes, in game and real life economy.

Most people don’t do this, since if you buy carries with gold for I level 475:

You didn’t win, you bought. So then what did you buy 475 I level FOR?

Sure people can, but most won’t. It is the same as paying for the brutosaur, with tokens, if to you that is “pay to win.”

The mythic mount. Or the m+15 mount. Or those time exclusive pvp mounts. Corruption BoE’s will help with that.


Does having a bis help or hinder clearing content?

You know the answer. I’m done reading and replying so have the last word.


Where did I say BiS didn’t help? Yes it helps, but it’s not required.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.