Is WoW pay2win now?

Even Blizzard themselves admitted it was a failed experiment and a balance nightmare.

So the class changes flew over your head coming in pre-patch. Got it.

Can I feel that its both garbage and one of the best features of 8.3?


Killing the last boss on mythic ?
Doing a +25 or something on m+?
Winning the m+ championship?
Winning a pvp championship?

You could win in a lot of ways.

You can feel however you want. It’s the one thing about 8.3 that fell flat on its face even harder than early azerite traits.

I think, and this applies to the entirety of BfA, there’s a severe disconnect between the concept designer and the game designer. The IDEA of a risk/reward system is fantastic. The more risk you are willing to take, the more you are rewarded.

But it’s implemented in the worst possible way lol. The acquisition not being tied to progression, the RNG, the broken balance, etc, etc.


Honestly when they gave the cloak an active ability to ignore negative corruption effects is when they opened the flood gates to a lot of this stupidity we’re seeing now with players that want to abuse something to the absolute extreme.

Adding buttons doesn’t change class game play. You notice that they went quite on the GCD change? OOOoo they made some of the 7 talents base line, problem solved! I mean they didn’t nerf some abilities so they could un-nerf them while you level to make it seem like you are getting something new with out adding content. This expansion you’re going to get ONE new class ability isn’t that awesome?!?

WoW has always been pay to win. Chinese gold farming started on launch day. I was in 2 raiding guilds in vanilla that I know bought gold. I left both of those guilds. But it felt like it was commonplace at the time. It really hasn’t ever been stopped has it?

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Yes it is =D

They didn’t go quiet on the GCD change. They said they’re leaving it as is for SL.

Hey I’ll take new class abilities to play with. I mean you what to know what I’m waiting on, because it’s going to be funny.

People crying on pre-patch when they do the ilvl and character level squish and suddenly that stacked TD and other nonsense isn’t doing jack squat because it’s % based and the numbers are going to be a lot smaller across the board.

Has there ever been an image of this Asmo-whoever where he doesn’t look like a sewer-dwelling vermin?

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Thats what I mean, visually corruption is awesome, theme wise I love getting a double-edged superpower spawned by the mere act of a great old one brushing against reality.
In practice, poop

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That’s because you could potentially get permabanned. There existed a deterrent/risk. It’s like saying ohh well you can get rich in real life easy! Just live a life of crime and sell drugs!

The difference is Blizzard said it was okay to buy gold through them. That’s the fundamental difference. I don’t see why so many miss this blatant point.


You can buy as much Gold as you’d like with cash and then use said Gold to buy whichever gear / rating / raiding you would like.

So yes, you’re “paying to win.”


Its like how the mobile gaming companies are justifying gambling for kids. You can buy a lootbox using ingame currency, but to get the currency you must either use real life money or grind for 100 years. Boom, bypassed the law declaring lootboxes as gambling. All it was is just 1 small step.


Basically, this.

People wanted a system where they could make gold in game to pay for subscription time. There always had to be someone else on the other side of that transaction…namely, a player looking to buy gold to spend on something.

And if there’s nothing worth spending that gold on, there would be no “whales” to subsidize the f2p players.

You can’t have a f2p ecosystem where everything is equitable. That would mean the game developers are losing or you have ads in game.

Your mistake is lisening to a youtuber desperate for views.

I wouldn’t exactly say Asmongold is “desperate for views”

Congrats. You wasted real money buying gold tokens for a “powerful” shiny. (Which can be bought using farmed gold.)
What’s that? That 120 mage in levelling blues is still !@#@# slapping you and refuses to die?
And why are you screaming at mythic raiders in “crappier” who refuse to take (carry) you on any more runs. Oh! You died six times to trash.

A clueless muppet who buys BiS is still clueless. Only difference is they will last 10seconds longer.

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He gets most of his revenue from Twitch and as one of the largest WoWStreamers, doesn’t need to resort to clickbait.