Is WoW pay2win now?

WATCH THE VIDEO he explains that people buy good corruption on servers where they are cheap and mail them to servers that are populated.

Or they got unlucky with procs, otherwise you would be doing it every time.


It is NOT pay to win… first off, you can get everything that is in the AH just by playing the game… second, Blizzard has no control over the insane prices individuals place on items in the AH… third, the existence of wow tokens does not equate to pay to win or free to play…

BiS items have always found their way into the AH and have always had insanely high price tags on them. Before the WoW token, there were people who would buy wow gold from third party sites. Even though it was against the TOS people still did it… did that make the game P2W? Of course it didn’t. And someone might say, “back then the risk of being banned meant hardly anyone would risk it, so it was a non-issue.” Well, guess what… the IRL price tag on those items is so absurdly high that very few are going to buy them with WoW tokens as well.

People calling it pay to win, act as if everyone can just up and drop $600+ on WoW tokens on a whim just because their BiS is on the AH… now, let’s look at those prices real quick and the current exchange rate… currently a token is worth ~100kGp the items in the video were just shy of 10million… that means 100 tokens, that is $2,000… do you personally know anyone who can and will drop $2,000 on a single item in a game that they might be replacing in a few short months? Even when buying gold was through less scrupulous means, no one would sink that much for just one item.

Sure we hear stories about how high end raiding guilds spend all that and more on BiS items off the AH, but do we ever see any actual factual evidence that they bought the gold with tokens? No… infact all of the evidence anyone has ever provided in regards to it points to them raising the gold through multiple methods, item sales, farming, donations from fans, and tokens… but never is it just tokens… they more than likely just buy a few (5 or 6 tops) tokens to fund the last bit. Also remember those guilds have a lot of members… many of whom are NOT on their progression raid team… a good number of those non- progression raid members actually support the progression raid team via crafting, gathering, and otherwise funding the guilds coffers so the raiders can get gear… you see a 10million gold price tag and think “they bought it with tokens” while they see a 10million gold price tag and say “oh, we got 100million in the guild bank”


I wouldn’t call 3 TD procs in a row unlucky, and they still couldn’t get aggro off me via dps. I come back to skill with your spec does mean more than a corruption effect.

There’s a little clique here on the GD Forums Slimm, it’s like the worst part of Middle School all over again.

You’re wrong, people CAN and DO drop hundreds and even thousands of dollars to avoid earning gear in-game.

This is the very definition of Pay-to-Win


More like blizzard would ban someone to preserve the integrity of the game, then they became the gold sellers.

Gold selling is bad for the game.
You can’t stop people from doing bad things.
You also don’t need to make a detriment to the game your monetization strategy.


Longevity does not confer relevance or insight.

Are you trying to say the main contribution to DPS in 8.3 is skill?
You can’t seriously think you out DPS’d good procs on TD purely because your rotation was “on point”


Knowing your spec and knowing the fight. Absolutely.

Considering I did, yes I do seriously think that. I don’t have any amazing corruption. I work with I got and perform at my highest ability.

Tagging an Asmon video is a surefire path to being flagged into oblivion. You would have been far wiser to just say “I watched a content maker on youtube produce a video about this topic and they raised some interesting points”.

Secondly, I will ask you this - can you obtain the items in question in the game yourself, without paying for them? If the answer is yes, then it isn’t p2w.

That’s it, really.

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Yikes, you don’t know. 20-50% total damage done in some fights with TD, or those 70% damage done with Infinite stars and you naively think you can beat that with just knowledge and skill.

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You’re the naive one if you think corruption effects will make up for not knowing the hell you are doing on your spec. That said, you can continue to think that. We’ll see how well that attitude serves you going into pre-patch and Shadowlands.

If you don’t have comparable corruptions and are out DPSing people with good corruptions its because the person you are beating sucks to a degree I previously though unobtainable. Bronze proving ground failing bad…

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As a raider, I can tell you that your parses can greatly vary depending on your corruption proc.

My Hivemind mythic pulls can vary anywhere from 90k to 120k depending on how the procs lineup, it’s pretty crazy.
And on ST encounters I’m seeing average variance of about 10%. I hate corruption RNG.

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You make it sound like you just pick up the gear you want after getting some tokens…that’s not reality no matter how much you might want to paint it that way. If you are jealous, just say you are jealous and move on. It’s ok to be jealous and even normal, but just because you don’t like the fact that folks can get some gold with real cash and then buy runs that’s not pay to win.

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Gotta love the forum spergs that mass flag anything mentioning Baldy even if it’s only being used as an example and the main point of the post has nothing to do with Baldy himself.

@Kibio - You’re better off asking without mentioning him. Your OP is completely valid, there’s just a bunch of people on the forums here that sperg out and flag anything mentioning him.


Hit enough spells fast enough to trigger infinite starts and do top damage. Seems good enough for most people with those orange parses, can barely see their abilities on those logs. Cleaaarly lots of skill and thought went into that.

I think I will. I raid after all, so I actually know what I’m seeing.

Harry Potter screwed a generation
If we don’t say his name and close our eyes it just goes away


Considering how much AoE is in that fight. I can actually believe that. My point is, corruption effects will not make up for not knowing your spec and those that have been leaning on it come pre-patch and into the next expansion…

Well I would say I pity you, but that would be lying. You brought that pain on yourself.

I’m not saying corruption procs are more important than knowing how to play. I mean, I’m no top tier player, but I am 8/12M. We’re not complete scrubs dude.

I’m saying, corruption RNG does affect hell of a lot more than you think. You can have a pull where rotation wasn’t completely ideal outperforming your best rotation pull simply because IS stack procced 10 times more than your better pull.

And unfortunately you don’t have much control over that. :frowning:

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