Is WoW pay2win now?

And you can pay your little brother to do the dailies & emissaries for the day. I see it as the same thing tbh.

It’s just very inconsequential, they’re not getting a better gear than someone that just do the run themselves lol.

All they had to do was NOT PUT CORRUPTION ON BoE’s. This wouldn’t be a problem because then you couldn’t win against those just playing the damn game.

You know, just to humor those that act like buying some tokens to get these awesome corruptions. Let me tell you, I looked, the only slot that even had that was hands on armor, no weapons. You know how many of them had bids on them?

One, just one set of hands had a bid and it was a 445 with an okay-ish corruption.

Stop hanging onto anything that falls out of Asmogold’s mouth like it’s gospel please.

Silly you don’t bid, you buyout. 99% of them are all buyouts.

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The problem is that Blizzard doesn’t get $20 when your brother plays. Which is why account sharing and non Acti-Blizz rmt is against TOS but multi-boxxing isn’t.

Works for both. Not sure if you’re aware but having the best gear allows you to pull more dps than say someone in mediocre gear.

The whole point is he’s getting into pugs I wouldn’t into get purely on ilvl that he only has because he opens his… errr his parent’s wallets.

I’m arguing the p2w aspect, I don’t understand why you’re not following…


I would also note that almost all of them were down to Short duration meaning they’d been sitting on there for a hot minute.

I agree, and with corruption system gone hopefully it’ll be a temporary problem.

…unless they introduce some alternative uber procs and put them on BoE again lol.

I… I wouldn’t put it past them. They did go from Titanforging to Corruption thinking it was a good idea after all.

You should watch a few minuets of the video OP posted, since it shows very much the opposite. What ever you feel about that streamer all he’s doing is showing whats going on.

yea, that has been the main issue and why these things have such ridiculous value right now. the fact I haven’t even seen oozing on 3 toons… all doing mythic +15 keys each week and 3 horrific visions on each… it’s nuts. It’s completely broken.

it’s affect on pvp right now is pretty noticeable. it’s not 100% by any means, but the corruptions have really made inbalance in arena.

The ultimate point here is and I swear I’m going to have to turn this into a chant.

Corruption goes away in a few months. People blowing money for tokens for gold are literally wasting their money especially on something that has more sources to get it than some people have brain cells.

Stop. obsessing. about. corruption.

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While I don’t agree that WoW has become “pay to win”, you do realize this is how F2P business models work, don’t you?

Again, I don’t think WoW has quite reached that point, but the entire point of microtransactions is to lure in those sorts of people (referred to by the industry as ‘whales’ - disgusting, I know) to spend huge chunks, and essentially subsidize those who don’t.

So while I don’t think Blizzard has inadvertently made their game P2W by introducing gold-to-cash transactions, I don’t think it’s something that should be completely downplayed, either. The fact that a sub-based game can rake in this much additional revenue with even a fairly minimal in-game store is a little frightening.


Yeah, he needs to see those videos where the guys go in with 250 corruption and hit that infinite stars proc, its like the player didn’t even exist. Oh and that 30 tank heroic run, only with Twilight Devastation.

Pfff, you go into pvp with 250 corruption and you’ll be the one exploding more often than not. That’s idiotic trying to do anything with that much corruption.

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I think I saw a video of a few games where both groups where trying that, its hilarious. Games lasted less than a minute, either you delete them or they delete you.

I haven’t watched the video, but I imagine this is happening in Arena.
The fights are short, so you can probably nuke the whole team and pop your cloak at first sign of the eye or TfB and hope the enemy team is instagibbed by then lol.

The base game play is bad, corruptions are bad BUT they improve base gameplay a bit along with azerite gear. When they remove both of those failed systems, the base game play will be worse than it is now with the only thing to improve gameplay being what ever system Blizz uses (looking like covenants). So if they mess up covenants like they did with azerite it will be “8.0 the sequel “Still Garbage””

If that’s the case, let’s be glad this system disappears in a few months and never returns.

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I think whether or not people agree or disagree at the P2W element, we ALL agree this corruption system is hot garbage lol.

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