Is WoW pay2win now?

Pay-to-Win is actually being able to convert real money into in-game power.

WoW wasn’t pay to win before the Token. Now, though, you can buy a token with real money and convert it to in-game gold and then spend that in-game gold to increase your characters power.

It’s certainly not the worst example of pay-to-win but it is an example of pay-to-win.


Maybe because people playing before the merge have given up? IDK

Why would you buy a 5 mask run.
At this point it’s not that hard a content.

No it won’t. None of our members have done a 5 mask run yet.


I mean, I look at warcraft logs sometimes, these people on top have a lot of the same corruptions… Multiple of the same kind. You’re physically unable to pull the numbers without the right corruptions when they end up being 20-50% of your total damage done. How can someone without these items even compete.

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It gets even worse with trinkets.

Why do people buy candy crush lives? The world may never know.

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see’s an asmagold clickbait video

Yep flagged as spam.

Looking at the number 1 world wide logs on WoW isn’t who you are trying to compete with.

People getting the top parses are typically doing so under silly circumstances.

Padding dps on adds to a degree that others are intentionally backing off. Getting extremely luck on a proc rate. Getting more crits than normal.

Don’t compare yourself to the top parses in your regular runs. Thats just silly. Corruption or not.

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to =/= in :stuck_out_tongue:

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There are so many sheltered bodies in this thread with the ideology “I don’t agree with it or I wouldn’t do that, therefore it doesn’t exist.” Pure solipsism at its finest.

Different goals right. I have a rogue but more gushing wounds would go a long way to put that purple parse into a golden one I tell you what. Some of us compete for the highest scores on logs, and some people move to higher end progression guild with a nice track record.

What I mean is, since you’re limited to one 470 gear (and degrades by 5 levels for every following reward) per week, buying a five mask run doesn’t really give you an advantage over others. We’re time gated by weekly anyways. /shrug

for sure and I don’t agree with the sentiment that bad players are becoming good buying gold (money) alone. the game is still 100% driven by ability when paired with the right gear. The issue now is people of similar ability used to have a fine line between them relative to end results. Now, corruptions have just made that divide much larger then it used to be. Instead if just being maybe, one or two items, now it’s an entire set of gear that can completely transform your toons viability.

And yes, totally agree that the number is low… very low. That said, the ease of getting gold and the outlet to spend that gold is much more straightforward then it has been in the past. The fact we can buy gold, then go right to the AH to buy gear, AND that gear can be amazing… that is something very new. It’s been very rare that multiple pieces exist on the AH at any point that are not only good, but could actually be a BIS piece.

Not on weapons which are the mostly difficult to farm or if you’re unlucky

Right and you can wait 20 min for a life in candy crush, but still people buy them.

And I am not disagreeing on that front. While I like the concept of corruption, I don’t like its implementation. There needs to be a way to target specific things, I feel that would alleviate this issue in particular. I hope if something similar is ever done in the future, they learn from it.

So it sorta just goes back to what I said initially.

Is it pay to win? In theory. But not really in practice. Due to the high requirements of how much you have to pay to actually “win”. And how (atleast in a pve environment…I don’t pvp enough to comment there) winning due to gear is questionable in itself.

Are you winning by downing a boss? Because it will be rare that 1 person doing a little more damage will be the reason a raid team starts downing things.

Some people would argue as much but I disagree with the notion. If we continue down the road of BoE’s becoming more and more plentiful and having random properties attached, we could have a problem.

But with the idea of loot just being loot and the removal of WF / TF / and Corruption going into Shadowlands, I don’t think we’ll run into an issue going forward.

A lot of people don’t seem to get this.
The answer is an unmistakable YES.

If you want to justify this system, then go ahead. But don’t deny that it is happening, and it is setting up a dangerous precedent that can fall off balance when you least expect it to.

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If I’m playing the same way I was in 8.0 in Shadowlands I don’t think I’ll be playing this game anymore.

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