Is WoW pay2win now?

No I would be paying a monthly sub for the ability to access the facility at my leisure. Which is fine, I would love WoW to operate like that again. But as it is now you pay to access the game, and you can pay to jump the grind, which demands they increase the grind in order to increase revenue. If they relied on subs, to increase revenue they would have to add content. It like paying a monthly sub to a gym but you have to wait outside in the sun while in line for equipment, but the gym sells fast passes for the equipment, do you think that gym would put any shelter up for the people waiting outside?


this is a black/white issue. Can you pay money to win? Yes. That’s really all there is to this argument.

This isn’t some theoretical science we are talking about. why the need to over over complicate this?

I get what you’re saying… just, I think the matter is simple though. unless i’m misunderstanding something.


Everything you listed you couldn’t do can be bought in game with gold. Most have you go to their discord for real money exchange so blizzard can’t trace it. Your case is just based on pure laziness or lack of interest.

Some people consider having the best gear as part of the end game, they can easily step into something difficult content with that gear. In some P2W games they have the items you could earn in game through time investment, or just skip all that for a drop of money, mobile games are notorious for this. Doesn’t seem that different tbh.

Pulling more dps for pvp, wpvp, raids, dungeons, getting into m+ and raids easier at the beginning.

He gets to out damage me because he bought items with real money. I don’t care how few, that simply shouldn’t be an option. It wasn’t for the majority of the life of this game.

In fact, if you tried buying gold before the token it was a literal permaban.

Irrelevant, see above.


Is this guy paying people to post his vids? I see the same thing on several forums

I don’t play mobile games for that reason. They are not getting my money !


If an actual gear worth salt were ever to be p2w I’d be the first to cry about it. But as far as I can remember that’s never been the case. BoE being BiS is not only rare, but also pretty inconsequential when it does happen.

Thats not pay to win…


The BiS comes from having the right corruption for the right content. Twilight devastation for M+, Infinite stars for raids. If you check realms like Area 52, its full of these items. Can completely roll over these content with the right pieces.

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so question then for ya.

is it just because players can earn gold that you are separating this? Now that players can buy tokens and sell them for gold, then take that gold to buy runs, isn’t that basically the same thing? That’s how these guilds are making so much gold. Maybe there is a degree of separation, but isn’t kinda the same thing?

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Zealous Ritualist’s Reverie
Item Level 475
Binds when equipped

Held In Off-hand

Bis for frost and fire mages with the right corruption. You were saying or…?


I find this comical when it isn’t even possible to buy enough tokens at one time to do such a thing.

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And yet wow had a Thriving gold selling economy, i have no illusions that a chunk the carries my raid team sold in BC and Wrath bought their gold.

It’s how its always been, the only thing thats more noticeable is BiS corruptions.


Pretty much everything you just said is so wrong its hard for me to start.

At most, you can buy a few select pieces, if they are even available on the AH.

You still are grinding the same things the people who didn’t pay grind.

Your suggestion they wouldn’t add content, because the people playing are only playing a few hours a month. Why add more content? It will take the people playing forever to even do anything. There is no need for more content when you play a few hours a month.

It would be like paying a sub at a gym, but they only have 2 treadmills. Its ok though, because almost no one goes to the gym. So they are never all in use.

Because I feel there is a disclaimer that needs to be involved.

Simply lumping WoW into the Pay2Win category with games that give you massive advantages for 5 dollars…10 dollars here and there feels dishonest. You have to heavily invest in WoW for it to be “pay2win” because its so blood expansive to get anything.

Its almost the opposite of the standard pay2win model. Every pay2win game I have played entices you to spend by making the spending dirt cheap.

WoW is the opposite. To get a single piece of gear early…when they are selling for 4 mil…5 mil…etc. Costs hundreds of dollars. That is the opposite of the pay2win plan you will see everywhere.

I feel like that is an important aspect people are ignoring so they can shout “omg, i suck at wow because I don’t pay! its pay2win!”

Where was he pulling this dps for raiding? In PUGS? You referencing getting an invite.

If you are relying on PUGs then you aren’t doing raiding you should be bragging about “winning” at.

Its not the same thing at all.

If you sell a run, you are completing in game actions for gold. You are not using a credit card, or mommy/daddy’s money (that was previously referenced).

I mean…is “pay2win” now being expanded to “if any of my gold came from anyone that bought it, at any point in the past it counts”?

If I sell herbs on the AH, and the person that happened to buy it, used gold from selling a token…and then I use that gold (not knowing it came from a token) to buy a run…

I am buying a run via pay2win?

That makes no sense.

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Weird how the pioneer in mobile gaming merged with Blizz and WoW suddenly had mobile gaming monetization.

That’s because WoW USED to be the bastion against that. We paid a MONTHLY FEE for a DECADE because we understood that was the best way to monetize the game for the players. We railed against tokens and the cash shop, it did no good, and people left. WoW WAS ride or die because we KNEW that the game was made by people who also understood us.


No, it isn’t pay to win. Also, why advertise streamers?

Well on the positive side, when corruption is GONE and this system is never brought back in any form, this kind of discussion might end.

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This is 100 percent correct. I wish I could drop 750k to 2 mill gold for one of these. But no, I’m stuck with a 460 staff because I can’t spend money on the game.


Why would you want to spend money on gear if you aren’t going to use it properly?

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