Is WoW pay2win now?

The second wow allowed you to buy gold it became pay to win. My friend has two wealthy parents so whenever a new raid comes out he buys all the new boes and decks himself out without ever setting foot in a raid and has no trouble getting invites when his ilvl is so inflated from said boes.

It took me half an expansion for me to get my Brutosaur. It took him less than an hour…

He can’t be the only one who does this and the fact that it’s an option is asinine.


Maybe because no one can get lost in MMOs because as soon as you get into it there is a prompt for you to open your wallet.

That’s the business model of gyms, and netflix.


I hate that selling runs has been somewhat legitimized, mythic raiders justify it as the cost of doing business- pots, food, etc. wow allows it as long as no actual cash changes hands, but pretty flimsy. if people don’t play the game to get what they want and are willing to pay for it, it’s the same thing.


So your friend spent 2000+ dollars. That is an extreme fringe case that will not be common. And he wins…what? Invites to a pug?

So once again.

Pay to win in “theory”, in practice its so rare its barely worth noticing.

How many people do you think are dropping 2k? 3k? 4k? on tokens per tier cycle?


They don’t care if it changes hands as long as one set of the hands are theirs.


With this logic, wow has always been pay2win. You have always… ALWAYS been able to buy runs with gold. Now, it’s just a little easier. Nothing has changed.


mythic raiding, M+, arena, rbgs… all have winning involved in some way. Be it actually win a match, or being the top of the ladder, being a realm first, world first… you name it. many of those are very lucrative and can have REAL financial returns. Maybe not something you’re going to quit your day job over, but maybe something to supplement a hobby you enjoy.

What are you even talking bout?

and gold can be bought with real money. every pay2win game I have played has always had an easy route (money) or a hard route. this is no different.


I have yet to see a single prompt in WoW to open my wallet.

If you only go to gyms and use netflix a few hours a month, that is a personal issue where you are wasting your money. I am quite sure that most people on netflix right now are getting more than a few hours a months in.

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Every mobile game developer would very much like to disagree with you


I don’t care about mobile games.

I care about WoW.

I like how the entire argument about WoW being Pay2Win seems to be based on mobile gaming, inaccurate information, extreme exaggeration.

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This is a yes or no question, you answered it that you can pay to win if willing to spend money. You and I cannot guess how many people are doing it and it is irrelevant, could be hundred of thousands for all we know, only Blizzard has this data. The topic is about if whether or not this is pay 2 win or not.


All the gold can also be earned in game. There is nothing p2w about having gold. The game doesn’t distinguish gold purchased with a token or gold earned in game. It all can be spent on the AH the same way. Pay 2 win is when there is some gear or some kind of power boost on the cash shop that is only available through the cash shop for real money.

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It is but it isnt in a sense.
Like yeah u can pay for high gear and stuffs but it will never give u and skills to do thing that raider does. So if u rich average player who wanna feel strong go for it. Otherwise it just wasting gold for nothing. What is worth paying is Achievement u could never afford if u are an average player who doesnt really raid tough

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I know right lol. I use to drop 200 a week easy on clash of clans for almost 2 years back in the day. I know people in a discord community that spend 10k+ to stay on top of certain mobile games a month if not more. People with more money than brain cells.


And I am saying that its more complicated than a “yes or no” question. And if you boil it down to that you are being intellectually dishonest.

Are you physically able to “buy” the best gear in WoW? Sorta.

Is it realistic that people are actually doing this? In context, its happening so rarely its not even worth noticing.

If you want to assert this is more common, then the burden of proof is on you.

So as I said before, in theory it could possibly be pay 2 win, but in practice its not.

Because the follow up question is “what are these people winning?”

In pay2win games, when you pay for something you get a huge advantage to win. I would like to see what these people are winning.

you’re really missing the point. who cares if you can earn gold in the game. If I can… whip out my credit card and level boost any toon and then buy ALL the bis pieces off the AH and be competitive within weeks… THAT is exactly what pay2win is.

I really have no idea why you are trying to argue otherwise. I can take MONEY… cash… and make my character strong. right… now.

The narrowly defined definition you’re giving for pay2win is one of you’re own construct.



No amount of money throwing is gonna get that Mythic Dres’agath dead. Only thing that will get that dong monster down is us throwing our bodies at it more.

And then we will continuously throw our bodies at Il’gynoth until he suffocates under the mountain of our corpses.


Pretty sure just getting a few rank 3 Twilight devastation’s would push someone from sucking at a M+ to destroying it. If I had money I didn’t care about, hey, I’d consider it. I never got lucky on those drops anyways.


Obviously you just didnt buy yourself enough gear.

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Yeah but Mobile games payment are made to have direct quick impact on your gameplay to counter the fact that u may be unskilled but just had spend more. WoW is a skilled based game. U may spend 2000$ on your gear be 475 but if u cant do raid or dungeon (Just stand in fire die/ In corruption gear effect) Your P2W mean nothing. to compared that if u spend Money in Mobile game your impact is more direct and less skills requiered. Its just u got more stuff and faster than the other one u win. Skills in mobile game is just requiered if power are the same

I mean i have to disagree with everyone that is saying it is P2W…

Even if someone does buy his BiS … what did he accomplish ?
As example, take me… I don’t raid… if i would spend money on tokens to buy a BiS piece of gear… i’d still not being invited to any raids, because i do not have any kind of RIO scores. … I don’t have any achievments, i haven’t killed any raid boss, haven’t done any high keys. I didn’t win NOTHING.

My definition of P2W: Items that give you an advantage over everyone else (better stats, procs, passives) or boosts that you can ONLY acquire with Cash in the Cashshop but WOW doesn’t have items/boosts in the shop and everything else you can get with gold.

But hey, that’s just me…

BTW: I never bought a token and i sure as hell wouldn’t spend that kind of gold in an item , ever.

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